Chapter 281 Authorization Conditions

A cartoon panda appears in the middle of the screen, which is exactly the image of Feiyun.

Just like Abao in Kung Fu Panda, it has become a representative of Kung Fu Panda, while Panda Feiyun has become a representative of Star Technology.

Whether it is Assistant Star or Star Cloud, the first thing everyone sees is Feiyun’s appearance.

Feiyun’s honest and cute appearance, accompanied by Assistant Star, became popular on the Internet.

Feiyun appeared in the middle of the screen. Xiao Ma and the others are no strangers. Just like Tencent’s penguins, they have become representatives of Tencent.

What they don’t know is that the Feiyun in front of them is the artificial intelligence they dream of, and it is the only intermediate artificial intelligence in the world.

Feiyun is dressed in a suit and leather shoes, holding a dogma in his right hand, and introduced: “Hello everyone, I am Feiyun. I am glad to introduce you to the authorized price of artificial intelligence.”

Then, a table appears on the screen.

Feiyun pointed to the table on the screen and introduced: “There are two aspects to the authorized price of artificial intelligence. One is classified and the other is buyout.

Divided into categories, as the name suggests, Star Technology shares the project with the authorization of artificial intelligence, and obtains a certain percentage of shares according to the size of the project.

The buyout category, as the name suggests, directly buys out the authorization of artificial intelligence at a certain price.

Of course, the authorized buyout price of artificial intelligence will be very high, and we provide various VIP buyout levels.

According to the information provided by your company, we will give the corresponding price according to the situation.

Of course, the above two authorizations have a minimum price limit, the minimum price is one million…”

Feiyun talked a lot, but they didn’t actually talk about the price geometry. In general, Star Technology will make a corresponding authorization price based on the information submitted by the user.

Without a price, who would dare to talk about cooperation?

Star Technology has set a minimum price: one million yuan.

Below this price, sorry, you won’t be authorized by artificial intelligence.

It can be seen from this that the authorized price of artificial intelligence is really not low.

But is it high?

It’s not too high. As the first real artificial intelligence, the price is really not high.

More than half a century has passed since the concept of artificial intelligence was proposed.

People are already very familiar with the concept of artificial intelligence. If a product is labeled as artificial intelligence, after empirical evidence, it is indeed artificial intelligence, then this product will definitely explode.

In fact, the first artificial intelligence product has already appeared, that is, the Star Assistant, and the Star Assistant has indeed become popular all over the network.

Without the first batch of artificial intelligence applications, Xiao Ma hopes that he can catch up with the first batch of authorized cooperation.

Brother Xiao Ma took a closer look at the authorization introduction, and asked with a smile: “Mr. Liu, you have introduced so much, and you haven’t given a specific data.”

Liu Mingyu smiled and said, “Mr. Ma, I have already given the price. If you want a more detailed price, you can only provide the information.”

In fact, as far as the authorization of artificial intelligence is concerned, it is actually the same, and all those given are primary artificial intelligence.

For primary artificial intelligence, as long as the hardware can afford it, all projects are the same.

If it is based on the services provided, it should be the same price.

However, the price is not easy to set, and it is high. There are not many people who buy this authorized service, so it is better not to authorize.

And if it is low, it is yourself that suffers, so it is even less cost-effective.

Therefore, Liu Mingyu finally decided to charge based on the other party’s project, and he was not afraid of not being able to read the information.

There is Feiyun. Feiyun’s database contains mainstream popular materials in the end times. Although we don’t have all of them, it’s not a problem to make a simple judgment. What’s more, Feiyun continues to collect information in this world and do some things. There is no problem with data analysis.

Liu Mingyu felt that next time he returned to the end times, he should go to the library.

A library has a huge amount of information, and getting these materials in hand is of great help whether it is for the production of the end times or the corresponding production in this world.

Brother Xiao Ma said helplessly: “Mr. Liu, it’s not so good for you to ask for information. These information are all confidential information in our company. If you take it, it’s not…”

Liu Mingyu straightened his own collar and said solemnly: “Mr. Ma, our company is a company on the right track and will not sell other company information.

However, Mr. Ma, there are some things, I still have to make it clear first.

The more complete the information about the project, the more accurate the estimated data will be, and the more accurate the price will be.

Of course, there is one more thing, President Ma, if it is found that the authorized unit has not applied artificial intelligence to the corresponding project, our company has the right to revoke this authorization. ”

Originally, this explanation would be agreed in the future signing of the contract. Now it is because Xiao Ma is the first company that wants to be authorized by artificial intelligence. It happens to be a test with Xiao Ma to see how patience the other party is.

Although Liu Mingyu knows the power of Daoist’s artificial intelligence, the power of artificial intelligence is actually largely derived from the introduction of movie novels.

He wanted to see whether Brother Xiao Ma would supplement the information to what extent for this authorization.

In the future, the prices of other people can be measured according to the level of information and prices of Brother Xiao Ma.

Come on, Brother Xiao Ma originally wanted to use some simple information to fool it. First, I got an artificial intelligence to study it. Unexpectedly, he was blocked by the other party before he said it.

Brother Xiao Ma thought for a while and said, “Mr. Liu, I need to discuss this issue with my team, and I will respond to you in the afternoon.”

Liu Mingyu nodded and said: “There is no problem, Mr. Ma is welcome to come over at any time. Regarding the submission of information, Mr. Ma can submit it directly on the official website, and he will get the corresponding price directly.”

Some businesses may be settled cleanly in one go.

In some businesses, negotiations will take place over a long period of time, with ten days and a half months, or even six months or one year.

Although Liu Mingyu’s information gives the minimum authorized price of one million, Xiao Ma also knows that the cooperation he wants will not be a small amount.

All these require analysis by a professional team before a decision can be made.

Tencent can do so strong, relying on the professional team to escort Xiao Ma.

Whenever there are some important situations, there are several teams behind Xiao Ma to advise him.

This is one of the important reasons why Tencent is strong.

The strength of a person is limited, and the strength of unity is the last word for development.

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