Pet King

Chapter 625

Chapter 623 Borrowing Car

Since the editor has already arranged the schedule, it should not be changed. Zhang Zi An returned to the second floor in a complicated mood and wanted to tell π about this news and make it mentally prepared.


π waited for him to talk, first pull him to let him see the computer screen.

“What’s wrong, π?”

He bent over and saw that the author had just popped up a hint in the background – “Hello, now inform you that the work “Pet King” will be recommended by the home Sanjiang today, and the non-finished works must be kept up to date.”

Sanjiang recommended?

Since π began to write novels at the beginning, Zhang Zi An often mingled in the web discussion forum of Wanghaige Forum, and learned a lot of common sense about starting points from the chats of netizens. He knows that Sanjiang recommendation is one of the most important recommendations in the new book period. If you can get a good ranking in Sanjiang recommendation, for example, the top five, it often means that you can get the last and most profitable recommendation income before the shelves. In the bag – “Home page is highly recommended.”

In addition, Sanjiang’s recommendation has more meanings – it can be recommended by Sanjiang. In addition to the achievement of the standard, it is often distinctive in some aspects and has been recognized by the editorial department of the starting point.

“Congratulations, π!” He sincerely congratulated π.

“Hey!” π also smiled.

Along the way, he witnessed that π has experienced the popular recommendation of the city, the city’s strong recommendation, and the six-frequency recommendation of the homepage six-frequency recommendation. Each time the recommended π score is ranked first, becoming a dazzling molecule, with undisputed The advantage goes into the next round. The Sanjiang recommendation is the fourth round of recommendation that π is about to go through. If it goes well, π will be strongly recommended on the fifth round of the homepage while it is on the shelves.

Most of the novels that go to this step will be put on the shelves after the strong recommendation, and the novels that are put on the shelves at the same time are rare. Zhang Zi An is slightly pondering. It is estimated that the bald little monk is very optimistic about π’s novels. On New Year’s Eve, he can compete for the new book monthly chart.

“Right, π, tell you one thing – just received an editorial notice, your novel will be on New Year’s Eve,” he bluntly said.

π was very happy, and the face suddenly became uneasy.


He knows what it is worried about. At present, there are almost 3 million netizens who have collected its novels. Both the book review area and the book group are very active, because it is currently free reading, and once the shelves are charged, how many people are willing to Pay for a novel written by a newcomer?

No one knows the answer and can only use time to test it.

As a website, it is impossible to keep the novel free of charge. Otherwise, the website will not make money. If you can’t make money, you can’t pay the employees, you can’t keep the server running, you can’t go to other places to advertise, and you can’t let the novel influence. The power is further expanded, so the fee is inevitable, and it is the stage that every successful novel has to go through.

“π, rest assured, the editor is very optimistic about you, and I am very optimistic about you. Your current performance has exceeded expectations. If there is anything that can’t be put in this way?” He sighed with enthusiasm, “in a place you can’t see.” There are still many people who support you silently, from the editor of the starting point to the single master of the book, to the ordinary book friends, everyone is your strength.”

He landed QQ on the computer, opened the group of friends, let π look at the current 300 book friends in the group, and said: “π, 300 unknown people gather in the virtual space because of you, this is a What a great thing!”

π silently watched the list of group members, and the computer screen reflected the ever-changing luster on its pinch-nose glasses.

After a long time, it nodded hard and typed: I will cheer.

“I believe in you.” Zhang Zi An patted its shoulder.

He straightened up and saw Wang Qian and Li Kun coming back from the window with two large plastic bags. When they knew that they had bought the fireworks, they said to π: “I will go downstairs and you will write slowly.”

Back to the first floor, Wang Qian and Li Kun also stepped into the entrance, holding a plastic bag and asked: “Master, the fireworks are bought back, where?”

“Show me, how much have you bought?”

The two large plastic bags are full of fireworks and firecrackers, so many people can’t name them. Because he didn’t pay for what to buy, they bought some of them, including a slightly larger jet-like fireworks and two thousand loud red firecrackers, as well as some cold fireworks that were safe to fire.

“Master, where do you want to put it, let us put it for you… But when do you go to put flowers and shoot and take us?” The two of them squinted at each other.

“I will let it go, you can quickly clean it.” Zhang Zi An waved their hands to let them work.

Old Time Tea poked his head out from behind the TV and asked, “Zionan, the old smell seems to smell the smell of sulfur and saltpeter?”

Zhang Zi An took the fireworks to the front of it and took out a bunch of red and red earth firecrackers to show it. “Tea Master, are you not sorry that there is no firecracker in the New Year? It doesn’t matter, let’s buy it ourselves.”

Old Time Tea looks at the fireworks in the bag: “Zi An, the old ruin is just a mouthful, why do you have to pay for it?”

“In any case, we don’t want to save money, don’t worry.” Zhang Zi An picked up the plastic bag filled with fireworks and firecrackers into the second floor storage room. From the narratives of Wang Qian and Li Kun, he had guessed that Old Time Tea had stopped and punished the speeding party for the night, so it wouldn’t be too much to satisfy Old Time Tea’s wish to break the money.

In the storage room, these flammable and explosive products were properly placed, and his mobile phone received a voice message, which was sent by Lu Yiyun.

“Mr. Manager, Dr. Sun is looking for you downstairs.”

“I know, go downstairs right away,” he replied.

He walked quickly to the first floor, and Sun Xiaomeng stood in the down jacket, his eyes resting on the pregnant Abyssinian cats.

“They are born soon?” she asked Zhang Zi An when she saw it.

“Probably after the Spring Festival,” he replied.


She threw a small gadget at her hand and was accurately picked up by Zhang Zi An, her car key.

Because Sun Xiaomeng had to go back to his hometown during the Chinese New Year without a car, and Zhang Zi An wanted to go to the police dog nursing home, she borrowed a car from her, saving the trouble of finding a taxi.

“Thank you.” Zhang Zi An put the car key in his pocket.

“I don’t have to give you a verbal thank you. Who made you help me too, otherwise I don’t have any place to put them in cats and dogs.” She shook her head gently. “And, when you run out of cars, you have to wash your car and add it. It’s full of oil! Otherwise I won’t borrow it next time.”

Zhang Zi An was smothered by her words, and she couldn’t help but be embarrassed. In fact, he was planning to use the car and then go back and go back.

He was trying to declare that he was not the kind of person, and he saw a police car parked on the side of the road.

(End of this chapter)

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