Pet King

Chapter 555

Chapter 553 support

In the morning, the day was still not bright, and Zhang Zi An was still the first to wake up in the pet shop. In order to expand the space, the bedroom and living room have been opened in the last renovation, from the single bed you can directly see the hanging basket wicker chair and desk. Sitting up from the bed, he found that π was still not awake, still huddled like a baby in a hanging basket wicker chair, and clipped nose glasses were taken off the desk – it only took off the glasses when sleeping.

Usually, π wearing glasses seems to be precocious, and often makes him ignore its age. At this time, after taking off the glasses, π Mingming is still a minor monkey. If it is a wild monkey, at the age of it may just leave the mother’s back and try to explore this strange and unknown world.

The single bed squeaked with the movement of Zhang Zi An. Several elves were awake, but then they continued to sleep. Only Xinghai and π blinked their eyes, maybe because they are all fantasy genies, not too How much sleep? As for Snow Lion, in theory this neet cat is also an imaginary elf, but Zhang Zi An doubts if it is wrong…

π jumped out of the basket, put on the pinch-nose glasses, sat in the swivel chair, and couldn’t wait to open the laptop.

After uploading the first chapter, you should face the review of the new work of the website. The review editor will check whether the content of the first chapter has any tendency to violate the rules. Will someone commit the crime of committing the article of the general rudder or release some illegal acts? Ji is a confusing thing, but π’s novels are not touching these two points, there should be no problem.

Zhang Zi An knows that after turning off the lights last night, π has not fallen asleep, and the direction of the basket rattan chair has come from the direction of the torsion and the rubbing of the hair. It must be restless in order to wait for the results of the audit. π turned his head and opened his eyes to Zhang Zi An silently, clenching his fist.

Under the light of the display, its face is full of excitement.

He also gave a thumbs up to encouragement. In any case, π can be happy.

Zhang Zi An got out of bed with a cloak, but found that between the blink of an eye, π’s face was already sunny and cloudy, and half of her mouth stared at the screen.

He glanced in his heart, didn’t know what was going on, walked lightly, and used his fingers to draw a question mark on the desk and ask him.

The screen displays the “Work Management Area” in the background of the website. From this section, you can see some simple data of the work under the pen name. At present, there is only one book under the pen name of π, which is “Pet King.” It points to the data in one of the columns for him to see.

Collection: 2

That is to say, after the 1 chapter was issued, only two people saw and joined the bookshelf, one of which was π himself, and the wild reader was one – probably audit editor.

Zhang Zi An understands why π is suddenly depressed. To be honest, this is also in his expectation. Typing encourages: It doesn’t matter. In the web world of millions of words, if it is you, you will see only one. Chapter’s novel? Come on, stick to victory!

His encouragement has had a certain effect, π barely piled up a smile, typing: good.

It is not convenient to write directly in the background of the website. π takes a deep breath and tries to forget the poor number 2. Don’t think about it, open the Word document and start writing the second chapter.

Seeing π like this, Zhang Zi An is even more worried.

Abandoning the public and choosing a niche, he does not know whether his encouragement is a thirst for him. It is like a parent knows that the path chosen by the child may be a detour or even a dead end. At this time, the child should be encouraged to continue bravely and then squat. Breaking the blood, or trying to persuade the child to change course?

What is foreign is not clear, but most Chinese parents will choose the latter wisely, hoping to lay a path to the children’s road called “happiness”, hoping that the child will walk straight on this road without turning, forever Do not suffer any form of harm.

If this kind of thing happens in Fina and Old Time Tea, it doesn’t matter at all. Their pride and strength make them have unparalleled self-confidence, and they don’t accept anyone’s interference, even if they interfere with the master, even if they fail. But just smile, then dry the wound and move on. However, π is different from them. It is originally an introverted and sensitive elf. It is so isolated and not good at contacting other elves. It is not so powerful. Can it withstand the pain of failure?

Usually, when he gets up in the morning, he will go downstairs to clean and start a day-to-day business. However, today he rarely stands behind π for a long time, and he has to weigh the pros and cons repeatedly and it is difficult to decide.

π twisted back in confusion, typing asked: What happened?

Zhang Zi An smiled easily and bent down. He bent his finger on the table and typed a “person” on the table. Then he typed: Did you see it? The “people” of Chinese characters are mutually supportive. π, I want to tell you one thing, no matter what your novel is written, we will always stand behind you to support you.

Usually, when the Xinghai gets out of bed, he will go downstairs and Wendy will play hide-and-seek, but today it stays, jumps onto the desk, and swings his front paws to π to express his support.

π smiled happily, typing: Thank you.

It seems to have got some kind of invisible power, and the body is straight and straight, according to the posture and fingering that Zhang Zi An teaches it, continue to type, and the speed is still very slow.

Zhang Zi An silently watched the back of π. When he played the line, he made a decision in his heart. It is not necessarily a bad thing to take a detour. The experience of detours will become a valuable asset for the child’s life. At the mouth, the child may recognize the detour and choose the right path. Even if parents can’t stay with their children forever, they will finally let their children go on their own. What parents can do is to watch the child’s back in silence, and then prepare the wounds for the next trip when the children break their blood on the curved road.

After the fracture, the bones that are re-grown will be stronger; if the heart is injured, it will be stronger.

He turned slightly, watching the black and white portraits of his parents standing on the chest of drawers through the faint morning light, and they looked at him with a smile. They have never interfered with the path he chose, nor did they ask him to inherit the pet shop, so this should be their former mood?

However, this does not mean that he wants to be a pure observer. In order to better support π, there are still many things he can do.

(End of this chapter)

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