Pet King

Chapter 552

Chapter 550 Chapter Hide and Seek Limits

Famous just woke up, his head is still awkward, and some can’t tell the world like the world and reality. It didn’t think that π was so unknowing, it was fooled, and it was swindled, and it was stunned. He suddenly felt a little panic and hurriedly shouted: “Hey! You two don’t hide! 磕 磕 to the head It!”

He shouted twice, but no one responded. Fano also stole the dog, guessing that Zhang Zi An thought it was swindling him out.

“Hey! I admit defeat, please? Don’t hide!”

It also called, but still no one responded.

This is forcing me to use the trick…Famous, in desperation, sucking the nose hard, sucking the mixed smell of the air into the nasal cavity, passing the 200 million olfactory cells of the nasal mucosa, there seems to be a route composed of odors in the room. In the picture, different odor sources produce different colors of odor, which are intertwined, although complicated, but not confusing.

Its ability to track outdoors with olfaction is far less than that of professionally trained warfare, but looking for someone in a closed room is just a small idea.

“π, wait a minute, I will find out the idiot.”

Famous comforted the twitching π, then followed the smell route out of the living room and continued to the kitchen on the second floor.


Famous can’t help but wonder if there is a problem with his nose, the kitchen is not big, and at a glance, there is really no place to hide, but the fresh smell left by Zhang Zi An is indeed pointing all the way.

Could it be that Zhang Zi An came here for a turn, so he made a fuss and then left again?

Impossible, the guy is not so smart, and the second is not the ability, because his smell is only in and out of the kitchen, unless he can instantly eliminate all his odor, otherwise he must stay in the kitchen.

Famous turned over the trash can – it didn’t understand why he was looking for it first, but the intuition told it that it was a good match for Zhang Zi An.

Of course, it is impossible to hide in a small trash can, even if Zhang Zi An unloads himself eight.

Famous found the trash can, and then opened each cabinet in turn, the cabinet contains a variety of rice, grain, oil and other ingredients, it is difficult to fit into a big living.

Strange, it looked up at the range hood, did Zhang Zi An drill into the range hood and then ran outside the flue? He thought he was Santa Claus?

Famous shook his head, maybe he had a cold, and his nose was really out of order, or go somewhere else to find it.

It turned and walked out, paused when passing the refrigerator, although it felt that Zhang Zi An’s brain would not be hidden even if he was kicked, but still open the refrigerator door and look at it.

When the refrigerator door opened, Zhang Zi An, who was frozen and covered with iron, sucked his nose, and his heart refused to blame: “Famous, you are swindling, saying that you can’t use the smell! You must find me through the sense of smell, admit it? ”

Famous is completely speechless, and you are also very hard to play hide and seek!

Or, the level and enthusiasm of Zhang Zi An to play hide and seek has exceeded the level it can understand…

The glass partition in the refrigerator freezer has been removed in advance by Zhang Zi An. Fresh vegetables and fruits, which need to be refrigerated and preserved, have been moved to the roof, and the name is “power saving”. Out of the refrigerator freezer is to play hide and seek?

Famous asked very seriously: “If I didn’t find you, would you like to keep hiding in the refrigerator?”

“Of course!” Zhang Zi An also very seriously affirmed, “This is a game of dignity!”

“You are playing games with life…” Famous thinks that he has left the human sphere, and may become a wizard in the future.

“Don’t worry so much, you honestly admit that you must find me by smell… Auntie!” Zhang Zi An made a loud sneeze.

Famous quickly hid to the side, secretly blaming his own crisis signs did not work in time.

It did not respond positively, but instead asked: “I told you just now, didn’t you hear?”

“I heard it, but I know that you want to swindle me, I won’t be fooled!” Zhang Zi An is full of inexplicable self-confidence, with a snot…

Famous said helplessly: “It is true, I want to scam pi, and as a result, it smashes into the head when it is drilled out of the desk. It seems to be very painful. You have to look over it.”

“Really?” Zhang Zi An was dubious.

“I have found you, the game is over, I am still swindling what you do!” Famous can’t wait to close the refrigerator door.

“Well, then let me see.”

Zhang Zi An just got out of the fridge.

“Right, let me talk a little bit…” Famous said from behind him. “You won’t plan to hide in the freezer of the refrigerator next time?”

Zhang Zi An was shocked. “How do you know where I am going to hide next time?”

Famous sighed, “Forget it, remember to hide and seek me next time, I don’t want to carry a human lawsuit…”

As he said, Zhang Zi An and it went back to the living room.

“π, how are you doing? Got your head? Let me see.” He looked at π really sitting on the ground with his head, and asked quickly.

The corner of his eye lingered to the unnamed book spread out on the ground, and the heart moved, but it is still important to check the π first.


π tearfully released his hand, Zhang Zi An opened the short hair on the top of his head, nothing serious, just a little red, after all, the desk is simple, not heavy.

“It doesn’t matter, you can do it, π don’t be fooled by Famous next time,” he laughed.

Famous interjected: “No, don’t call me next time to hide and hide, let me sleep with peace of mind!”

“Xinghai! Come out! The game is over, you won!” Zhang Zi An shouted, and by the way helped π 揉揉 head.

“Hey ~ Xinghai won! Xinghai won!”

Xinghai screamed out of the hallway and it seemed to be hiding in the storage room.

“Hey ~ π, are you hurting?” It asked to ask with concern next to π.


π shook his head and indicated that he was not hurting.

“I said, can you both play hide and seek not to be so serious?” Famous suggested.

Zhang Zi An said firmly: “Of course not, the great leader teaches us that everything is afraid of serious words!”

“You can’t use the word seriously in other places? For example, find a girlfriend?” Famous didn’t swear at Zhang Zi An’s pain.

“Zhu Xin, old iron!”

When they two of you said that I was a slap in the face, Xinghai went to the table and looked down at the untitled book that was spread out. He exclaimed: “Hey~ this book is very interesting!”

(End of this chapter)

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