Chapter 242

If it is not marked with data above, the data of Alibaba Cloud Shield is almost invisible in the table.

If Alibaba Cloud Shield is used as a unit, the performance of Star Cloud is at least a thousand times that of Alibaba Cloud Shield.

And some data is far more than a thousand times.

This thousand times is just the lowest set of data comparisons.

How much does it cost to buy Star Cloud?

I worried for a while, and then I was happy to have such a powerful software. No matter how much money I spent, I had to get this software in my hands.

Brother Dao continued: “Boss, this Star Cloud has this kind of performance. It should have artificial intelligence in it. If not, it is the core program closest to the real artificial intelligence level.”

It’s a pity that Star Cloud has been encrypted, and it uses an encryption method that has never been seen before. He can only perform performance tests on the software.

If you want to brute force the cracking, the software will crash itself and trigger an alarm.

Star Cloud was brought back by Alibaba from Star Technology for testing, and it is not easy for him to directly crack it.

“Artificial intelligence? Isn’t our cloud shield system also equipped with artificial intelligence? Why is there still such a big difference between the two?”

As a network giant, Alibaba is no stranger to artificial intelligence, and Alibaba Cloud Shield has a little artificial intelligence program in it.

The application of artificial intelligence is very extensive, and there are almost many places where artificial intelligence is used.

For example, the most classic is driverless cars, but so far, these artificial intelligences are just logical products, and they have not yet reached true artificial intelligence.

Brother Dao nodded and said excitedly: “Yes, true artificial intelligence, or the program closest to artificial intelligence, this is the only program on the market that really uses artificial intelligence.”

If Liu Mingyu is here, he can definitely tell Brother Dao that Brother Dao was wrong.

Star Cloud does not use real artificial intelligence, and even the basic artificial intelligence has not reached it.

The core program used by Star Cloud is still a castrated version of primary artificial intelligence with the same root as the Star Assistant, but it has been modified accordingly to make it more suitable for network security defense.

There is still a long way to go before the real primary artificial intelligence, but it’s not far off.

So it can be considered that Brother Dao is right.

“Are you talking about real artificial intelligence?” Alima’s spirit was lifted up, and he didn’t expect the strength of Star Technology to be so powerful.

Even the real artificial intelligence that is still in the research stage in various countries can already be used to make real products.

Where did these technologies come from?

No matter how you look at Liu Mingyu, he doesn’t seem to be someone with this kind of technology.

Brother Dao didn’t know where Ali Ma was thinking about where these technologies came from. He had an expression of admiration: “Who is it that can design such a powerful software? I seem to know him.”

Ali Ma put away his thoughts and laughed loudly: “It is Liu Mingyu of Star Technology who develops Star Cloud. Tomorrow, I will talk about Star Cloud. You can go there together.”

“That’s great.” Brother Dao was so excited, he was able to see the people who developed such software, and he was like seeing a bigwig in the industry.

Putting away his excitement, Brother Dao began to introduce the various performances and prospects of Star Cloud to Alima in detail.

The two talked for a long time, and the last sentence summarized: Star Cloud is a cross-age product, and its valuation is immeasurable.

If one is unmeasured, Ali Marco is overwhelmed.

What is better to open the price tomorrow?

Especially when he saw Star Technology announce the real-time sales data of Star Assistant, he got even more headache.

However, no matter what the headache, we still have to continue to discuss.

After obtaining the specific data, he passed the data to the people below for professional analysis.

It is his principle to leave professional matters to professional people.

When Alima got a headache, Brother Xiaoma didn’t get much better.

Compared with the detailed data analysis obtained by Ali Ma this morning, Xiao Ma needs to catch a plane overnight to do a comparative analysis of the data.

It was the same night to start software testing, Xiao Ma’s side did not get the most detailed software analysis report until noon.

Including data comparative analysis, prospect analysis and so on.

Ma’s team also believes that Star Cloud contains an intelligent program that may be the closest to artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is also familiar to Xiao Ma.

When it was discovered that Star Cloud might use real artificial intelligence, Xiao Ma immediately thought of whether artificial intelligence could be used to make a game that crossed the ages?

In the process of Tencent’s development, it has been criticized for imitation or plagiarism.

Some products have achieved great success after the release of Tencent, while others have failed to imitate, such as Weibo.

Generally speaking, he will imitate the products with hot trend on the market, or buy the other party, and then surpass.

His huge user base makes it relatively easy for him to do anything.

But if he had the opportunity to be original, he would not let it go.

Now there is such an opportunity before his eyes.

True artificial intelligence.

If the Star Cloud really contains artificial intelligence programs, it means that Star Technology is likely to have mastered real artificial intelligence.

Prior to the release of the Star Assistant, his team found that there were some signs of artificial intelligence, but there was too little time at that time and no favorable evidence was found to prove that the Star Assistant contained artificial intelligence.

Now in Star Cloud, after team analysis and testing, it is very likely to have artificial intelligence programs.

Comparing the findings in the Star Assistant, the team thinks this possibility is very high.

The possibility is very high, and we have to work hard to prove it.

Immediately, Xiao Ma asked the team to continue testing.

In fact, the best test is to let Star Cloud perform a Turing test, so that it can be better distinguished.

But there are two problems. One problem is that Star Cloud is just a defensive software, and artificial intelligence is only part of it, and it cannot be tested.

The second question is, even if the Turing test can be performed, if it is an artificial intelligence, will it deliberately fail the Turing test?

This is a big problem.

In any case, the test is still going on.

Let’s talk about solving the problem of Star Cloud at present.

Through testing, it is found that Star Cloud is far more advanced than the defense system currently used by the company, which also makes Xiao Ma more certain that Star Technology has artificial intelligence.

Regarding the issue of artificial intelligence, after Star Cloud solves it, we will discuss it with Liu Mingyu in private.

Within Huawei and Inspur, President Ren and President Cao also conducted various performance tests on the rival Star Cloud.

The results obtained are almost the same, and they are all satisfied with Star Cloud.

In addition to satisfaction, I also feel tight for my own wallet, and I have to spend a lot of money.

That night, apart from Alima, the other bosses rushed to Jiacheng with their own team.

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