On the sea, Palmer pushed the boat for a while, and as Palmer began to exert his strength, the boat galloped forward.

Gerard, on the other hand, stood on Jack's back and flew forward.

"Yellow Ape, I'm leaving, goodbye!"

Gerard had a smile on his face and shouted at the yellow ape.

Gerard knew he had to get out of this place as soon as possible.

Because since the yellow ape can find here, it means that the fleet of ghost spiders has told their superiors their location, and it cannot be ruled out that there will be other reinforcements coming.

After all, he killed Draco, and it was normal for admirals to go out.

He has not seen the admiral so far, which does not mean that the admiral did not make sorties.

"Well! What the hell is this guy doing again! The yellow ape pouted.

Yellow Ape is an impatient guy who hates fighting wars of attrition the most, and he has been wearing out since he found out that he could not defeat Gerard in a short period of time.

At this moment, watching Gerard escape, the yellow ape even hesitated for a moment in his heart, whether to catch up.

But in the end, the yellow ape turned into a golden light and rushed to the sky, chasing in the direction of Gerard.

Sou! Sou! Sou!

The yellow ape's speed is extremely fast, even if Gerard and Palmer have been far away, they are still quickly caught up.

However, Gerard was not afraid, since he dared to leave in front of the yellow ape like this, he had already considered being caught up by the yellow ape.


Gerard took the long knife in his hand, and the body of the knife condensed a visible energy, and as the long knife slashed down, a series of sword-like air blades burst out and slashed towards the yellow ape.


golden light in mid-air paused slightly, and the yellow ape's body appeared, and with his hands together, he pulled out a golden long sword, and it was a sword to meet Gerard's attack.


The dense air blade collided with the golden sword qi in the air, erupting into a violent explosion.

At this time, Palmer also moved, and directly struck the fishman karate, and hit a water column to pounce on the yellow ape in midair.

The yellow ape did not dare to be careless, turned into golden light, and rushed directly into the sky.

Gera pulled Jack's reins and kept flying low, and with Palmer's escort, he could play with the yellow ape more boldly!

Laugh at!

The next moment, the golden sky suddenly slashed down from the cloud sword, bursting out a sword qi towards Gerard.

Gerard did not dodge, directly turned on the fruit ability, inhaled the yellow ape's sword qi into his body, and then released this energy.


Countless air blades attacked the yellow ape...

Jack keeps flying!

Palmer observed that the yellow ape turned into a golden light and wanted to get close to Gerard.

"Hugh succeeded!"

Palmer backhanded a fishman karate, and a huge column of water rose up into the sky, instantly blocking the yellow ape's way.

Eight-foot qionggouyu!

With anger on his face, the yellow ape rushed into the sky at once, his hands closed in front of him, and he shot the Tiancong Cloud Sword into countless golden photons, while interlacing his arms and emitting dazzling laser projectiles, shooting towards Gerard and Palmer.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The laser projectile directly included a large area in the attack range, and each laser projectile falling on the sea surface would erupt into an earth-shattering roar, like the shells of heavy artillery.

However, in the continuous bombardment, there were no laser bombs in the area where Gerard and Palmer were located, because the laser projectiles within a radius of five meters were all turned into energy and absorbed by Gerard.

The two chased and fled, which soon lasted for several hours.

Eventually, night fell, and the yellow ape gradually lost patience.

"Is the yellow ape going back?"

Looking at the golden light that disappeared into the sky, Gerard shouted at the yellow ape.

In the sea, Palmer breathed a slight sigh of relief, "Captain, has this guy really left?" It won't fold back! "

Hmm! Probably not!

Gerard muttered, with his understanding of the yellow ape, since the yellow ape had given up chasing them, he would definitely not suddenly turn back.

The character of the yellow ape is like this, among the three admirals, the yellow ape is the most good at fish.

To be honest, the yellow ape chased Gerard for seven or eight hours at once this time, which made Gerard feel a little incredible.

Maybe the yellow ape is still young at this time!

When you get older, the yellow ape will be even more able to touch fish!

"Captain, then how do we join the Shanks, they don't know where to sail now!" Palmer asked.

"It's simple, just make a phone call!"


One night without a word.

Early the next morning, Palmer and Gerard headed in the direction of Shanks.

The two have already communicated through the phone worm, plus Gerard still has Shanks' life card in his hand, and he followed the guidance of the life card all the way, and soon converged with Shanks.

"Gerard, you're back!"

On deck, Shanks came to Gerard and Palmer and said, "You're not hurt!" That general is also a natural ability, these navies really eat some good things!

Olvia and the scholars also cast concerned eyes towards Gerard.

"Don't worry, I'm not okay!" Gerard said.

"Gerard, that general eats shining fruits, how fast he is."

After carefully looking at Gerard for a while, and finding that Gerard's clothes were torn, Shanks was relieved in his heart and casually asked what he was curious about.

Gerard slowly stretched his waist and said with a smile: "Although the yellow ape is a natural system of shining fruit ability, but the speed is not as fast as light, any fruit ability is capped, the yellow ape's shining fruit is no exception, and the speed limit of the shining fruit depends on the yellow ape's consciousness reaction speed."

Shanks, Palmer, and the others understood what Gerard meant, thoughtfully.

Oh, yes!

The speed of the yellow ape is really as fast as light, there is no way to fight, as soon as the fruit ability is opened, it disappears into the sky, how to fight with the enemy.

"Gerard, I remember you said that your fruit ability also has an upper limit!"

After Shanks pondered for a while, his eyes looked at Gerard, "Is your ability defect solved?" If it is not solved, say it, and everyone can think of a way together.

Gerard smiled, "This defect doesn't seem to be a big problem, after the battle with the yellow ape, I found that my previous worries were completely superfluous..." Gerard

did not intend to hide the defective ability, in fact, his ability defect was nothing more than the risk of exploding and dying after turning on the absorption ability.

However, since absorbing the yellow ape's lightspeed kick, laser, and eight-foot qionggouyu, Gerard suddenly had a clear understanding of his absorption ceiling.

Don't worry too much at all!

On the sea, you can do the yellow ape like this, you can count it with a finger.

How many guys can there be stronger than yellow apes?!

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