Chapter 749

The people who gathered there didn’t seem to expect that there would be people who would dare to come to Sichuan Island and go wild.

It’s also the blame for Murakami who didn’t inform the younger brother below, but only informed the middle management, naturally he didn’t know to call them to the headquarters, just to beware of the people from the Taguchi group to deal with them.

The little brothers knew nothing, and the final result was that among the hundreds of people gathered in the open space, except for some people who fled in a hurry, 80% of them were shot to death by Chen Wuqi and the others.

These little brothers didn’t know who killed them until they died.

The sound of gunshots suddenly caused everyone in the sky above the village where they were meeting on the roof.

“Dage, it’s not good. Someone took a gun and massacred the brothers down there.”

A little brother broke into the meeting room of the big brothers in a panic.

“That group of people are here, brothers, it’s time for us to work together, take up arms and kill them.”

Murakami stood up and shouted grimly.

“Kill them.”

“Kill them.”

“We are not the soft guy of Gaoshan Qingsong, so less than 30 people will be killed.”

The people here are all middle and high-level members of the Kawashima Club.

They also knew about the Taguchi group tragedy. When they learned that the Taguchi group had been killed by more than 20 people, they looked shocked.

There were thousands of people, and they were wiped out by more than 20 people, and it was still less than half an hour. This was a joke.

People at the Kawashima Club heard the news, and at first everyone didn’t believe it.

They had to believe it only after the Neon State officials issued a simple report temporarily.

Although it is a fact that the Taguchi group’s headquarters was destroyed by the group, the people in the Kawashima Association basically believed that there were traitors in the Taguchi group. Otherwise, how could it be possible to do so.

Even if a few thousand pigs are put in a building and more than 20 people are killed, it may not be able to kill them in half an hour.

And these are thousands of people?

How could it be killed like this.

It was definitely a big problem inside Taguchi’s team that made the other party get it right.

This is not the Taguchi group. This is the headquarters of the Kawashima Association. It has more brothers than the Taguchi group, and there are all kinds of guns here. How can you tolerate the other side’s misbehavior here.

One by one picked up the weapons and rushed down quickly.

Soon, they will pay for their mistakes.

They had just walked out of the elevator, bang, a shot from an unknown source, hit the head directly, and died.

Until they died, they didn’t see where the enemy was.

Murakami was very cautious. Although he also felt that Taguchi’s end was due to traitors inside, but the opponent was able to kill thousands of people in such a short period of time, and his strength should not be underestimated.

When most people chose the elevator to go down, halfway through the sky above the village, they came out of the elevator and chose to go down the fire stairs.

The sudden movement of Murakami made him avoid a kill.

Twenty or so zombies were like gods descending to the earth, holding rifles and submachine guns to go up, and they would kill people when they saw them.

For a time, the entire Chuandao Building became a river of blood.

There was a violent shooting here, some witnesses around, after seeing it, they called the police one after another.

All of a sudden, the police station received an alarm call, ascending quickly.

Almost all calls have only one content: “A shooting at the Kawashima Building occurred, and it is suspected that the gray organizations are fighting each other.”

After hearing this, the operator of the Osaka Police Department thought of the two tragedies in Tokyo and immediately reported the content to it.

This is a special period, and the news reached the head of the Osaka Police Department almost as quickly as possible.

“Immediately send agents to Kawashima Building.”

The Director of the Osaka Police Bureau made a decisive decision and dispatched a large number of detectives to the Kawashima Building.

Regardless of whether these people were the perpetrators of the Ito Manor tragedy and the Taguchi group tragedy, he was also responsible for the shooting in the urban area.

Woo woo woo.

The agents in Osaka immediately gathered from various places to the Kawashima Building, and some of the agents who were closer came to the Kawashima Building for the first time.

Standing at the entrance of Chuandao Building, looking inside, I saw that there were densely packed corpses at the entrance of the building, blood stained the earth, and the whole person’s scalp was numb.

“Boss, what should we do? Do you want to rush in?” A young agent was hiding in the corner, his hand with a pistol was shaking constantly. He was just a trainee agent who had just joined, so how could he have seen such a scene?

“Fart, haven’t you heard that there is still fighting inside? Just rely on the pistols in my hands?” The older agent cursed carelessly, “Boy, since you are following me, you should learn. This It’s a very rare opportunity. It’s rare to see it in a few years. Don’t be too impulsive. When you are safe, do what you think is right. Without life, everything is just passing away.”

While the two were talking, gunshots kept coming from inside the Kawashima Building, apparently experiencing a fierce gun battle inside.

“Well, let’s wait here.” The young agent nodded fiercely. Now he is Liushen Wuzhu, and the old agent says what he says. Besides, he follows the old agent to learn how the old agent handles the case.

“Boy, that’s right. Don’t worry about what’s inside, we can’t stop it, but we can do a good job of observing and see that place? We go there and we can see the entire Kawashima Building, so when the other party escapes, You can also find out where the other party is fleeing.”

The old agent looked like a ruin.

The two agents had just left, and more and more agents arrived.

It’s just that they are the same as the old detectives. Seeing the blood flowing in the river and the continuous gunshots from inside the building, these detectives dare not act rashly.

They have the same thoughts as the old agents.

As long as you guard it outside, the gangsters inside are hard to fly.

The gunfire continued, and there were more and more detectives outside, surrounding the Chuandao Building.

The director of the Osaka Police Department also arrived, and some heavy weapons came with him.

This is a heavy weapon he brought in just in case, and it is one of the few heavy weapons on Osaka’s side.

“How is it? How many gangsters are there?”

The director asked the detective on the side.

“Hello Director, according to witnesses around, there are about two dozen criminals.”

The detective obviously did some homework. Although he didn’t enter the building for arrest, he still asked clearly how many criminals were there.

If you are timid, you still need to do your homework.

“Isn’t this the headquarters of the Kawashima Club? Did more than 20 gangsters be beaten like this?”

The director feels very incredible. Is this still the second gray organization in the Neon Country?

Simply vulnerable.

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