Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 37: | The Promised Land (10)

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"Get out from here!" Li Ye shouted at the two when she saw that the situation was wrong.

Lin Banxia and Li Su hurriedly retreated towards the door, these things came out more and more, and the speed was faster and faster, just in a blink of an effort, an Elena fell from the ceiling and fell on Li Su ’s On the shoulder, Li Ye responded extremely quickly. Raising his hand was a shot. The bullet rubbed Li Su's cheek and wiped a few traces of blood, coaxing that Elena directly to smash.

Lin Banxia hadn't used a gun very much, and could only fight back with his hand / gun, but the quasi-head couldn't do it. In desperation, he simply used a dagger. It's just that the counterattack of the three of them is obviously nothing but a short salary. Soon after they left the house, the entire room where they were just now turned into a terrible melting pot. Yan Shishi, the doors made of stone were all extruded with exaggerated cracks.

"I can't go on like this-Lin Banxia !! You go to Sergei and make him dizzy !!" Li Su shouted, "We are here to give you time-"

Lin Banxia said loudly: "Good--"

"Don't look at that thing !!" Li Su said.

Lin Banxia responded, turned around and ran. In the dark room, trying to find Sergey was a needle in a haystack. The worst thing was that he didn't dare to look around because he needed to avoid the things in the center of the square. Song Qingluo didn't know where it was, whether he would be affected by Elena, Lin Banxia gritted her teeth, and kept searching with a flashlight. With the continuous gunshots of Li Su and Li Ye, Lin Banxia was finally in the square. In one corner, Sergei curled into a ball.

"Sergey--" Lin Banxia called his name and rushed towards him at the speed of a hundred-meter sprint.

Sergey lay motionless on the ground, as if he couldn't hear Lin Banxia's voice about to transform because of his anger.

Lin Banxia finally rushed to Sergey ’s side and raised his hand to knock him out. At this moment, he heard a loud noise coming from behind him. He turned his head to look and found that the whole room was It was opened by countless Elena, she ... no, it should be it, its body was continuously squeezed in the stone room, and finally it was squeezed into a huge meatball, meatball Above it, there are countless hands, feet and heads. At a glance, people feel severe discomfort.

Lin Banxia blurted out a swear word, Sergey turned his head and saw the scene. Normally, he was supposed to show fear, but instead of feeling scared, Sergey showed joy, and his mouth Unable to say: "Elena, you are back, Elena, you are finally back ..."

That infatuated look, even if Lin Banxia couldn't understand what he was talking about, he almost understood what he meant. Lin Banxia was very angry, and stretched his hand to grab Sergey's collar and put He pulled him in front of him and said fiercely: "You **** didn't even think about Elena!"

Sergey stared blankly at Lin Banxia.

"If you **** really wanted to bring Elena back, how could you come up with such a thing, you just want all of us to be buried with you !!! You **** **** !!!" At this moment, Lin Banxia I finally understood that since he met Sergey, they will always encounter some monsters related to Jelena, but these monsters do not have the core of Jelena at all. It seems that they deliberately stopped them. Yes, at first, Lin Banxia thought Sergey was guilty of Jelena. Now, he suddenly realized that--

Sergey's mind was not Jelena at all, but a series of accidents caused by Jelena's death. He wanted to die in this exciting journey to pay for his guilt because of Elena ’s death-so Sergey did not turn into silt, because his wish had not been fulfilled, nor was the moth, Iraq Not to mention Lina ’s body, Sergey ’s death-gathering form brought these monsters together, and finally formed the insurmountable meat mountain behind them.

Lin Banxia looked at Sergey's innocent look, and he was furious. He waved his fist without hesitation and punched **** Sergey's face. Before Sergey responded, he took a punch, and several teeth fell out of his mouth, staggering to the ground.

Lin Banxia walked over and found that he hadn't fainted yet picked him up again, and raised his hand again, and then Sergei doubled his eyes, completely unconscious.

