Pet King

Chapter 749

Chapter 747 is worthy of the name

When the old woman gave her a speech, Lin Feng’s assistant was keenly aware that the name that the old woman was about to read must be a movie actor who was neither English nor German. She immediately resisted the ecstasy and quietly licked Lin Fengfeng. , indicating that he is ready to face the camera and take the stage.

Lin Feng is also overjoyed. Although he has prepared the awards in advance, the possibility of using the truth is very low, just in case.

In the foreign language films of the Berlin Film Festival, the most influential foreign language films are so three or four, including the “War Dog”, and the other heroine in the Chinese Criminal Investigation Films, which is shortlisted for the main competition unit, has more drama. weight.

Therefore, since it is a foreign language film award, Lin Feng believes that the old woman is about to read his name, the body involuntarily tilted forward, intends to stand up and wave to the surrounding.

At the same time, Zhang Zi An and Famous’s heart is very calm, because Feng Xuan’s best director award missed, then only the final award of the best film Golden Bear Award is competitive.

No one expected that the old woman who was one of the founders of the Berlin Film Festival actually said the name of Famous!

The stage was quiet for a moment.

Most of the stars were amazed. From their mouth shape, they were saying that they were “unbelievable”, and the reporters were excited to tremble with their thighs, knowing that they were witnessing history.

The camera accurately pointed the faces of Zhang Zi An and Famous and faithfully recorded their stunned expressions.

In his pocket, the phone suddenly sounded a tone, but he didn’t have time to look.

[Game Tips]: Congratulations! Your avatar dog has collected enough faith to reach the upgrade standard!

[Game Tips]: Your avatar dog is currently an elite/epic level and will become an epic after the upgrade.

[Game Tips]: Is it upgrade now? If you choose “No”, you can upgrade it at any convenient time.

[Yes/No, remind me later]

The hostess probably expected this situation and said it twice in a row: “Please ask the Famous and the dog trainer to come on stage, and the dog trainer will accept the award.”

The guests at the stage finally reacted, and the exclamations and applause were mixed. More people wrote crazy tweets on various social media – it was a dog who won the best actor at the Berlin Film Festival. !

Nie Yuan, Lin Feng and the rest of the crew all stunned their chins. They couldn’t imagine it anyway. Was they dreaming or the Germans were crazy, and gave a heavyweight award to a dog?

Feng Xuan pushed Zhang Zi An and signaled him to go on stage.

The loss of Feng Xuan’s heart was surprised and gratified. In any case, winning the prize is always good.

Zhang Zi An didn’t know how he got on the stage. He was completely chaotic in his mind. He felt like he was stepping on cotton. He just followed the Famous and walked mechanically to the wheelchair of the old woman.

The old woman smiled and opened her arms and hugged him. He whispered in his ear: “You have a good dog.”

Her body is as thin as dead wood, and her weight should be very light. Zhang Zi An does not dare to force herself when she is hugging, for fear that she will be injured if she exerts a little force.

After the hug, the old woman bent a little and gently touched Famous’s head and said, “You performed very well. These human actors should be ashamed of themselves.”

Then she blinked to Zhang Zi An in a mischievous manner. “Go to the speech, I hope you have prepared.”

Zhang Zi An stood in front of the podium, facing countless pairs of eyes under the stage, and Famous sat next to him.

There was a full five seconds and he said nothing.

The hostess frowned slightly and was about to intervene to save the field. The old woman had to open the rescue field in advance.

She smiled and said: “When I was very young, I might have watched another dog starring in the movie at the age of the children outside the movie palace. Everyone has seen it – you certainly know who I am talking about. And I believe that only the people in the room have seen the movies in the cinema.”

The guests from the audience smiled intently.

She continued: “I was amazed when I saw Famous, because it looked exactly like the other dog in my memory. But unfortunately, the dog failed to board because of some reasons other than movies. At the time, the highest podium, so I was honored to present this award to Famous – it seems that nearly a hundred years have passed, and human society has finally made a little progress.”

The audience members laughed louder and made her humorous and funny.

“My children may not remember, but when they were very young, when the Berlin Film Festival was just established, I told them that if such a miracle happened, I would learn to call them to them.” – Now, it’s time to fulfill the promise.” She looked around the stage and whispered “Wang” and smiled.

There was a burst of laughter and applause from the audience.

She nodded to Zhang Zi An, she got enough buffer time for him, and then it was up to him.

Zhang Zi An certainly didn’t prepare a prize. It was impossible to think that Famous would win the prize. This is not a question of acting. In his opinion, Famous is better than any actor in this festival. He just doesn’t dare. I believe that the jury of the Berlin Film Festival dared to take the world by big, pushing a dog to the podium, and the organizing committee of the Berlin Film Festival really agreed.

Maybe only the Germans in the whole world will do this.

After the old woman finished speaking, the applause and laughter of the audience stopped, and Zhang Zi An finally calmed down. He knew what he had to say, and he was decent enough to make the organizing committee think that the award was given to Famous. wrong.

He raised the silver bear trophy and learned the old woman’s appearance. He used a witty word to dilute the awkward atmosphere: “You can see that I was surprised because I never thought about it, I followed a dog, but I took it. Going back with a bear…”

There was another laugh under the stage.

Zhang Zi An smiles and recovers.

“After coming to Germany, I deeply felt that Germany is a world leader in caring for animals. You have made a loving decision to truly treat animals as life equal to us, to provide benefits and protect animals. Animal rights.”

He paused and raised his hand to refer to a direction outside the palace.

“On the way to the movie palace, I saw an angel in Berlin. It turns out that the angels are not only in the victory column of the city center, but also in the hearts of each of you.”

The guests from the audience also converge on the smile and listen carefully.

He looked down at Famous and stared at it.

“Famous likes its name very much because it is a big fan of Audrey Hepburn, and Audrey Hepburn also has a dog named Famous. It wants to be an angel like Audrey Hepburn – the guardian of the children. Angel. I know that there are still many children in the world who are hungry, so I plan to donate all the fakes to the United Nations World Food Program so that more children can eat. I think if the May can speak It will definitely agree to do this.”

Famous let him control his own pay, which is his decision to consider, but he did not expect to stand on the podium and speak out in public.

At this moment, he was very honored to be familiar with Famous.

In his pocket, a line of text flashed on the screen of the phone.

[Game Tips]: Congratulations! The sensibility of the avatar dog has been enhanced to trust and gain the freedom to move!

(End of this chapter)

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