Pirate Company

Chapter 284 Ridiculous Rules

With Zhou Xian, the king's decision, rather than their own decision, the crowd found Eric himself, who had been controlled by others, and read the king's judgment to him.

For his murder, Eric had thought that the young king would be severely punished, when he knew that the king's punishment for him was only after three years of exile.

Eric was also a bachelor, so he didn't say much, and left Iceland with his family and a group of brave fellows who followed him.

He knew that after committing a murder, Iceland could no longer tolerate him.

Originally, they couldn't survive the crimes in the Fjord Kingdom, and now the newly discovered Iceland is useless. In order to survive, the group of them continued to embark on a journey of exploration.

Regardless of those who left from Iceland, Eric and his party.

In this murder incident, everyone just set a punishment of three years of exile, which made Zhou Xian feel alert.

After all, the Vikings living on the island were a group of militants after all. If the method is too drastic, it might lead to strong resistance from everyone.

The punishment for murder is too light, which will definitely encourage the criminal sentiment of the islanders. Thinking that killing people will be exiled anyway, it is impossible to say that a group of Vikings on the island will continue to mess around. I am afraid that Iceland will become an uncontrollable chaos. place.

This situation is something he doesn't want to see.

It's good that Zhou Yixian is the actual ruler of the island, but he can't kill all the islanders who disobey the rule.

Therefore, Zhou Yixian thought of a more moderate solution. After listening to the opinions of everyone on the island, he followed the tradition of the community meeting practiced by the Fjord Kingdom. Everyone has the right to speak on everything on the island.

Iceland has established four regional citizens' assemblies, known as "court districts". On top of this, there is a supreme power assembly attended by all landowners, called "Alting".

The Alting Conference, scheduled for two weeks each summer in Thingvellir near Reykjavik, deals with issues that groups and individuals cannot handle.

The establishment of Al Ting can be regarded as a great relief for Zhou Yixian's work pressure. Usually, because of some trivial matters, there are basically not many things that he is asked to deal with.

After all, these Vikings living in Iceland are still afraid of tyranny, otherwise they would not choose to escape Harald's rule.

Thinking of staying away from kings and criminals, they will not be too messy under the constraints of a start-up organization.

The order in Iceland has been initially established.

Afterwards, Zhou Xian listened to the suggestions of the islanders. In order to show the sanctity of his rule, he built a temple on Iceland, adding a bit of theocracy to his rule.

Not to mention, good results were achieved in the early stage, and after a thorough brainwashing, Zhou Yixian's dominance became even more authoritative.

However, Zhou Yixian still underestimated the ideological erosion behind theocracy. Once stubborn beliefs are bred in Yixin's heart, no one's words will become effective.

They command and believe what the messenger of "God" said.

A clergyman on the island, with his incomparable devotion to Sol and his ability to fool people, won the unanimous support of the islanders.

It didn't take long for Zhou Yixian to discover that the priest named Torolf on the island sometimes speaks more effectively than himself.

So, in Iceland, which had been quiet for a while, another shit happened.

In order to show the reverence for the gods, how could the existence of the altar be missing, Torolf's brain became hot, and he bewitched everyone to build an altar in Iceland to worship the gods. From time to time, some animal blood will be taken, and the blood will be sprinkled on the altar, walls and believers with branches.

It looks decent.

What's even more funny is that Torolf also made a Holy Grail-like thing, and every time he took it to preside over the citizens' assembly, he also asked all those who wanted to testify to solemnly swear in front of the Holy Grail.

It seems that after doing this, the witness's words can be completely believed.

If that's all it is, the Vikings who immigrated to Iceland still say it's tolerable. However, Torolf is also theocracy in success and theocracy in failure.

After the power in his hands soared, he made a moth again. In order to show respect to the gods, no one was allowed to desecrate the altar and venue with blood or feces.

To put it simply, if you want to solve your personal Lazard problem, you can. But it is necessary to go beyond the island, and not to hide my place.

How to put it, Torolf was chosen by himself to weaken Zhou Yixian's royal rule. The people living on the island can't just refuse the other party if they have some demands, so that the other party can't come down.

As a result, a small island some distance away from Iceland became a "dirty island", and all the problems of people on Iceland went to this small island to solve it.

If the island had any emotions, it might say loudly, "I'm messing with someone."