However, even if he was dizzy, the terrifying monster behind Lin Banxia did not disappear. A series of violent explosions came from behind Lin Banxia. It seemed that Li Ye and Li Su had already used □□, but faced The behemoth was a stubborn salary, and the huge fleshy mountain transformed by Elena almost filled the entire passageway and began to spread towards the square.

I don't know what happened to Song Qingluo. Lin Banxia was very anxious in his heart and conditionedly looked at the middle of the square.

Lin Banxia only saw that Song Qingluo had approached Shitai. The strangely shaped associates were still standing next to him, and they noticed Song Qingluo's approach. They began to chant in a low voice. , Then, their bodies began to differentiate into a round of flesh. These red flesh turned into a group of strange creatures with strange fangs and wings. They flew towards Song Qingluo. . At the same time, a group of blue flames began to spread around Shitai, and soon the entire Shitai was blocked. The murmurs in their mouths that were incomprehensible wafted again in the ears of everyone. Lin Banxia ’s The heart was beating like a drum, but he saw Song Qingluo, like a moth going to the fire, walking toward the blue flame without turning back.

Those strange creatures had arrived in front of Song Qingluo. They opened their sharp teeth and turned their limbs into sharp blades, as if rushing towards Song Qingluo.

It is impossible for ordinary people to pass these things, but Song Qingluo is obviously not an ordinary person.

He jumped from the ground in a completely impossible posture, like jumping, more like flying. His body seemed to be light to no weight, so he jumped into the air a few meters high. The weird swarm immediately reversed its direction and rushed towards Song Qingluo again. Song Qingluo was already prepared. The gun in his hand instantly moved, banging for more than ten consecutive gunshots, and a dark red burst out around him. Snowflakes, crushed insects turned into pieces of meat in the sky, like rain, the stars fell to the ground. At the next moment, the scene around Song Qingluo was distorted violently, and he no longer looked after the other, and rushed towards the burning blue stone platform.

The remaining insects stuck to his skin. Sharp teeth and blade-like limbs dyed Song Qingluo's snow-white skin to a **** red. Song Qingluo fell from the air and fell straight into the blue. In the flames. The cyan flame did not burn Song Qingluo's clothing or skin. He stood up from the flame and seemed to want to go forward, but just two steps forward, the movement stopped. The terrible murmurs of the accompanying persons became louder and louder. Lin Banxia's heart was very uncomfortable, and his head was sore and painful. His nose was hot, and he reached out to wipe off the bright red blood. Anxious, but Song Qingluo stopped the pace.

Song Qingluo stopped moving, and the blue flame didn't know how it affected him. He stood quietly inside, as if condensed into a stone statue that couldn't move.

Lin Banxia remembered what Song Qingluo said when he went--if he didn't move, kill him. He gave a fierce bite on the ground and scolded: "Fuck, who the **** would shoot his teammates!" He raised his gun and aimed at the companions beside Song Qingluo. He didn't know if it was useful, but at least, he had to try something.

"boom"! "boom"! "boom"! After three gunshots, Lin Banxia successfully shot a nearby associate who was close to him after emptying two shots. A blood cluster burst out of the associate, and a horrible hissing sound came out. At this moment. The blue flame that trapped Song Qingluo flickered a little, but just for this moment, Song Qingluo jumped from the ground again and jumped out of the blue flame, and before his eyes-- It is placed on the stone platform, like a heart that has just been cut open, and still thrashing heresy.

The insect swooped again, almost densely covering Song Qingluo's entire body, constantly cutting Song Qingluo's skin and bones, and suddenly Song Qingluo almost became a blood-made person-with At this price, he finally touched Shitai, and the beating heart was about to be pinched in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Lin Banxia was ecstatic, thinking that it was finally over. However, at the moment when Song Qingluo held his heart, the ground of the square suddenly collapsed. Song Qingluo couldn't stop his body, and fell along with the sinking stone platform.

Lin Banxia looked at this sudden scene dizzyingly. His heart hurt almost to jump out of his throat. For the first time, he felt such a strong fear that he was about to lose everything he had. At the same time that desperation overwhelmed my mind, a strange thought suddenly appeared in Lin Banxia's mind, and he suddenly remembered something. This was their last hope, although it seemed like a star in the starry sky—— "I hope-Song Qingluo-don't fall-" He exhausted his loudest voice and shouted what he wanted most in this moment.

