In the tavern, most of the onlookers had dispersed, except for a few flower idiot girls who were still waiting for their brother Jiang Yu to return.

They actually chased them out at the time, but because of shyness or slow feet, they lost them.

The sun has set, and every household in the village is lit up, and it is beautiful.

The red-haired pirate group left the tavern and came to the dock, everyone with a strong sense of confusion.

One moment they looked at the well-parked dragon ship, and the next at the captain who was holding his head and pulling his hair.

Shanks had almost pulled his hair off, and the cadres on the side also sighed and shook their heads in silence.

It’s incredible!

That Jiang Yu actually drank down their entire red-haired pirate group alone.

The pirates who mixed at sea had a huge amount of alcohol, and Shanks and Lacki and others were even more heroic in a thousand glasses of wine.

But now, so many people have never drunk Jiang Yu together.

“How much alcohol does he have?” Shanks said tangledly.

“Stupid boss, what to do this time? How can we go to sea without the ship? Lackey growled at Shanks.

Unexpectedly, Shanks roared even more fiercely: “Laki, I asked Miss Marcino, it was you who proposed to exchange the betting conditions for our pirate ship!” ”

Everyone glared at Lackey, who shrunk his neck and laughed awkwardly: “Isn’t that drunk… However, Mr. Jiang Yu’s wine is really delicious, strong enough, that is the wine that men should drink. ”

“And drink a fart.” Root. Beckman gave Shanks and Lackey a burst: “Drinking is wrong, dignified, even the ship is lost, and I am not afraid that people will laugh out of their big teeth.” ”

Some of the pirates were melancholy, and some laughed loudly, obviously also found it very interesting.

The four emperors are the emperors of the sea, without a ship, how can they be the four emperors?

Root. Beckman glared bitterly at the laughing brothers.

“Anyway, we pirates can’t lose the ship, we have to find a way to get the ship back.” Root. Beckman said.

Shanks spread out the paper he took from Marcino, and made a bitter face: “The white paper and black are clearly written, we have lost the dragon boat to Mr. Jiang Yu by drinking, how to get it back?” ”

Shanks was so worried that her red hair was about to turn white.

“Do you want to buy it back?” It was proposed.

“You can exchange things for things.” Jesus said with a yawn.

Root. Beckman shook his head with a sad face: “This dragon ship is the symbol of our red-haired pirate group, the value is immeasurable, what can we exchange for back?” There is simply no equivalent to exchange with others. ”


All the pirates sighed.

None of them noticed that not too far away from them, Jiang Yu stood quietly on the beach and watched them.

Jiang Yu does not have excellent hearing, but Erha does.

Dog nose and dog ears can be smart.

At this time, Erha was whispering to him as he repeated their conversation with Shanks.

Jiang Yu looked at the sea that had darkened and smiled slightly.

“The pirates gave many opinions, but did not propose the simplest and most effective way…”

Robbing is the simplest and most effective way.

How strong is the combat effectiveness of the entire regiment of red-haired pirates?

Ten years later, the later war can be prevented.

However, with such a powerful group of red-haired pirates, none of the entire group proposed to snatch the dragon ship directly from Jiang Yu, a nobody.

To be honest, Jiang Yu doesn’t actually have much affection for pirates who don’t produce.

But the red-haired pirate group made him a little impressed.

Smiling, Jiang Yu prepared to go over and talk to them.

The dragon ship is very important to the pirates, but for Jiang Yu, who has the Zhenhai boat, it is insignificant, even if it is returned to them, it is fine.

To put it bluntly, Jiang Yu doesn’t think much of the dragon boat…

After all, originally, Jiang Yu’s purpose was just to get Shanks’ signature without losing face.

At this moment, the voice of the system suddenly sounded in my head.

[Ding, trigger a new mission, the host cannot return the dragon ship for free, it needs to be exchanged at an equivalent price, and the mission reward is 2,000 mountain and sea coins. ] 】

Such a high reward?

Jiang Yu frowned.

If you can’t return the dragon ship for free, if you need to exchange it for an equivalent price, then it will be troublesome.

What else is there on them that is comparable to a dragon ship?

Devil Fruit? Weapons?

It’s all too far apart.

If it is a top-level natural fruit like a burning fruit, a magma fruit is barely comparable to the ship of the Four Emperors, and the rubber fruit is a little far behind.

What to do about it?

Suddenly, the corners of Jiang Yushang’s mouth raised.

“System, think this will stump me? Equivalent exchange? Just send the sub-questions, wait. ”

After speaking, Jiang Yu walked towards the pirates….

PS: Ask for flowers to evaluate the votes to assist ah brothers, the data is too incongruous.

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