A figure shrouded in a cloak appeared on the execution table, the wind blade condensed in his hand, quickly shot out and cut off the chain behind Ace and Luffy, reached out and grabbed the two in his hand, turned and left.

“Hugh thinks !!”

The Sengoku body emitted a golden light, which suddenly swelled, and between the golden rays, a golden Buddha appeared on the execution table.

The big Buddha’s eyes widened angrily, like an angry King Kong, which made people feel awe-inspiring.

The strong shock wave gathered in his hand swung out in an instant and smashed towards the dragon.

The dragon’s face hidden under the hood changed, and he threw the two in his hands towards the square, covered with domineering in his hands, and faced the Warring States.

The “boom”

shock wave burst with a bang, and the terrifying impact force enveloped the entire execution table, crushed into pieces, collapsed down, and stirred up puffs of smoke.



Seeing that Ace and Luffy were rescued by the dragon, the pirates on the square looked happy, and just wanted to rush over to catch the falling figures of the two, when they saw the flash in the air condense and grabbed the two in their hands.

“Hmm~, there is a terrible enemy again, the revolutionary dragon?”

The yellow ape grabbed Ace and Luffy in his hands, landed on the ground, and pouted.


Luffy, who was caught by the yellow ape, exclaimed.

I saw that on the square, the fierce wind slowly condensed, a figure emerged from it, the hood on his head had long been blown up, and a face full of tattoos appeared in the eyes of everyone.

“Dragon, you fellow!”

Karp, who was standing behind, saw the figure of the dragon appear, with anger on his face, and shouted.

“Finally here, I thought you were going to give up your husband’s good grandson.”

“Old man…”

the dragon saw Karp with a wry smile on his face.

“Karp, what are you guys talking about!? Figure out where you stand. His

clothes were torn, and the shirtless Sengoku walked out of the ruins of the collapsed execution platform, his eyebrows low and his eyes angry.

“Of course the old man knows his identity.”

Karp snorted coldly.

“But as a grandfather, can’t I be happy to see someone come to save my grandson.”

Sengoku ignored Karp and walked slowly to the front, his gloomy eyes looking directly at the dragon.

“I originally thought that the revolutionary army would not appear, but I didn’t expect it to hide in the shadows and wait for an opportunity.”

“Dragon, you really showed me a hand.”

The dragon looked serious.

“Warring States General, long time no see.”

At the time of Ryu’s departure from the navy, Sengoku had not yet been promoted to marshal of the navy.

“No one has called me a general for a long time, Long, the old man is now a marshal.”

Hearing the dragon’s name for himself, a smile suddenly appeared on Sengoku’s gloomy face.

“Back then, the old man valued you no less than Sakaski and them, but unfortunately, you took the wrong path and stood on the opposite side of the government.”

Saying that, anger appeared on Sengoku’s face, and he turned his head towards Karp and shouted:

“It’s all to blame on you, Karp, if it weren’t for your negligent teaching, the justice of the navy would have been stronger!”

“It won’t happen now.”

“How can you blame the old man!?”

Karp said with a grin.

“I told him, the dragon guy is too stubborn.”

“Ace and Luffy are the same, really…”

said Karp, the laughter on his face sinking again.

Sengoku’s face also sank.

“Long, is the revolutionary army sure to participate in this battlefield?”

The dragon’s tattoo-filled face was slightly lowered, silently standing in place.

At this moment, the pirates everywhere on the battlefield are also staring at the dragon tightly, if the revolutionary army enters the war, then their hope of rescuing Ace will expand several times.

The addition of another huge force will tilt the scales of this war.

“The revolutionary army will not go to war.”

The hoarse voice of the dragon sounded on the battlefield, and the pirates who heard the dragon’s voice dimmed the expectation in their eyes.

“Marshal of the Warring States, there is one thing I do not agree with.”

The dragon’s deep eyes lifted and looked directly at the Sengoku.

“The path I have taken is not wrong, in this world, the people at the bottom are devastated and suffering.”

“They struggled to rise from the water, but the oppression from the nobles forced them to sink.”

“Those who are high above do not care about the lives of the people living at the bottom.”

“They cried, desperate, helpless, but no one paid attention.”

“Where there is oppression in this world, there will be resistance.”

“Where there is rebellion, there will be repression as well.”

“People are naturally arrogant and pursue independence and freedom; People naturally worship authority and are attached to Muqiang.

“The commoners cried out in despair, struggling to survive, and the nobles exploited wildly and unscrupulously.”

“That’s why the revolutionary army exists, and that’s why I exist.”

“Dragon, what the hell are you trying to say!?”

Sengoku gloomy face shouted.

The dragon raised his hands high, looked up at the sky, and the corners of his mouth curled.

“The lamp of revolution has been lit, and as long as there is a will to resist in this world, it will never be extinguished.”

“Even if there is only a faint candlelight left, it will completely set the world on fire at some point in the future!”

Saying that, the dragon’s eyes burned with fanatical flames and looked at the Warring States.

“The revolutionary army will not go to war!”

“But I will!”

As the dragon’s voice fell, the admirals of the navy all stared at the dragon coldly with gloomy faces.

“There is still a chance.”

Whitebeard’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he swung the knife from Yun Che in his hand, and the tip of the knife was raised.

The battlefield, which had been frozen by the sudden appearance of the dragon, once again ignited flames.

“Take back Ace!”

The pirates shouted frantically and rushed towards the yellow ape.

“Good chance, let’s go save Luffy!”

Solon and Sanji’s eyes lit up, and they were about to rush with the pirates, but they were forced to retreat one after another by a slash of knife light and several pink arrows.

“The concubine is angry now!”

Hancock’s terrifying gaze moved away from the suddenly appearing dragon and stared dead at Solon and Sanji.

“You guys just die here!”

One after another! Endless!!

The pink arrows were like a storm, shooting towards the two endlessly.

The rain of arrows fell, forcing Solon and the two to dodge in a hurry, and the pirates and navy who were shot by the arrows along the way turned into stones with terrified faces.

The war between the two sides continues, and the pirates’ bloodshot eyes are fixed on the yellow ape, intending to take back Ace and Luffy from him.

“Hmm~, it’s really scary.”

The yellow ape, who was stared at by tens of thousands of pairs of eyes, raised his eyebrows slightly, his mouth pursed, and he had a lewd smile on his face.

The body suddenly heated into a Dao flash, and the yellow ape’s hands tightly grasped Ace and Luffy and flew into the sky.

“Keep them.”

The wind burst out, and the dragon’s figure chased towards the golden flash, and a pitch-black domineering aura appeared in his hand, grabbing the yellow ape.

Suddenly, a tall body suddenly jumped up, holding a fist in his hand, and swung out with all his strength, smashing on the dragon’s body, knocking him upside down and flying out.

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