Marinfodo, a military fortress under the World Government, is also home to the headquarters of the Navy.

At this time, the solemn meeting of the navy headquarters had officially begun, and six of the seven kings and seven martial seas had already gathered.

Hawkeye Mihawk and Tyrant Bear also arrived at the same time.

In addition, the female emperor of Nine Snake Island, Boyahan Cook, Dover Langmingo, Sea Heroine Jinping, and Moonlight Moriah have all been present.

On the side of the navy, the three main forces of Marshal Karp, Vice Admiral Tsuru and Vice Admiral Karp were present.

In terms of vice admirals, the red dog is out on a mission, but Qingzhi and the yellow ape are all sitting there, in addition to them, there are moles, peach rabbits and others, for His Majesty the Seven Wuhai, the navy will naturally not be careless.

The newly appointed Marshal Sengoku knocked on the table: “As everyone can see, from today onwards, King Klockdar will be officially deprived of the title of Seven Wuhai, and at the same time a reward of 370 million Bailey will be offered to him.” ”

No one spoke, and everyone had clearly reached a consensus on this matter.

“Needless to say about Klockdar’s affairs for the time being, the more important thing at present is still about filling the vacancy of His Majesty the Seven Wuhai, everyone has a newspaper on their desktop, I believe everyone has already read it, because the tyrant bear and Hawkeye Mihawk nominated at the same time, for Jiang Yu, do others have different opinions?”

Of course, His Majesty Qiwuhai’s nomination is not only Jiang Yu.

But now that he has been the first to come out, the importance of this is self-evident.

After the Warring States finished speaking, Kapu was the first to laugh: “Jiang Yu is the old man’s old acquaintance, he is actually not a pirate, but the old man thinks that there is no problem with him serving as His Majesty Qiwu Hai.” ”

The three bigwigs at the scene all squeaked, and their expressions were inconsistent.

The female emperor Boyahan Cook had no opinion.

Haixia Jinping nodded lightly and agreed.

Dover Langmingo laughed out of the beast: “The person who can replace Klockdar can’t be a nameless person, this Jiang Yu has no reputation other than killing an island eater monster, can he stop a pirate?” ”

Moonlight Moria’s huge figure also laughed: “Hehe ”

Although everyone has read the newspaper, they can’t help but look at the newspaper at this time.

Both Hawkeye and Big Bear frowned.

When they left, Jiang Yu said that he was going to the empty island, and now it seems that he came down after going to the empty island.

This new guy should have been brought down from the empty island.

It’s just that they didn’t expect that this was actually a person with the ability to naturally recite the thunder fruit.

Just by looking at the photos, everyone can imagine how terrifying the owner of this thunder fruit will be.

This is the most experienced by the two young children present and the yellow ape.

They were also natural abilityrs, and they thought with their toes that they knew how powerful this thunder fruit would be.

“What about those who are capable of the Thunder Fruit? It’s not behind my little brother Jiang Yu, I don’t have to say, the vacancy of this Seven Wuhai will let him be, Brother Dover Langmin, do you have an opinion? ”

“Hehe, why did Lieutenant General Karp make such a big fire, aren’t we discussing?”

“There is nothing to discuss, so it is decided, others, those who agree.” Karp has always been very careful, but today he is very positive about Jiang Yu’s affairs as a Qiwu Sea.

As soon as he spoke, Dover Langmingo didn’t say anything, and Moonlight Moriah pouted and didn’t talk nonsense.

As for the others, they all nodded.

Sengoku spoke: “Then it is so decided, the new king of the Seven Wuhai will be the captain of the God’s Tour Group, Jiang Yu.” ”

The tour group of gods, or the title that has just come out, many people actually feel a little sloppy, but since Karp has promoted it and he has also convinced the Warring States, no one has objected at this time.

“In addition to the matter of His Majesty Qiwu Hai this time, there is another thing, since I was promoted to marshal of the navy, and Admiral Zefa also retired due to injury, so far, the navy headquarters has selected a new general, and there are three places.”

As soon as the news came out, the faces of the Seven Wuhai changed their faces.

The Warring States ignored them: “The new generals are Sakaski the Red Dog, Borsalino the Yellow Ape, and Qingzhi Kuzan, effective immediately, the three generals will be the highest combat power of our navy, calm all unjust things, and smooth out all lawbreakers!” ”

The young and yellow apes at the same table both got up to take orders, obviously they had already received the news in advance.

Although the Qi Wuhai were surprised, there was no problem.

After all, it’s only a matter of time.

The reputation of these three has also been made for a long time, and with them as the three major generals, no one will be unconvinced.

As soon as the news was confirmed here, the major newspapers waiting quickly passed the news out.

On this day, the world shook.

Not only did a new king Qiwu Hai be added, but the navy headquarters also added three powerful generals.

It is said that they are big people who can suppress one side, and each one is a monster-like existence.

And the newly appointed King Qi Wuhai is also good, because he has a natural fruit ability as a subordinate…

New World, the red-haired Shanks who returned from the East Sea sprayed when he got the newspaper.

Lajilu laughed even more: “Even the nature department has been taken under him, and he is powerful my brother Jiang.” ”

“Hahaha, boss, you will have opponents in the future, Brother Jiang has become Qiwu Hai, in case of being threatened by the world government, it will be a headache.” Jesus was so laughing that he couldn’t even hold the gun.

Shanks didn’t care so much: “Hahaha, Brother Jiang has become a Qiwu Sea, great, in order to congratulate Brother Jiang, let’s not get drunk or return today, come, let’s drink and have a banquet, drink the Maotai that Brother Jiang gave us…”

In another sea, floating on a large ship above the sea, Whitebeard laughed with a newspaper.

“Ha la la, this magma imp has actually become a general, are Sengoku and Karp already old?”

Blackbearded Tichy was nibbling on a chicken leg, and smiled when he heard this: “Dad, this little ghost named Jiang Yu seems to be very good, he actually accepted a natural ability person as a crew, that is a rare thunder fruit, dad, do you want to accept him as a son?” ”

Whitebeard scolded with a smile: “Idiot son, Laozi’s family is not just anyone!” ”

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