At the next moment, the collapse really stopped.

Before Lin Banxia had a smile on his face, he felt cold for a while. He lowered his head and looked blankly at his chest. There was nothing there, but he had a feeling, as if someone used cold hands, gently He pinched his heart, as if to pull his heart and soul out of the body together ... Lin Banxia looked up blankly and saw Song Qingluo covered in blood.

In the distance, Song Qingluo successfully grasped the beating heart, and he cut open his abdomen with a dagger, and inserted the heart into his body. After finishing all this, he raised his head and darted Lin Banxia remotely, showing a soothing smile.

This picture is too ridiculous. Lin Banxia was n’t even sure if he had misread it. His eyes began to distort, and there were murmurs whispering around him. He saw the black ceiling and heard the sound of heavy objects falling for a while. Only then did he realize that the heavy object that landed was his own body.

Lin Banxia closed his eyes and lingered around the sound of the world's collapse, he fell into a mysterious situation, his soul seemed to be rising continuously, as if he was about to enter the extremely beautiful night sky. If this is death, then it is not as terrible as imagined, Lin Banxia thought so comfortingly.

But at this moment, he felt a pain. This pain forcibly pulled him out of the comfort state. He heard a fierce gasp / puff and a crackling sound. And the pain, after a while, Lin Banxia realized-this **** was someone slapping him.

Struggling to get the man to stop, Lin Banxia returned to this heavy one again. Not only was he slapped, but someone was still pressing his chest hard, and his lips felt cold for a while. There was hot oxygen constantly spitting into his mouth, but unfortunately the oxygen was not enough, and his face was slapped again. Lin Banxia exhausted all his energy and reluctantly spit out a word: "Don't ..." Stop fan, stop fan, I woke up! ! I don't know which animal was so ruthless, his ears buzzed.

With Lin Banxia's hard stop, with a regretful sigh, that slap in the face finally stopped. Lin Banxia felt that he was hugged cautiously, but his ears were hazy and he still could not hear clearly. He tried to open his eyes but failed, so he gave up and stayed in the man's arms, like a hibernating hamster.

Is n’t it enough to do artificial respiration? How can it be slapped? Lin Banxia thought agrily that it must be Li Su ’s bastard. When he returns, he must tell Song Qingluo that Li Su is carrying him Call him a dead face. With such thoughts, Lin Banxia fell into a sweet sleep.

He didn't know how long he slept. When he woke up, everything around him changed. Lin Banxia felt like he was lying on a moving vehicle, all the wounds on his body had been bandaged, someone in the cab was talking quietly, he opened his eyes hard, and saw Song Qingluo's beautiful lines Chin and drooping eyes. Song Qingluo's eyelashes were dark and long, and they looked soft and fluffy. Lin Banxia blinked his eyes for a while, feeling a little owed, and was planning to explore its touch. Those black eyes are as pure as the night sky.

Song Qingluo lowered his eyes and looked at Lin Banxia: "Wake up?"

"Wake up, where are we?" Lin Banxia twisted his body, only to realize that he was surrounded by Song Qingluo in his arms, all men, what he didn't think was wrong, "It's over?"

"It's over." Song Qingluo said.

Lin Banxia struggled to get up, but was weak, Song Qingluo stretched his hand to support him, let him lean on his shoulder, saw the scene outside the car window, they were crossing the wilderness they had walked before, different from before What's more, the surrounding is very lively, with police and working vehicles everywhere, and Lin Banxia even saw the hovering helicopter in the sky outside.

"So many people?" Lin Banxia was a little surprised.

"Well, come in aftermath." Song Qingluo said, "Is there any discomfort?"

"It's nothing, but I'm exhausted." Lin Banxia replied, "How about you, are you okay?" He remembered that the last picture he saw before he fainted was when Song Qingluo opened his body and cut that The beating heart was stuffed into the body. Lin Banxia was so impressed by this scene that he could never be mistaken.

"It's okay." Song Qingluo answered plainly.

