Pet King

Chapter 697

Some people in the 695 chapter are dead, she is still alive.

Even though Eddie listened to the sound, there was 99% confidence that this was the person who just called, but he cautiously and politely asked: “Oh… well, Cathy, was the call you made?” Sorry, I came to the office late today and didn’t receive it.”

“Yes, it doesn’t matter, I said I will call again.” The person on the phone said, “You are Eddie Lewis, can I call you Eddie?”

“Of course.” Eddie sat in a comfortable position on the chair. “Kathy, what can I do for you?”

“Yes, Eddie, I want to donate a sum of money for your foundation. Can you tell me your remittance account?” asked the other party.

“Oh! Please allow me to represent the Foundation and extend my sincere gratitude to you for your generosity!” Eddie is very happy to turn on the computer. “But please understand that we still have some formalities to do. If you don’t mind, in order to Make sure your rights, I am going to record the call now.”

“Please, I don’t mind,” the other said.

Eddie pressed the recording and hands-free buttons to transfer the donation data database from the computer. “Okay, I am recording now. Can you say your full name again?”

“I am Catherine Donna Ryan,” the other said.

Every time the other party said a word, Eddie typed the corresponding letter on the keyboard.

“Catherine Donna Ryan?” He saw the result on the screen, and he couldn’t help but smack the name of the other person. “Hey… Ms. Ryan… I mean Kathy, have you used to be?” Donated money to our foundation?”

“Yes, but I can’t remember the process of donation. After all, the age is not very good, you know.” The tone of the other party is somewhat perfunctory, like what is being concealed.

“But…” Eddie swallowed a sip and stared at the screen and said hard: “But, Cathy, you donated last time… donated in the form of a will… Listen, no matter who you are, this It’s not funny to joke.”

He quickly read the donation record of Catherine Donna Ryan. She has donated money to the Foundation several times in a dozen years. All of them are designated for lung cancer research. The last amount is the largest. The lawyer handled it as her will.

Is it the same name? It is too rare for the first name, the last name, and the middle name to be duplicated, and it is a coincidence that the same foundation is selected for donation. Therefore, it can only be explained by mischief.

“I know, I know.” The other person laughed on the phone. “I understand your feelings. The will is that right, but… well, I have a little accident. I thought I was dead, lawyer and The doctor thought so, but then I came over. You see, I am now fully recovered, and I am traveling in China. – Did you hear the firecrackers outside? It’s really alive during the Spring Festival!”

Eddy: “…” Of course I know that I am currently in the Spring Festival. Do you think that I am late for what happened in the morning?

He felt that some of his mouth was dry, and he took a cup of coffee and drank it. He changed his earpiece and clipped it on his shoulder.

“Slightly wait, please don’t hang up.”

He presses the call hold button on the landline, and then retrieves the call history left by Catherine Donna Ryan from the computer and clicks to play.

The voice that is exactly the same as the one just heard came from the computer speaker. Except for the slight distortion caused by the long-distance recording of the recording file and the conversion of the analog signal to the digital signal, it is definitely the same person based on his hearing.

So, is it true that lawyers and doctors are mistaken?

The doctor mistaken the death certificate, and the lawyer donated her property to the foundation based on the wrong death certificate. Sounds… quite ridiculous.

Thinking of this, Eddie took a breath of cold. He really felt very sincerely sorry for the two doctors and lawyers. How many dollars did he have to pay for such a serious mistake? It is estimated that even the medical license will be permanently revoked.

It seems that this is true, there is no other reasonable explanation.

He turned off the previous recording and reconnected the phone.

“Kay, are you still there?”

“Well, Eddie, have you checked it out?” The other party smiled and seemed to have already decided the answer.

Eddie cleared her throat. “Sorry, Cathy, I just misunderstood you.”

“This is of course, who will replace the name of others to donate? This is not a relief.” The other party smiled and accepted his apology. “Okay, let us do business now.”

What she said makes sense. Although Eddie still feels awkward, she can’t find any reason for questioning and proof.

“Kay, do you have a fax machine there? I need to fax you a donation confirmation letter. We have a bank account on the confirmation letter. We also support paypal payment. Please fill it out and fax it back, can you?”

The other party paused, the microphone was smashed, and it seemed to be discussed with whom, and then said a little trouble: “Can’t you give me an account directly? Do you have to be so troublesome?”

Eddie explained, “Please forgive me, Cathy, this is your request for donations in the past, because you asked for donations to be used to study the funding of lung cancer. If you do not limit the scope of funding, then you do not need to fill out Confirmation letter. So, Kay, are you planning to limit the scope of funding, or not?”

Like the previous one, the other party paused for a moment, and then said in a very helpless tone: “Okay, okay, then fax it over and pass it to this number.”

Eddie sent the confirmation letter in the past.

“Kay, have you received it?”

After a while.

“Received, how do you fill out this stuff?”

Eddie’s doubts are a bit more confusing. Cathy’s previous donations were not his work, but it is reasonable to say that she should have filled out this form several times. Why not fill it?

However, he patiently explained: “The first article please fill in your email address and residence address, so that we can send you a donation voucher; the second article please choose your funding target, you can choose either multiple or multiple choices, you can See the names of various cancers such as pharyngeal cancer, lip cancer, colon cancer, gallbladder cancer, liver cancer, bone cancer, etc. If you only intend to fund lung cancer, please choose the tenth option; please fill in the amount of your donation for the third article; The last one, whether you donate this time to miss someone, or to pay tribute to someone, or just want to donate, please check the reason.”

There was a rustling sound and a breathing sound on the phone, and there was a buzzing sound. The other person complained as if filling in a side and whispering, and occasionally heard a few cats and dogs.