Of course, Zhou Yixian and the employees of his Yixian food company would not abide by such a ridiculous thing.

Although Torolf complained, but seeing the strength of the group of people, he didn't say anything, but acquiesced in their behavior that did not follow the rules.

To go to the toilet, you have to go far away to solve it. If you have diarrhea, don’t you have to pull it into your pants first? Due to Torolf's prestige, this kind of thing still happens often.

For young people, just bear it and pass, but this order is not so friendly to the elderly and people in poor health.

You have to walk dozens of miles to go to the toilet. Are you sure you are not embarrassing me, an old man?

For a time, from old to young, everyone complained to Torolf.

Nothing else, just because of the other party, they are not allowed to go to the bathroom happily.

What happened on the island, Zhou Yixian did not interfere too much. Humans always have to take some detours before returning to the normal.

On the contrary, Zhou Yixian is very happy to see this farce on the island continue.

Every day, a group of people, facing the twilight of the morning, holding small steps, holding their stomachs, looking uncomfortable, wanting to run but not daring to run, rushing all the way to the toilet outside the island in a hurry, has become the scene of Iceland A characteristic sight.

One day, early in the morning, the same scene played out.



In the long queue, a strange sound suddenly sounded. The group of people have long been accustomed to this kind of sound. When the stomach is uncomfortable, it will feel better to vent the gas in the stomach.

Puff puff.

After the first unique sound sounded in the line, a group of people seemed to have received some kind of signal, and a long series of such sounds sounded in the long line, forming a unique music.

However, the smell is not very good.

Everyone is the same, so no one complains.

"Hurry up, what are you doing standing there, if you arrive late, you won't even get a better seat."

"Aren't you ready?"

The island is only that big, and due to the daily group activities, the strangers on the island quickly became acquainted with each other after having a common experience.

A group of young people walking in the front of the line suddenly realized that after the music, many people in the long line stopped and couldn't help but kindly urged them.

You know, it is rare to find a clean place on the filthy island that bears the problem of going to the toilet for the entire island. If you go there late, you have to follow the legacy of the predecessors and grit your teeth to solve your own problems.

"No, you go, I don't want to anymore now."

"There are still important things at home, I have to deal with them first."

Responding to the kind reminder from the young man in front, the people who stopped had no intention of moving on, but turned their heads and walked towards home.

"I remembered, I didn't dry my clothes yesterday, so I'd better go back and dry them first."

"When I went out today, I forgot to close the door. There is no rush to go to the toilet. I'd better go home and close the door."

"Yes, yes, I didn't close the door. I went back late, so I might have lost everything at home."

"Stop talking, let's go back first."

Admitting to dirty pants, as an adult, would not admit to death, so they could only find a lame excuse.

"If you look anxious just now, no matter how anxious you are, you can be as anxious as you are now."

Seeing everyone's words like this, some innocent young people still believed what everyone said.

"Stop talking, save some face for them, they are in a hurry to go back to wash their pants."

"Everyone is an adult, give them some face."

Some young people who were aware of it didn't say anything, and they accepted the other party's words. However, there will never be a shortage of people who gloat.

Immediately, someone laughed.

Even my own problems, I feel less anxious.

"Ha ha ha ha."

"What are you talking about? There is something urgent at home. I'm afraid I'm in a hurry to go back and wash my pants."

"Look at them, they are so big, they have to wash their pants every morning."

"Before counting, I don't even remember how many times this is."

"It's not shameful for such a big man to pull his pants all the time."

The crowd who had lowered their heads and left blushing finally exploded when they heard the gloating laughter coming from behind them.

"That's right, Laozi is pulling his pants, and he is in a hurry to go home and wash them, what's the matter?"

"If labor and capital hadn't gotten older, there would have been such an embarrassing thing."

"Don't laugh, as long as Torolf is on the island for one day, you will have one day too."

"We'll wait and see how you will face the ridicule of young people."

Yes, what should we do when we are old and unable to walk.

A group of gloating young people stopped laughing and fell into deep thought.

Mom sells batches, it is so difficult to go to the toilet, and you have to practice the skill of washing pants with one hand, this life is impossible.

It's all Torolf's fault for making such an absurd rule.

This kind of thing cannot be allowed to continue to happen.

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