: Extracting the Chicken Talisman

The old friends’ meeting didn’t last long. Sami and Zoro came back first after staying for a while.

Luffy was the only one left talking to Kebi enthusiastically.

“Hey, where are everyone?” As soon as Zoro returned to the room, he found that there was no one there.

“I thought I heard Sanji say something about a pool party just now. They must have gone there!”

“Pool party?” Zoro asked doubtfully, “Isn’t that idiot Curly Eyebrow doing something bad again?”

“Who knows? Do you want to take a look?” Sammy said, walking to the safe.

“There’s nothing to do anyway. Hey, what are you doing with the money in it? Do you want to buy something?” ”

No, I just don’t think it’s safe to put all the money in it.”

“It’s not safe? What are you talking about?” Suo Long asked curiously, “Is there any safer place to deposit money than a safe?” ”

You don’t understand this. It’s hard to guard against house thieves if you guard it day and night.” Sammy said mysteriously.

“Okay, it’s almost 100 million. You wait while I hide it.”

As he said that, he started looking for a place to hide the money.

“Tch, I really don’t understand what you are doing.”

After Sammy found a big enough place and hid all the money, a long time passed.

Pulling Zoro, who had been waiting impatiently for a long time, to the swimming pool behind the house, he saw another grand banquet.

“Hey! I said there are too many people!” Zoro stared at the sea of people in the swimming pool with his mouth agape.

Not only are the familiar guys from the French family and Carrera Company, but there are also more unfamiliar faces.

Sami made a rough estimate, and roughly half of the people in the Seven Waters City were here.

There are still a steady stream of people arriving.

The new arrivals could no longer squeeze into the swimming pool, so they could only light bonfires outside and join in the carnival.

“Everyone, come and eat! Come and drink! I’m treating you!” Luffy greeted enthusiastically while dancing with his chopsticks.

“We’re treating you!” Chopper shouted as he danced along.

“That fool!” Zoro scolded, and then said to Sami, “You still have the foresight, otherwise we won’t have a penny left if we keep going like this.” ”

Oh? When were you worried about money? Already?” Sammy teased.

“Tch! You know what I’m worried about, you know what I’m worried about!”

“Hey! Santo-ryu! Come and drink!” Barry’s face turned red from drinking, and he shouted to Zoro.

“Here it comes! No! Don’t call me Santo-ryu! Idiot!”

Sami smiled as he watched Zoro leave and picked up a glass of wine from the table nearby.

After glancing around, he walked in one direction.

Robin was leaning against the wall with a gloomy expression on his face, and he didn’t even notice Sammy coming over.

“Robin, what’s wrong?”

Robin was interrupted by Sami. He quickly raised his head and smiled and said, “No, it’s okay.”

Sami looked at her and said, “It’s Aoki, right?”

“How did you know? ?” Robin blurted out in surprise.

Sami pointed to the slightly frozen wine glass in her hand and said nothing.

Robin smiled knowingly and said: “Sure enough, I can’t hide anything from you.”

“Then don’t hide it from me.” Sami said, “That guy didn’t come to trouble you, right?”

“Well, he is, he is here You asked me to say goodbye.”

“Haha, it’s too early to say goodbye now, Robin.” Sammy said after taking a sip of wine.

“Sooner or later we will meet again. I haven’t paid back what that guy owes me.”

Robin knew that he was referring to the last time he was instantly killed by Qing Pheasant.

With Sami’s character, he can remember this incident for the rest of his life and will never let it go.

Robin rolled her eyes at him and said, “Can you men stop fighting and killing all the time?”

“This is not fighting and killing, this is human nature.” Sammy said.

“When I kill him in seconds, this matter will be over.”

“You really have to spend every penny.”

“Hahaha, there’s no way.”

“There aren’t many things that interest me in this world. This is one of the most important ones, and I won’t give up.”


Being beaten up in front of the woman he liked, Sami couldn’t swallow such a sigh of relief because of his arrogance.

Although it won’t kill him, he will have to be beaten up and vent his anger in the future.

“Okay, let’s not talk about it.” Sami took the initiative to change the subject, “Robin, do you want to date me?”

Robin’s cheeks suddenly turned red. She sipped her wine quickly, her eyes panicked. Looking around.

