Pet King

Chapter 627

Chapter 625 chapter tricky puzzle

Sun Xiaomeng didn’t specifically want to eavesdrop, but the words “love cute pet” floated into her ears, and she started to feel the spirit. To say that love cute pet is the main competitor of the pet home, it is really wronged to love the pet, because the size of the family is much larger than the pet home, there is no pet home at all.

The pet business is bleak. One of the most important reasons is the low price dumping of love pets. The pets of similar tastes are cheaper than the former 20%, and on this basis, they can bargain and squeeze other pets. The living space of the breeding base.

She has always been very confused, how does love pets push the price so low, after cutting the cost and then manpowering the material and resources, this is not profitable?

When she heard the words of Shengke and Zhang Zi An, she was firmly attracted to her attention. After hesitating, she took the courage to come up.

Shengke has some doubts, why a practicing veterinarian is so interested in pet breeding bases, but since she is a friend of Zhang Zi An, there is nothing to keep this secret, and she will introduce her to her. .

“You mean, love Meng pet to kill the dog brought by the customer?” she asked, frowning.

On this issue, Shengke could not answer, because the lady who reported the case had been rolling in, and the bear child she brought was also crying, and did not describe the specific process.

Zhang Zi An told the story about the day. The lady with the child played the teacup’s hind legs. Zhang Wanguo said that he could take care of the joints of the dislocated joints in order to pull the business. The lady believed it. Go to him with a teacup dog.

鈥淭his is obviously a doctor without a license!鈥?Sun Xiaomeng said calmly. 鈥淚 don鈥檛 believe that a salesperson has a medical license.鈥?/p>

鈥淏ut this is his personal behavior,鈥?Zhang Zi An points out. 鈥淚t鈥檚 not about love.鈥?/p>

He guessed what Sun Xiaomeng wanted to do. She wanted to take the opportunity to find out the weaknesses of her love pets. Even if she couldn’t pull the other side, she could at least slap their arrogance, otherwise they would go on like this, including other pet cultures including pet homes. The base may only be related to the door.

This is not only related to Sun Xiaomeng’s and her family’s industry, but also to Zhang Zi An. If you let Ai Meng be a local one, then you will definitely use the monopoly to raise prices and make huge profits. After all, they are not charitable. After the price war kills other people, you can do whatever you want.

鈥淵es.鈥?Shengke agreed. 鈥淭he personal behavior of the salesperson is not appropriate. I love the pet to dismiss him at the top. I can鈥檛 use this as a proof of illegality.鈥?/p>

“Captain, what can I do for this?” Zhang Zi An bluntly asked, he could decide what to do and how to do it only if he had a clear attitude with Shengke.

This incident is not only to help Shengke’s human feelings, but also to help Sun Xiaomeng, and even help himself, so he does not intend to stay out of the way. If the love of the pet has never been open to the public, it is really hidden, and his parents will be in a good spirit and will definitely agree with his decision. If the chaos of the pet industry continues to develop, it will ultimately harm everyone’s interests.

Shengke quickly glanced around and once again determined that no unrelated personnel were present, he bluntly said: “We are the police, and those departments of industry and commerce and consumer associations are basically ignorant of pets, even if they are in front of us. If we do something illegal, we can’t see it…so I want to ask you…” When he said this, he took a look at Sun Xiaomeng and took care of her feelings. He changed his words: “I want to ask you to help, find Proof of love and crimes – assuming that there are illegal crimes, then we can file a case.”

He turned his voice and said: “If not, or can’t find it, we can at least have a confession to the informant. The woman claimed to be a teacup dog who spent two or three thousand dollars to buy it. It is hard for us to file a case for fraud.”

“I understand.” Zhang Zi An took a deep breath, “Let me think.”

Looking for proof is easier said than done. The love pet breeding base is not a dog market that can be easily accessed. Their farms are never open to the public. How to find proof? Can’t go to the door to ask?

Sun Xiaomeng bit his lower lip and frown. Love Meng Chong can develop the scale so large, even if it is illegal to operate the proof must also be well hidden, may only be known to the core personnel, and these people can never be rumored.

Shengke knows that this incident is very tricky. The police officers do not know the pets. Even if they search with a search warrant, they will not be blind.

Zhang Zi An has always had a lot of ideas. He has solved the bizarre office stolen case for Shengke and the incredible “War Dog” crew smoke and poison dog case. Shengke has great expectations for him.

As for Sun Xiaomeng, she also knows that Zhang Zi An’s knowledge of pet knowledge is very broad and actionable, helping her customers solve the dog case during New Year’s Day. If anyone can find a way to deal with love, then It must be him.

If the love pet is pulled down, her father’s farm will usher in a turning point, so that the pet breeding industry in the region will return to healthy competition instead of unscrupulous price war. The price war is a double-edged sword that hurts and hurts others.

Zhang Zi An felt four eyes betting on himself, and the heavy expectation was also a great pressure, but he really couldn’t think of a good way.

After thinking for a long time, he sighed and said: “Captain, give me some time to think about it.”

“Well, this matter has nothing to do with you, and it has nothing to do with the police. It’s just my personal request. I really can’t think of it and don’t force myself.” Shengke stood up from the chair with disappointment and re-applied. Big hat.

The so-called “don’t force yourself” is to let Zhang Zi An’s investigation not be out of the box, and not to break the legal exclusion zone for investigation.

Zhang Zi An also understands and nods. “Well, I understand. If I figure out a way, I will call you to inform you.”

Shengke’s affairs are busy, and Zhang Zi An is inconvenient to retain and send him out.

鈥淥n behalf of me, I would like to say hello to the friends of the Police Dogs.鈥?Zhang Zi An reminded him again, 鈥淲hen Xiao Liu and Xiao Wang come back from the mission, they are welcome to come and play with Red Dragon and the prince. I invite them to dinner.鈥?/p>

Shengke smiled and said: “Okay, no problem, it’s too busy now, I have been waiting for the year–but we should ask you, we still owe you a meal. If it weren’t for you, there might be more police dogs injured. … well, I will go first, see you, call something!”

“Captain, be careful on the road.”

Zhang Zi An watched him leave and returned to the pet store.

(End of this chapter)

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