"Really okay?" Lin Banxia was a little unbelieving.

Song Qingluo shook his head.

"But I saw you stuffed that ... into your body, is it really okay?" Lin Banxia still felt incredible.

"It's okay, I'm just temporarily storing the utensils." Song Qingluo said, "Let it work again, you will be dead." He sighed, with a helpless taste, "How can I make a wish."

"I don't want everyone to die too." Lin Banxia was a little indifferent. "It's better for me to die than for everyone else."

Song Qingluo didn't speak, rubbed his brown hair and said, "You gave me a lot of surprises." He thought Lin Banxia was mild and harmless, but now it seems that Lin Banxia still has a lot of potential You can dig.

"You too." Lin Banxia gestured, "How do you jump up, it's amazing, like martial arts, can you teach me--"

Song Qingluo smiled: "You can't jump teaching, but guns can still be learned. I will teach you how to practice guns in the future."

Lin Banxia said well, he was a little sleepy, curled up in his seat and looked out of the window, saw the wilderness in the night, or the scene he saw yesterday, the sky and the ground were far away, and he looked around. They were all distant horizons. The moonlight was bright and clear, the galaxy running through the night, Lin Banxia heard a reassuring and crisp insect sound.

"It's great," Lin Banxia said with a smile.

Song Qingluo said: "Well, sleep."

Lin Banxia nodded and fell asleep next to Song Qingluo the next moment.

When he woke up again, the sky was already bright, and the surrounding scenery also changed from the desolate Gobi to a smoky town. Everything seemed to be a dream. Now that the dream is finally awake, the warm sunlight gives people a comfortable Security.

Lin Banxia sat in the car for a while, suddenly thinking of something, and pulled out the map from his backpack, said: "I seem to see Alexei's body here, not sure if it was created by that thing ... Can someone be sent to see it? "

"Yes." Song Qingluo said, "We will do our best to recover the dead team members' bodies."

"Where are we going next?" Lin Banxia asked.

Song Qingluo said: "You and Li Su are waiting in the hotel, I have to seal things first." Lin Banxia only noticed that Song Qingluo's complexion didn't seem to be very good, it looked even better than usual. A little bit white, he instantly worried, and obediently responded well.

The car drove forward for about three or four hours, and finally stopped outside a bed and breakfast. Li Ye, Li Su and Sergei got out of another car, Li Su smiled and greeted Lin Banxia However, Lin Banxia found that his hand was tied with a bandage and hung down his neck. The injured left hand was finally healed.

Lin Banxia asked him okay.

"It's okay, just like the previous guess, it's just a bone fracture." Li Su is a little bit indifferent, and he has been used to this for a long time. "It's okay to raise it for a few days." When they spoke, they came with an all black armed car A few staff members wearing "卍" characters came down and exchanged a few sentences with Song Qingluo in English, and then escorted Song Qingluo into the car.

Lin Banxia watched his back disappear into the field of vision, and inexplicably gave birth to a bit of loss, Li Su saw it, embraced Lin Banxia's neck with a smile, and said: "Don't watch it, come back in a while-go , Let's go drinking. "

"Now?" Lin Banxia said, "this morning."

"What happened in the morning, who told you that you can't drink alcohol in the morning. Since you came to Russia, you must have a few drinks." Li Su laughed and turned around and said a few words in Russian with Sergei, Sher Gai stood next to him with no energy, and when he heard Li Su's words, he was immediately energized and grinned to reveal a bright smile. It seemed that he had returned to normal immediately after leaving the place. But Lin Banxia was not too embarrassed to look at him-Sergey's incisors collapsed with a punch, opened his mouth to speak, and it was estimated that there was a little air leak.

Sergey doesn't seem to mind his teeth, he is smiling and talking on the phone with someone.

Lin Banxia whispered: "What is he doing?"

Li Su said with a smile: "I asked him to invite us to drink-presumably I was calling a friend."

This wine really should be Sergey please, after all, he caused them a lot of trouble in that place. Lin Banxia noticed that Li Ye didn't say a word after getting off the bus, and he didn't seem to be in a good mood. I didn't know if something happened with Li Su in the car, but he and the two were not too serious. If you are familiar, you dare not ask.

