That’s my brother, Sabo

“This child was later adopted and raised by the Revolutionary Army, and is now a big shot in their organization.” ”

No, it can’t be.” Ace couldn’t believe it.

Is there really such a coincidence?

The coincidence is completely unreal.

Even though he has been missing Sabo for so many years, he lied to himself that Sabo was not dead, but still alive and well somewhere.

He had also dreamed countless times in his dreams that the three brothers were still happily playing pirate games together and would never grow up.

But the moment his dream came true, he didn’t believe it.

He was afraid that this was another dream.

He was afraid of waking up from his dream.

Just like countless nights in the past, the sweeter the dream, the emptier and more painful it is to wake up.

“Is this true? Sammy? Tell me this is true! You didn’t lie to me.”

Ace’s tears couldn’t stop anymore. He cried even harder than when Luffy saw Sabo on De Island. .

“I’m not sure if the child is Sabo, Ace.”

“But according to Sean’s description, when he was rescued, the child was wearing shabby aristocratic clothes, a blue tuxedo, a black top hat, and blond hair.”

“Moreover, he has lost his memory. He doesn’t know who he is or what happened in the past…” ”

No! Sammy, that’s him!” Ace fell to his knees, his whole body limp with excitement.

“Even after so many years and having lost news of him for so long, I can still clearly feel it.”

“That’s him!”

“That’s my brother!!”


People screamed, The wind whimpered.

“Ace!” Sami looked at the crying Ace silently, unable to say anything.

His excitement and sadness were also eroding Sammy’s reason, breaking down his steel-hard psychological defense.

Memories of past lives came to mind again, those unforgettable people and things.

The smiling faces of those relatives and friends kept reappearing in Sammy’s mind.

“So, I haven’t forgotten them either?”

“Yes, even after so many years and losing news of them for so long, I can still think of them immediately.” The

lonely smoke is straight in the desert, and the sun is setting over the long river.

In the infinitely magnificent and beautiful scenery, the human image is completely reduced, but the feelings are infinitely magnified.

Until the strong emotions and the majestic scenery merge into one, and the two small people are all integrated into it.

In the end, only a beautiful sunset remained.


The Mellie stopped at the port of Elmar.

Ace did not accompany the Straw Hats into the desert like in the original work, but instead said a hasty farewell to everyone here.

It seemed that after learning that Sabo was not dead, he had solved his worries.

“Sabo will one day remember what happened in the past. At that time, he and you were taking care of Luffy, and I can rest assured to hunt down Blackbeard.”

The big regret in his heart was solved, and Ace looked very happy at this time. Relaxed, full of energy and vitality.

“I will bring news to Sean and urge him to help Sabo and Luffy get to know each other as soon as possible.”

Sami assured him, “You also have to take care of yourself, Ace.”

“I will.” Ace nodded. .

“Are you really not going to interrupt and say goodbye to Luffy in person?”

“No, if that guy knows that I’m leaving, I don’t know what will happen to him sadly.”

Ace smiled maliciously, “That’s it. I’ll leave the situation to you to deal with the headache.”

Sammy forced himself not to imagine how Luffy would cry and cry while hugging him and not letting go.

“Oh, by the way, this is for you.” Ace handed Sammy a piece of white paper.

To be precise, it was a small piece of paper torn from a piece of white paper.

“Life paper?”

“Oh, as expected of Sammy, there are really few things in this world that you don’t know.” Ace sighed again.

“Please help me pass this thing to Luffy and tell him that one day we will meet again, Sabo, him and me, and one day we will drink sworn wine again.”

Sami solemnly took the piece of paper He held the piece in his hand and said, “Ace, Luffy and I will surprise you when we meet again.”

“I look forward to that day.” Ace smiled at him, He turned around and jumped onto his boat, waving goodbye to Sammy.

“Goodbye, Sammy, take care of Luffy for me.”

“I will!”

The boat, driven by Ace’s Burning Fruit, pierced into the blue sea like an arrow from a string.

Soon there was only a blur of his back.

Sami stared there for a long time and didn’t notice it until Weiwei came to him with a strange man.

He was unfamiliar to the Straw Hats, but Sammy was already familiar with his appearance before they met him.

Except for Luffy, who was still sleeping soundly, everyone else gathered around.

