Pet King

Chapter 710

Chapter 708

The staff of the “War Dog” crew received Zhang Zi An and Famous at the airport exit, took them to the rented car and headed to the hotel booked near Potsdamer Platz.

Sure enough, as expected, the temperature in Berlin is lower than that of the coastal city, and it is not only two or three degrees lower, almost four or five degrees lower, but also with small snow and high humidity. Fortunately, Richard did not take the opportunity to come, otherwise it is estimated that the freezing is enough.

The whole Berlin is filled with the warm atmosphere of the annual film festival. Even the main roads leading to the city’s main roads are posted on the sides of the Berlin Film Festival. Although Zhang Zi An could not understand German at all, it did not prevent him from smiling.

The staff responsible for driving the car gave him a glimpse of the glorious history of the Berlin Film Festival, as well as some of the stars who came to the festival, as well as the schedule of the crew for these days. Zhang Zi An understands that the itinerary is basically tight and loose, because the film festival is not simply a film screening and awards. The sale of movie rights is also an important part, but these are the producers and have nothing to do with him. As long as the appropriate time to lead the public with the promotion.

Potsdamer Platz is almost the busiest area of ​​Berlin. To his surprise, the journey from the airport to the hotel is less than 20 minutes. There is no traffic jam on the road. If it is replaced by the capital of the motherland, 20 has not left the airport expressway.

After entering the urban area, the most intuitive feeling is that the old buildings are row upon row, and there are very few high-rise buildings. Unlike the emerging cities of Binhai and the commercial atmosphere of Los Angeles, the biggest impression here is the sense of history, and of course it can be understood. For the decaying old-fashioned imperialist day.

Posters with bear prints appear more frequently on both sides of the street, and the beautiful guys with different skin colors on the sidewalks are dazzling, and occasionally a long queue of modern buildings in front of a certain style can be seen. According to the employees who drove the car, they were waiting in line to buy movie tickets. Many of them came from the field and even from other EU countries to participate in the film festival. Even the cold and snow could not erase their passion for the film.

Compared to other European film festivals, the Berlin Film Festival is more intimate, and movie tickets are hard to find. Online bookings do not necessarily get the movie tickets you want to watch. The most reliable way is to wait an hour or two on the spot. team. If you can’t grab the ticket, you can also hold the ticket at the entrance of the cinema before the movie is released. Maybe some of the viewers who bought the ticket will transfer the ticket or give it for free because they can’t watch it temporarily. This time is often more popular, especially young girls.

The car parked outside the hotel and Zhang Zi An got off the bus with Famous. It may be that I have greeted the hotel management in advance, although everyone in the hotel lobby is facing Famous, but no one is blocking it. The hotel is not the only one of the “War Dog” crew. He saw a few familiar foreign handsome guys in the lobby, but he was only familiar with the name, and he couldn’t name it. He might have appeared in a movie as a supporting role.

“Xiao Zhang, you are here! Come here!”

Zhang Zi An was at a loss, and I didn’t know how to check in. I heard a slightly old voice coming from the sofa near the lobby and it was familiar Chinese.

He turned his head and said that it was the director Feng Xuan who had not seen him for a long time.

Director Feng Xuan usually does not trim the margins. He is wearing a wrinkled suit when interviewing Famous, but today he looks very spirited. The suit is neat and tidy, with a smile. The whole person is five years younger. This is probably Everyone has a good spirit. Feng Xuan was chilling with others, and saw Zhang Zi An, who was holding the dog inside, and immediately stopped him.

“Feng, I haven’t seen you for a long time! How is your body?”

Zhang Zi An walked a few steps to meet and shook hands with Feng Xuan.

“Take your blessings, don’t look at my age, my health is very good.” Feng Xuan smiled and looked down at Famous.

“Hello, Famous, take the opportunity to work?” he said.

Famous did not miss this opportunity to see all the eyes, lightly put the waist up, the person stood up, the left front paws out, and placed on Feng Xuan’s left hand without hesitation, as a handshake.

Feng Xuan has felt that the difference of Famous has been more than once in the filming process. It is even more surprising at this time, because after a long time, it still remembers that he is left-handed?

Zhang Zi An said to him: “It’s still a bit hard, mainly because I can’t eat on the plane, and I only eat a hot dog when I get off the plane.”

“Oh, then go check in first, then go eat something. Who, take Xiao Zhang and Famous to their room.” Feng Xuan called another standby employee.

“Well, Feng, I will go upstairs first.” Zhang Zi An took the lead and went upstairs.

“Wait a minute, take this.” Feng Xuan handed over a square box of household appliances, “electric kettle, they do not provide hot water, the weather is cold, drinking cold water is estimated to be diarrhea.”

“Still Feng thought thoughtfully…”

Zhang Zi An dragged the suitcase in one hand and held the unopened electric kettle box in his arms. He sighed that ginger was still old and spicy. He could think of preparing an electric kettle in advance, otherwise it would be like this for 10 days. Cold water, it is really possible to diarrhea. Old Time Tea can’t drink tea without hot water.

Feng Xuan smiled and shook his head. “No way, always running outside. I have been sinned for a few times without drinking hot water. We have an electric kettle in each of our staff rooms. You live in a double standard room. After all, take care of Famous.”

Zhang Zi An nodded and was very grateful to Feng Xuan for taking care of himself. It was much more convenient to have a room.

“Right, have you brought a bow tie?” Feng Xuan asked again.

Zhang Zi An A trip, before the departure of the team leader Nie Yuan deliberately stressed that each staff member must wear formal dresses and dresses, in case of emergency, why Feng Xuan specifically asked to bring the lead?

“Take it.”

Despite the confusion, he responded with conditioned reflexes, and his heart was awkward because his bow tie was a bargain.

“Is there a few colors and patterns?” Feng Xuan asked again.

“Hey, maybe three or four.” Zhang Zi An replied, “Would you like me to show it out?”

“Now, don’t you, go upstairs and settle down.” Feng Xuan waved and pointed at the leather collar on the neck of Famous. He said, “After you settle down, take the collar down, then put those kinds of bow ties on Famous. Just send it to me and use it when you walk on the red carpet.”

Zhang Zi An: “…” For a long time, I was wearing a bow tie for Famous? I really want to cry!

(End of this chapter)

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