A few minutes later, Sergey called a car and took a few people to a nearby tavern.

It was only nine o'clock in the morning. Sergey knocked on the door for more than ten minutes. He knocked on the tavern door abruptly. A tall, middle-aged man with a beard opened the door and saw Sher. After the cover, the original anger dissipated a lot, reached out and patted his shoulder, and said something with a smile. It seems that this man is Sergey's familiarity. Sergey beckoned at them. A few mermaids penetrated, and Lin Banxia saw the inside of the tavern.

The tavern is not big, it is a wooden structure, rugged style, full of Russian flavor.

Lin Banxia was actually a little hungry, and asked Sergey what food could be hungry. Sergey said that this is a tavern with no staple food, but the sausage was still very hungry, so he ordered Lin Banxia.

The wine came up quickly, and Lin Banxia didn't recognize the words above. He saw that Sergey took out a small glass and poured a glass. Lin Banxia took a sip and wrinkled his face, saying: "It's okay to drink such a strong wine so early in the morning?"

"What does it matter?" Li Su laughed, "Always celebrate celebrating seeing the rising sun today--" He took the glass and poured a big sip into his mouth.

Sergey also drank. He took a sip and poured half of it. Then he lifted the glass to Lin Banxia and raised his mouth to say the words of Datong Jiaer, and then poured the remaining half. Seeing him being so bold, Lin Banxia thought that he could not embarrass the Chinese, so he squeezed his nose and drank all over the sky, only to feel his stomach hot. When he saw that Sergey's wine glass was empty, he took the initiative to refill it for him. Sergey saw his movements, and he was more emotional, and he kept shouting, and once again put the wine glass in front of him. Drink it. Lin Banxia was frightened by this action, and he trembled to drink most of the wine in front of him, but he had a moderate amount of wine. Two glasses of high-level wine went down, and his eyes were a little fluttering.

But even if it fluttered, the etiquette of the wine table could not be forgotten. Lin Banxia picked up the wine bottle and was about to pour a third glass for Sergey, but was stopped by Li Su with a smiling voice.

"Don't pour it." Li Su Renjun couldn't help but say, "Russia's rules for drinking are different from those in China. They can't have any wine left in their glasses. Drink as much as you can--"

Lin Banxia quickly put down the wine glass in his hand and shuddered: "Don't you say it earlier."

Li Su laughed: "I just want to see this infinite loop."

"This wine is vodka, it has a high degree, and it is easy to get drunk." Li Su's fingers rubbed his cup and smiled. "Russians like it-he said he appreciates you. Although you look thin, you are a real man. , Deserves his respect. "

Lin Banxia originally wanted to argue that he was strong and strong, but after looking at Sergey, who is as strong as a bear, he decided to forget it. Some things that cannot be forced are easy to feel inferior.

Coincidentally, the meat sausage that Lin Banxia asked for came. He kneaded his hot stomach and cut the meat sausage into his mouth. The taste of this sausage is quite different from the intestine he has eaten, full of rich smoked flavor, no starch, slightly salty, just used to drink alcohol, Lin Banxia eaten better before slowing down from the feeling of hunger.

Just while he was eating meat sausages, Li Ye and Li Sergei had already killed a bottle of vodka, and Li Ye Sergei was gone. Lin Banxia was surprised to find that Li Su's wine volume was actually It was also very good. A few glasses of vodka went down, and his face didn't change at all, but there was a hint of blush floating on his cheeks.

Lin Banxia suddenly remembered that when he met for the first time, Li Ye would not let Li Su drink, saying that he was in poor health, why this time ...

"Li Ye and I met in the tavern." Li Su's fingertips slipped over the edge of the glass, his tone was careless. "At that time, he was only twelve years old, like a monkey."

Lin Banxia listened carefully.

"It's chaotic here, unlike in China." Li Su said, "His parents died early and no one cares. When I met him, it happened that someone was asking him to drink." He smiled coldly, "Please one What kind of **** should a person who is only 12 years old drink? "

Li Su is talking about Li Ye's story, Li Ye's expression remains unchanged, as if Li Su's mouth is not himself.