Within a few minutes, the other party put down the pen and said, “Okay, fill it out. What are you doing now? Can you send money?”

For the first time, Eddie encountered a person who was so eager to donate money. The other person seemed to be eager to donate money.

He licked his lips and said, “Please sign the signature in the confirmation letter and fax it back.”

“What? Still signing…”

The other person seems to be very surprised and unwilling to sign, but Eddie insists on autographing.

In desperation, the other person said as if he was explaining something: “I haven’t written it for a long time, I forgot how to sign it…”

Eddy: “…” Even if I haven’t written for a long time, can I forget how my name is written?

After a while, the fax machine rang and received the documents faxed by the other party.

“Eddie, is that okay?” asked the other.

Eddie pulled the file and glanced at the “$4000.00” written on the donation amount. He replied: “Yes, Cathy, I have received the confirmation letter and can donate.”

“Okay.” The other said, “Please check it out.”

He refreshed his bank account and saw that 4000 dollars were credited.

“Thank you again for your generosity! We assure you that every penny you spend will be used on the battlefield to finance humans and cancer against your requirements.”

In his years of service to the Matthew Davis Foundation, he has said this innumerable times and will continue to speak in the future.

“Okay, Eddie, that’s it, I wish you a happy day, goodbye!” said the other easily.

“Goodbye, Cathy.”

The other party hangs up.

There was a beep in the earpiece, and Eddie also put down the phone and turned off the recording.

Although the process was a bit odd, the donation was smooth.

I received a donation of 4000 dollars as soon as I got to work. It was a wonderful start, enough to make him feel happy again because of the bad weather, just like the sun bathing in California beach.

Eddie picked up the old-fashioned songs more than a decade ago, opened the desk drawers, and wanted to put the confirmation letter in, and then sent it to the archives before going to work at night.


At the bottom of the confirmation letter, he noticed the signature of the other party.

Catherine Donna Ryan

The name is no problem, the question is… How can this word be so ugly? Even the words of primary school students are not as good as!

The ugly signature and the voice of the other party gave him a big contrast.

Then he noticed the last one on the confirmation letter – whether the donation was to miss someone, to pay tribute to someone, or just to donate.

The other party chose the second option to pay tribute to someone. The blank is filled in with KDR.

In other words, the other party used this donation to pay tribute to the person named KDR.


Coincidentally, the abbreviation of Catherine Donna Ryan is also KDR.

Pay tribute to yourself?

Or just a coincidence?

He took the confirmation letter and reviewed it several times. The more he thought about it, the more he thought it was.

In any case, the sound of the previous voice is indeed the voice of Catherine Donna Ryan, there is no mistake, he believes in his own ears.

Then how can this be explained?

Eddie stood up and leaned against the window and looked out.

The drizzle is still falling, judging by his familiarity with the weather in San Francisco, this rain will not stop for the time being. There are still a few familiar cars parked in the parking lot. There are no new cars coming in. It seems that there will be no visitors between the moments.

He glanced at the landline again, and it quietly squatted on the table, as if there was no bell.

“Okay.” He said to himself as if he had made up his mind, “Let us come, Katherine Donna Ryan, what secret do you hide?”

Eddie put the confirmation letter in his hand, opened the answering machine, and locked the door of the office to leave.

He turned a corner and went outside the office of the colleague who had greeted him in the hallway.

The nameplate on the door reads: the archives room.

He knocked on the door and pushed the door.

“Hey! Jason!”

“What’s wrong, Eddie? Don’t tell me that you are going to the bar now, haven’t you got off work yet?” Jason behind the desk looked at the watch jokingly.

Eddie smiled and said: “No, Jason, I have something to do – help me find a few confirmation letters from the past, the donor is Catherine Donna Ryan.”

“What’s the problem?” Jason asked worriedly.

“Not for the time being, just thinking… review it.”

Eddie didn’t want to make it known until things were clear.

“Okay, let me see.” Jason quickly found the number of the portfolio on the computer, took it out of the filing cabinet and handed it to Eddie.

Eddie opened the portfolio for some years and pulled out several confirmation letters from it.

Without careful comparison, he found that the signatures of these confirmation letters were completely different from those of the previous ones. The fonts were neat and tidy, apparently not written by the same person. In addition, the reason for the donation, these confirmation letters are selected “in order to miss someone”, the name of the object of remembrance is obviously the husband of Catherine Donna Ryan who died of lung cancer.

There is only one exception, this is written by a lawyer named Adams, accompanied by a copy of the power of attorney.

He silently read it several times. He didn’t say anything, wrote down the contact information of Adams’ lawyer, and then put the confirmation letter back into the portfolio and put it back in place.

“Thank you, I am going to treat you this evening – I mean, if the rain stops.” He waved Jason and left the archives.


China, Binhai, Qiyuan pet shop.

Zhang Zi An hung up and said in a heart: “How do I feel that this person seems to be very careful… he won’t find a problem?”

“Oh! Probably not, if there is a problem, it must be on your shit-like signature!” Richard cried with his wings. “I said, you idiots are free and will only hang this grandfather to play?” Why don’t you practice the signature?”

“Your donkey may not look better than the shit.” Famous just went upstairs to drink water. When he heard Richard’s words, he immediately replied that the pot could not be carried by the dog.

“Even if I practice the signature, I will not practice it according to the name of others?” Zhang Zi An said that he was wronged. “Are you blaming me? I thought the donation was to directly hit the money, but I don’t know how much trouble.” Procedure!”

Richard raised the wings on one side and pointed at the rope hanging from the ceiling and shouted: “Hey! Don’t you blame you? This uncle suggests that you go to the southeast branch!”

Zhang Zi An: “…” The skin of this ostrich is itchy!

Two-in-one chapter

(End of this chapter)

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