No more spoilers

Sammy suddenly coughed and took out the big bird he had caught.

He asked with an innocent face: “Uncle, is this the Nan Nan Mi Bird you are talking about?”

Curiket glanced at it and was immediately shocked: “It’s this guy! How did you catch it?”

“That one , I just caught it casually when I went to catch beetles in the forest. After all, this kind of bird looks very strange, right?” ”

Sammy!” Usopp couldn’t help it anymore, jumped up and pointed at Sammy with grief and anger. shouted.

“You must have done it on purpose, right? You lied to us that there were beetles in the forest, but in fact you were just going to catch this Nannanbibi bird, right?” ”

What are you talking about, Usopp? How did I know where to go? Will the island want Nannan to see birds?”

Sami blinked his big watery eyes with a confused and innocent look on his face.

“Stop lying to me! No matter what you do, you have carefully calculated it. I won’t be fooled by you!” “Do

you dare to say that you really caught this bird casually? Didn’t you catch it early? We have planned to go to Sky Island.”

“I didn’t, Usopp, don’t accuse me wrongly.”

Sami pointed at Usopp and shouted to everyone, “This guy slandered me! He slandered me! ”

Others ignored him at all. Even the simple Chopper didn’t believe what Sammy said.

“Sammy, stop pretending. I’m afraid you have already planned everything now in Magic Valley Town, right?”

Zoro was the first to say, “Can you really predict the future?” ”

So, even I will bring back the map, do you think it’s there?” Robin also asked suspiciously.

Nami immediately provided evidence: “Yes! I remember he said that Robin will definitely bring good news.”

Sanji suddenly realized: “I’m just telling you, trick man! You must have used some conspiracy, Sister Robin That’s why I’m so close to you!”

“You’re such a hateful guy!”

Usopp glared at Sami.

Chopper looked at Sammy with admiration: “How cool! Sammy! Can you predict when I will be able to make the panacea?”

“Probably within the next three years, not too long, Qiao Ba.” Sammy responded casually.

“Stop spoiling any more!” ×7

“Hahahaha, sorry, sorry.” Sammy scratched his head and said sheepishly.

“It’s terrible! It’s terrible to be your companion! Even if we die in your hands one day, we won’t know.”

Usopp had collapsed.

Knowing clearly that going to an empty island is so dangerous, it’s okay not to stop it in advance, but instead contributes to it. Is this still what humans do?

Usopp once again regretted going to sea to become a pirate.

By the way, Sami might have already planned for him to go to sea.


Can’t think about it anymore!

If you think about it again, it will really scare you to death!

No matter how desperately Usopp resists, no one can change Luffy’s decision, and everyone can only sit and prepare for the sky island.

After a night of hard work, Sanji prepared enough ingredients and Chopper prepared a lot of medicines.

Even the Meili changed its appearance under the transformation of the Aru Mountain United Army.

The sheep’s head turned into a cockscomb head, and a pair of wings grew.

Luffy was happiest at this novel change, grinning like never before.

Usopp also sighed: “I didn’t expect your modification skills to be so good. I almost can’t recognize the Merry.” ”

No, no, these are very simple things.”

“That’s right, that’s all. What? If you wait a little longer, we can help you dismantle the kitchen and make a chicken tail.”

“Don’t do weird things, bastard!” Sanji immediately stopped him.

Aren’t you afraid of getting kicked if you discuss demolishing the kitchen in front of a chef?

Luffy had already walked around the modified Merry and looked at all the novel places.

He shouted to everyone: “Everyone! Are you ready? Let’s go!”

“No problem.”

“I can’t wait!”

After the captain gave the order, everyone immediately performed their duties.

Nami was in command, Sanji and Zoro were pulling the sails, Sami was at the helm, and Chopper and Usopp were shouting cheers.

The Meili immediately set sail with full sail, and, accompanied by the two large ships of the Aruyama Alliance Army, the “Utan Detection” and the “Victory Hunter”, headed towards the southern goal.

Nami was very satisfied with everyone’s skillful cooperation and said with a smile: “Usopp, always pay attention to the course. If Nannan Mitori changes the direction it is pointing, you must tell me immediately!”

“Understood!” Usopp responded. He, while squatting next to Nannan Mitori, said curiously: “This guy can really point out the direction? It’s really amazing.”

Nannan Mitori seemed to hear Usopp’s question and immediately became unhappy. Yelled.