"The cheapest wine is water mixed with alcohol, which can drink dead people." Li Su said, "But here, you know ... For some people, it's good to drink, I just sit Beside, watching Li Ye drink one cup after another, as if to fill himself with water. "He laughed at himself," How come there is such a child, I was thinking, **** are not uncommon, but such children , But I saw it for the first time. "

He said that, he poured himself a glass and drank it again.

"Later?" Lin Banxia asked.

"Later?" Li Su said, "I looked upset and rushed to beat the bastard--Li Ye, the little bastard, and spit at me." He glared at Li Ye next to him, Li Ye didn't care, he said lightly: "That's a pub customer, you will make me lose my job."

Li Su swears in Russian and drinks again.

Li Ye didn't mind. He tapped his finger on the table and said, "Sixth Cup."

Li Su scolded even more fiercely.

Lin Banxia felt that the relationship between the two was really incomprehensible. It stands to reason that Li Su took Li Ye away from him. Li Ye should respect and respect Li Su, but from the perspective of Li Su ’s performance, he On the contrary, he was a little afraid of the child he had taken away from Russia. Lin Banxia couldn't understand it and simply quietly drank his own beside him.

Li Su said: "Then I took him away and took me back to China. I think, although I am not a good person, at least I don't let a child drink hard. He is so small, his arms are thin. It looks like a firewood stick. "He rubbed his face and said," I thought the president would grow up to be an intimate young guy, take a better university and find a good job-but who knows, it's crooked- — ”

With the seventh glass of wine down, Li Su ended the topic.

Lin Banxia felt that Li Su still had a lot to say, but he didn't speak again.

While they were chatting, Sergey was sitting next to him and drinking sullenly. He did n’t even need to order the wine, one cup after another, pouring it into his stomach as if it were not high-purity Volga, but white water. .

Li Su said that this is the way Russians drink. In this high-latitude city, cold is the norm. It gives the people of this country a strong soul and physique, and at the same time makes them fall in love with this strong, Can bring warm liquid.

In the chaotic chat, Li Su finished his last cup. He regretted letting go of his cup and stood up and said he wanted to go out and smoke a cigarette.

Li Ye didn't stop and watched him go.

Lin Banxia strangely said: "Are you arguing with him?"

Li Ye looked at Lin Banxia and said, "Well."

Lin Banxia is even stranger: "Why quarrel ..."

Li Ye said: "Little things."

It seems that he didn't want to tell Lin Banxia what happened between him and Li Su. Lin Banxia also shut her mouth knowingly and drank another half a glass of wine.

As soon as Li Su left, the atmosphere of the whole table was instantly quiet. Sergey took one drink after another, and he never stopped. Lin Banxia comforted him with a lame English, but he smiled and waved to Lin Banxia. , Lin Banxia can only continue by him.

After three or four rounds of drinking like this, Lin Banxia couldn't do it anymore. He dragged his soft legs and blew outside for a while. When he saw Li Su crouching on the ground, he used all kinds of rogues to tease the ants on the mud. He said: "The sun is rising, you remember to put on the mask and sunglasses."

"Ah ..." Li Su didn't move. "You won't drink it?"

"I can't drink." Lin Banxia said, "You have a good drink?"

"That is of course." Li Su said, "My wine is the best, oh, sorry, I forgot Song Qingluo is gone." He turned his head and glanced at Lin Banxia, ​​"You did that last night Are you afraid that you will become silt? "

He was talking about Lin Banxia's wish.

"I'm afraid." Lin Banxia is an honest man. "But if Song Qingluo fails, then all four of us have to die here ..."

"I know, I know." Li Su said, "Who doesn't understand the truth, but do you understand? In that case-few people, I really dare to do it." He smiled and looked at Lin Banxia 'S eyes are tender and terrible, "Lin Banxia, ​​I am honored to be your friend."

"Me too." Lin Banxia replied, "So I think the person who slapped me shouldn't you?"

Li Su: "..."

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