What Lynn needs most now, in addition to facing external threats, is to beware of constraints from the five old stars, and it is imperative to create his own sharp knife.

Only if you are strong, you will not be bound by today's power and strength.

"But what do I have now?"

Lynn squinted, her palms unconsciously swiping in the water.

What's there?

By water drops, by Tomoko, this is indeed possible, and even planned at the beginning.

These two technologies are very powerful, shockingly powerful, and a single drop of water has the combat power of a general.

The disadvantage is also obvious, that is, the production problem is time-consuming and laborious, and now the establishment of semi-automatic, more than ten days to create one, the consumption of materials is even more amazing.

In order to make yourself invincible and not at the mercy of anyone, you must continue to develop your own power.

Tezzoro can actually be counted as one, and now there is a thought steel seal to control it is more certain, and then you can also influence more masters, and the Seven Wuhai level will serve yourself.

You can even choose those who are strong, physically talented, and have average understanding.

"Hey, think about it this way, since it's a thought seal, then you don't need to think about ordinary people, you should target Qi Wuhai's body..."

Lynn suddenly slapped his head and muttered in his mouth.

It's really exciting, and now it's not to the point of falling out with the world government, and it doesn't necessarily have to fall out with the world government.

After all, he is still a Draco, right, his status is extremely noble, and he takes advantage of these times to develop slowly, and then he will not be afraid of the five old stars, or even the existence in the holy land of Mary Joya.

The more I think about it, the more anxious it is, mainly because the thought steel seal is too surprised.

"But you can also start to prepare, this time when you enter the laboratory, you will strive to get the steel seal out, the water drops can't listen, and the Tomoko plan can't give up... Well, there's quite a lot going on.

Lynn calculated what he was going to do, then waved his hand and said to the confused maid:

"Bring the phone worm over and call the Admiral Sengoku."

The maid immediately obediently walked out of the bath, trotting naked to get the phone worm from the clothes...


On the Sengoku side, who was talking to Karp at this time, Granny Tsuru and Granny said happily that Lynn had delivered the reservation technology of the World Government.

The two were also very happy when they heard it, and there was another drop, and Tomoko, then the plan of action for the new world at the beginning could also be launched, and the spearhead was not just placed in the first half of the Great Passage.

At this time, Lynn's call came, and Sengoku was a little surprised when he answered.

Didn't you just finish the call?

Lynn actually called, just to ask about things, so he said directly: "Warring States, what is the situation of the Qiwu Sea recently?" What are the trends? "

Nanabukai? Figarand. Why did Lynn ask about Nanabukai?

However, Lynn is not an ordinary Draco, and he also has the right to know these things.

Although the Warring States were a little puzzled, they also said truthfully: "Seven Wuhai? Hawkeye Mihawk is temporarily unpredictable, the female emperor Han Cook is still on her island, and Sea Man Jinpei is also at sea and seems to have no movement.

"Doflamingo's words, we hit a round the other day, and now Tomoko is still hanging above his head."

"Oh? That Draco exiled by the Don Quixote family. "

Lynn accident, Doflamingo also suffered a naval blow?

"Yes, that's him... Artificial devil fruit, he is engaged in the underground trade of this thing, was discovered by us with wisdom to trade with a hundred beasts, and also found an underground factory, which was destroyed by water droplets at that time, but at that time your side was attacked by the revolutionary army, so you went to support first, so now I didn't move him for the time being, and the five old stars didn't speak. "

Sengoku truthfully introduced the situation at that time.

Lynn sighed twice, I didn't expect such a thing to happen, Doflamingo this guy turned out to be so unlucky, the factory was destroyed two years earlier.

But it was just an accident, Lynn didn't care how Doflamingo was, and continued to ask: "What about the others?" "

The rest of Nanabukai... Monchi D Luffy The pirate you asked before, defeated the Seven Warriors Sea Sand Crocodile, Moonlight Moriah, and now Moonlight Moria is still in his own territory, and the Sand Crocodile Klockdar committed a crime, trying to overthrow the regime of the Desert Kingdom and was captured in Advance City. "

Lynn, yes, Moonlight Moriah has been defeated, then it means that the top war is coming, and Blackbeard Tichy is the fuse to catch Ace.

At this time, isn't the sand crocodile advancing the city!

So, Lynn decisively spoke: "Then he, Sand Crocodile Klockdar, send him to the Golden Science and Technology City." "

Want the sand crocodile over!?"

The whole person of the Warring States was stunned for a moment, feeling very surprised.

Figarand. What does Lynn want the sand crocodile of the first seven martial arts seas for?

"He's a dangerous figure, Figaran Saint, can you tell me what this is going to do?"

Sengoku originally wanted to shirk, but thinking about the preferential treatment of Lynn by the five old stars and the so-called adults, he endured it and did not say it, so he asked.

"It's part of my plan, okay, you just do it, and there is resistance to tell me in other areas."

Lynn is very clear about his identity, and he will not be polite when talking to the Warring States, and he will hammer the final word and hang up after saying it directly.

Sengoku, who remained with a complicated expression, was still holding a microphone.

"Hey, did you really promise him that? That's a sand crocodile, but it's not a simple thing. Both

Karp and Granny Tsuru heard Lynn's voice on the phone and couldn't help but say to Sengoku.

In this case, even the Draco Warring States will directly refuse, after all, these prisoners are the existence of the sixth layer, and the harm is not ordinary!

However, the Warring States did not say anything, which surprised Karp and Grandma He, who were familiar with the character of the Warring States.

"I also want to refuse, but who is he? Figarand. Lynn...,"

Sengoku smiled bitterly and continued, "Do you know what the five old stars told me? The requirements of Figaran San are fully met.

Karp and Mother-in-law He both had a stunned expression, and said in surprise: "The five old stars are so indulgent to him!? "

Warring States still smile bitterly, a six-layer prisoner, give it, I think what you don't know is that not only the five old stars, but even the mysterious lord of the Holy Land is doing this to Lynn.

"It doesn't matter if people give it or not, although they say they are fully satisfied, they still have to ask for instructions."

Shaking his head slightly, taking advantage of the fact that he was about to report the delivery problem to the five old stars, he simply contacted him directly by another call.

At this time, the yellow ape had also come to Marin Fando, and according to the meaning of the Warring States, first handed over to the five old stars and their wise sons.

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