“I’m going to die! Why are you talking about this?”

Sami said seriously. “If you don’t give me a definite answer, I might really die.”

“Stop talking nonsense, I want you to live well!”

” Then stop torturing me, okay?”

Robin heard this and suddenly looked up at Sami, carefully.

It seemed that his eyes were imprinting the exact same image on his mind.

On the contrary, Sammy was confused by her eyes. He took a step back, blushing and trembling: “What, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing!” Robin smiled brightly, like a blooming plum blossom in the wind and snow, “Okay. Sammy!”

“Really?!” Sammy asked uncertainly.

Not only his body, but also his voice was shaking.

Robin stopped answering and walked back to the lively banquet with a smile.

Only a beautiful and graceful back and a faint fragrance are left.

Sammy stayed where he was, motionless for a long time.

He didn’t wake up until Luffy shouted his name loudly.

After scratching his head, Sammy giggled “hehe”.

Luffy jumped in front of him and said strangely: “Hey! Sammy, what are you doing! I’ve been calling you for a long time.” ”

Ah? It’s nothing, nothing. I was thinking about something just now.” Sammy waved his hands in defense. road.

“Really?” Luffy said suspiciously. He frowned and looked carefully and said, “No, I seem to have heard something.”

“Wha, what happened?” Sammy asked nervously.

“Hmm~ I don’t know, it’s a bit like the story of a wolf eating a sheep…”

Luffy was still thinking about it, but Sammy covered his mouth.

“Don’t think about it, don’t think about it, it’s all fake.”


“I know, I know.” Sammy said.

“Don’t waste your extraordinary talent on such a trivial matter. Come on, let’s go eat, haha, eat.”

After saying that, ignoring Luffy’s struggle, Sammy pulled him towards the swimming pool. .

Soon, with Luffy rejoining, the party reached its climax again, and there was laughter and laughter everywhere.

The party lasted until dawn. The drunk, overfed, and crazy people fell asleep one by one, snoring loudly.

Sammy was sitting cross-legged against the wall, eyes closed, and Robin was sleeping peacefully in his arms.

“Open the system.”

Sammy gave the order, and the system interface opened immediately.

“Twelve talismans system:

Name: Sammy

already owns talismans: rat talisman lv3, rabbit talisman lv3, tiger talisman lv2, cow talisman lv.3, dragon talisman lv.2, sheep talisman lv.1.

Experience bar: 43%

already owned Experience Star: 3.

Sami can almost memorize the text on the system interface. He didn’t take a second look and gave the order directly.

“Consume an experience star to extract a new talisman.”


An experience star immediately shattered, and soon the light gathered into a new talisman.

Sammy checked immediately.

“Chicken Talisman Lv1:

① You can obtain telekinesis with the Chicken Talisman.

② The current maximum lifting weight of telekinesis is 100 tons, and the range of action is within the line of sight.”

“Chicken Talisman?” Sami was surprised, “No. The new talisman turns out to be this.”

To be honest, for him at the moment, this talisman is not the most urgent one.

Whether it’s a horse charm that can repair Merry’s number or a dog charm that can heal yourself, they are both better than the chicken charm.

However, God did not have his way.

“Forget it, let’s just say the chicken charm is the chicken charm.” Sammy sighed and said, “Telekinesis is a superpower that many people dream of.” It

not only makes life more convenient, but also has unexpected effects on the enemy.

Best of all, it seems you can also fly with it!

Thinking of this, Sammy’s heart trembled.

Flying is one of mankind’s long-standing dreams, and now he has finally realized it.

Sami couldn’t help laughing when he thought that from now on he would do whatever he wanted in the sky, while Luffy was jumping up and down jealously on the ground.

“The lifting capacity of 100 tons is really not weak!”

Sami was still surprised that a Lv1 chicken charm could have such strength.

What is the concept of 100 tons?

This is roughly the combined weight of 1,333 adults.

Or 13 elephants, 200 standard bags of cement…

these things originally required two 50-ton trucks to haul them away.

But now, Sammy could move them to any position within his sight with just a wave of his hand.

It feels so good to think about it.

If Robin hadn’t still been in his arms, Sami would definitely have experimented immediately.

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