“What did it say? Chopper?”

Chopper acted as a translator: “It said that it was better than the record pointer in pointing the direction. Brat, don’t underestimate me.” ”

Who do you think it is? Where is the brat? You stupid bird!” How could Usopp be willing to be scolded by a big bird? He immediately scolded him back.

“Uncle Curiket said that this guy’s beak always points to the south. Why don’t I believe it at all?”


said with a smile, “You will know if you try it.” His head suddenly turned in other directions.

“Ah! Luffy! What are you doing!” Chopper was shocked.

“Don’t move, idiot! What if I get killed by you!”

Usopp didn’t expect Luffy to do this, and it was too late to stop him. He was so angry that he slapped Luffy on the face.

Nannan Jiantiao’s face immediately showed a look of horror as his head was forcibly broken off.

Although he tried his best to control the direction, the strong uneasiness in his heart finally forced it to turn its head again, and the beak pointed due south again.

“Hahahahahaha, what an interesting guy. It seems that once you deviate from the direction, you will feel uneasy in your heart.”

Nannan saw the bird furiously, and rushed towards Luffy. If it weren’t for the chain on his feet, It wanted to hit Luffy’s stupid face hard.

“Quack, quack, quack!”

“Don’t do boring things! Brat, be careful I’ll peck you to death!” Chopper translated again.

“Hahahaha, it won’t happen, please give me the direction.”

“Quack, quack, quack, quack!”

A bird and a monkey played happily on the deck, but fortunately, it did not affect the normal navigation of the Meili.

Not long after, the Meili arrived at its destination and slowly stopped.

“It should be right here, Nami?” Sami asked uncertainly, looking at the calm sea in front of him.

“That’s right, according to Uncle Kuriket’s instructions, this is where the soaring sea currents will appear.”

Nami said with certainty, “Look, the two ships of the Saruyama United Army have also stopped.”

Sami looked up . Looking over, I saw the two large ships parked nearby, and the orangutans and orangutans were standing on the bows waving to them.

Robin looked around and said: “The sky current is said to be the huge energy generated by the instantaneous boiling of sea water when it encounters a volcanic crater on the bottom of the sea, and the steam explodes.” ”

It seems that there must be a huge volcanic crater underneath this sea area. .”

“Fire, crater?” Usopp was taken aback and asked stumblingly, “Then will we be in danger? Robin?” ”

Who knows, maybe we will be cooked. Not sure.”

“Ah! Really?” Usopp shouted directly, rushing over to grab Sammy’s rudder.

“It’s too dangerous! Sammy! Let’s go back quickly, I don’t want to die yet!”

“Don’t scare him, Robin.” Sammy said helplessly to Robin while pushing Usopp away.

Robin gave a charming smile, and it was obvious that she was satisfied with scaring Usopp.

At this time, Chopper suddenly shouted: “Look! There are many big bubbles on the sea!”

“Really? Let me take a look.” Luffy was the first to jump over.

Sure enough, I saw many bubbles the size of a human head appearing on the originally calm sea.

The sea water also made a gurgling sound, and the sea surface began to churn as if it had been boiled.

“It’s incredible.” Luffy sighed.

Usopp hugged the mast and cried loudly: “It’s over! It’s over! It’s too late! We’re going to be cooked.”

Sami slapped him on the head and signaled him to quiet down, because he suddenly realized something was wrong. The place.

At some point, a huge raft actually broke into this sea area and was quietly approaching the Meili.

Sammy’s eyes suddenly froze, and he recognized it at a glance as the flagship of the Blackbeard Pirates.

Before the word “be careful” could be uttered, a gunshot suddenly sounded from the big raft.

“Whoa!” Sauron, who was closing his eyes to recuperate, suddenly drew his sword.


Hedao Yimonji’s blade made a clear low sound, and a lead bullet was blocked by it. When the blades and bullets intersected, sparks flew everywhere.

Zoro frowned. This shot was so powerful that he almost lost his grip on the long knife in his hand.

“Asshole! Who is it?” Zoro raised his head and was about to curse, but when he saw the group of people on the raft, his expression immediately changed.


He immediately turned to look at Sami, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Sammy frowned, these guys were chasing after him after all.

At this moment, Usopp suddenly shouted: “Get down!”

The others immediately jumped to the ground instinctively, only Luffy still stood still.

Then, gunshots like fried beans rang out, and the Merry ship The body was beaten so hard

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