Weiwei immediately introduced everyone: “Everyone, this is Bell of the Falcon, the adjutant of the Alabasta Kingdom Guards, and the strongest warrior in our kingdom.” When

Zoro heard the word “strongest”, he came immediately Interested: “Are you the strongest? You are holding a sword, are you a swordsman? Are you interested in competing?”

“Idiot, this person is not an enemy, why are you fighting.”

Nami knocked Zoro on the shoulder For a moment, I blamed him for saying such rude words when he saw the guests.

“What are you doing, woman? I told you we were just sparring, and we didn’t really want to fight.”

“Sparring is not good, and sparring is wrong.”

“You are too overbearing.”

“Wow! Ms. Nami is overbearing too. It has a different flavor.” Sanji’s eyes turned red.

“Tch, perverted cook.”

“Who are you talking about? Stinky swordsman, do you want to be kicked?”

“Come here, who is afraid of whom.”

The two quarreled together again.

Usopp quietly moved away from them and stood behind Sami.

Nami covered her head and was speechless.

Bell looked at Weiwei with his eyes, and the meaning was obvious: “These are the guys you said can save the kingdom from fire and water?”

Weiwei smiled awkwardly, and reluctantly said: “Haha, don’t look at them like this , Actually, their fighting power is very strong.”

“The person responsible for making plans has always been Mr. Sami, he is very powerful. Right, Mr. Sami?”

Weiwei turned her head to look for Sami, meaning you Show your skills quickly, I can’t make up any more.

Sammy: (๑ŏ ﹏ ŏ๑ )Ais!

“Stop it for me, bastard!”

Nami, who had just finished beating the yellow and green combination, looked at Sami, who was still immersed in the sadness of their separation, and immediately punched him as well.

The fist of love woke Sammy up in one fell swoop.

He reacted quickly and immediately said to Falcon Bell, “He’s the one who’s here to connect, right?”

“Yes, Mr. Sa-Sammy.” Falcon Bell said quickly.

“His Majesty the King immediately agreed to your proposal after receiving it from Ikarem. Now he is completely ready, so he asked me to come and join you.” ”

Very good, let’s not talk more nonsense. , we don’t have much time, let’s act quickly.”

Sami didn’t hesitate and started assigning tasks directly.

“Zoron, you, Vivi, Usopp, and Mr. Bell will set off immediately. Your mission is to escort King Kobra to secretly sneak out of the palace and negotiate with the rebels.” ”

Understood.” Zoro simply agreed, seemingly Very reliable.

As expected, it was Zoro who was always the captain’s most capable assistant, always taking orders without asking for reasons.

What? You ask where the captain is?

That’s the one drooling on the ground over there.

Now the captain is offline and the deputy captain is in command.

Sami nodded with satisfaction and continued: “Nami, you and Sanji team up to find Mr. 2. When he pretends to be the king and does bad things, wait for the opportunity to destroy his conspiracy.”

Nami has not yet spoken . , Sanji jumped up first: “Wow, it’s great, I’m going on a mission alone with Miss Nami.” ” I’m so happy. What should I wear? Do I want to change clothes?

Do I want my shoes shined?”

The guy had completely forgotten that he was on a mission.

Fortunately, Nami still had some brains. She ignored Sanji and asked doubtfully: “Sammy, how do we find Mr. 2?”

Sami smiled slightly and pointed to the man hanging by Nami’s neck. Rat charm for necklace.

Nami’s eyes lit up immediately.

“Before that guy left the Merry ship, I had already sent a pet to follow him. Can you sense it through the spell?” ”

Yes, I can sense it.” Nami said in surprise, “It’s a pet Seagull. Sammy, you are so smart!”

Sammy shrugged, not feeling proud at all.

When Chopper saw that everyone had missions, and Sami hadn’t called his name until now, he immediately became anxious.

Jumping around on the deck trying to get Sammy’s attention.

“Hey, Sami, what about me? Don’t forget me, I can fight too, and I have my part to help Weiwei!”

Sami smiled gently: “Of course, Chopper, how could I forget you? Well, you are a trustworthy man!”

“Stop talking, you guy, don’t praise me like that, I’m not happy.” Chopper danced happily.



“You, and Luffy, come with me!”

“With Sammy? That’s great!” Chopper said happily, with the two most trusted people on the ship. Act together.

He felt very happy.

“But, Sammy, what is the mission of our group?”

“Us?” Sammy narrowed his eyes and said, “Of course we are going to meet the sand crocodile.”

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