
Just as Gu Yina stepped on the moon to the palace.

Stone spikes suddenly appeared on the ground, stabbing at Gu Yina.

Gu Yina’s sword light slashed through, and the Dao slash cut off all the stone spikes, fell to the ground, and the slash was endless, slicing a long trajectory on the ground.

“Is it useless?”

Pika below looked at the stone thorn that was easily cut off by Gu Yina, “So what’s the case.” He


With a loud rumbling sound, the rocks on the ground began to surge, rising high like ocean waves, enveloping from all directions, and then the rocks closed together, enclosing Guina in the middle.

Gu Yina was in danger, the long knife in her hand slashed, and the brilliant slash shot out in all directions, and the surrounding stone walls were all slashed into countless segments.

But this is of no great use, these are just stones, and it is in vain that you cannot find the real body of Pika.

The stones on the ground melted and melted into the ground again, turning into a huge mouth and biting towards Gu Yina.

Ao Zhen was also perceiving the aura around him, and clearly sensed that there were four breaths on the upper layer, but none of these four breaths were Pika.

One of them looks like a little girl, next to a curvaceous girl, and two guys who look at the image as fat people.

This is trying to ambush me.

In the underground rock, Ao Zhen can sense that there is a thermal imaging in the rock, changing position quickly, and the difference from the surrounding rock is very small, and it can only be distinguished at the moment of assimilation of the rock.

Watching Guina and Pika come and go, it’s fun.

But the fight didn’t hurt the other party in the slightest.

Gu Yina’s seeing and hearing was still not good, and she could not sense the instantaneous change in Pika’s breath.

“I’ll come, Gu Yina, you can’t find his place like this, it’s useless.”

Ao Zhen’s body changed shape, and his body immediately swelled and changed to a normal length of 8 meters.

The power of clouds and lightning for the rock, the damage will be reduced, Ao Zhen will not do this useless work

, the body is like electricity, instantly ejected, in the moment Pika assimilated the rock, Ao Zhen’s tail has arrived.


As if struck by lightning, Pika let out a sharp scream, and the huge figure instantly tumbled out.

The moment you land, you immediately blend into the ground.

Ao Zhen quickly followed, his tail slapped on the ground, there was a loud rumbling sound, rubble flew around, and another scream sounded.

Ao Zhen wanted to blow up and pursue again, and suddenly a cloud of rainbow-colored fluorescent flashing sprayed over, he was immediately alert, opened his mouth and vomited, and also ejected a cloud of mist.

The two clouds collided together, and the cloud that Ao Zhen spit out immediately turned into an abstract mass of marshmallows, fell to the ground, and shattered.

I’ll go.

This is the fruit of art called Jorah, if you are not guarded, no one can hold it.

Ao Zhen temporarily gave up Pika, opened his mouth with a bolt of lightning, and thundered in the direction of Jorah.

Feet step on the clouds, rise up, meandering and flying.

Ao Zhen, who was flying in the air, suddenly darkened his eyes, and a huge body that looked like a ball of meat fell from the air and fell towards Ao Zhen.

Hell’s Ten Thousand Tons of Bys!

Mighty, amazing!

Ao Zhen was amused, if it were someone else, he might really be directly crushed to death by the weight of Mahabais’s ten thousand tons.

But for Ao Zhen, this is just energy sent to his mouth.

The head suddenly became bigger, opened his huge mouth and sucked suddenly, so that Mahabais could not even hide.

Really, pie in the sky!

And Brother Ming, who was in the palace, looked at the suddenly burning life paper on the table, and his forehead was bruised.

Gritting his teeth, he said, “Another family member died at the hands of Ao Zhen.

“It’s Mahabais.”

It was too fast, it was only a long time, Brother Ming could hear the battle going on there on the second floor, but only a moment later, Mahabais died.

Torrebol was also extremely angry, “Dover, now we already know the location of Ao Zhen’s group, Hancock is in the military factory, and has already occupied there, it is likely to come over in a while.”

“Gion is in the arena, and the fighting continues there.”

“Raog and Dellinger should be able to hold out for a while.”

“Dover, their people have all appeared, I’ll go and call back Guladius, I’ll support Pika with him.”

Can’t wait any longer, wait a little longer, and more family members may die.

Brother Ming stood up, looked at the unobstructed sky outside the palace, and suddenly saw a bright yellow flash appear in the sky, fleeting.

If Brother Ming hadn’t been looking in that direction, he would probably have been ignored.

A possibility suddenly crossed my mind.

Could it be that the yellow ape came?

If it were a yellow ape, it would not be impossible to travel from the headquarters of the Navy to Dressrosa in nearly 20 minutes.

But why didn’t he go directly to the palace.

“Fu Fu Fu!”

“This means to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight!”

Angrily smashed the coffee table in front of him.

The sound of ping pong was like Brother Ming’s chaotic mind at this time.

“Let Guladius help Rao G, if he can’t stop Gion, let him blow up all the sword fighters in the arena.”

“You go with me to meet this Ao Zhen.”

At this time, Ao Zhen devoured Mahabais in one bite, which immediately angered Jorah.

Mahabais is Jorah’s card mate, and when he dies, there is one less player.

Jorah waved his hands, and a large number of rainbow-colored fluorescence spread out, obscuring the sky in front of Ao Zhen, and then shrouded downward.

Although Pika on the ground received two blows from Ao Zhen, he was severely injured.

But still assimilating the rock, countless rock spikes suddenly pricked out, hitting Ao Zhen in the air.

With this cooperation, the two of them sandwiched Ao Zhen in the middle, and there was nowhere to hide.

But Ao Zhen didn’t need to hide, countless clouds and mist also spread out from his body, and he kept moving forward against the fluorescent clouds above.

Where the two clouds collided, countless small groups that looked like willows began to fly in the sky, these are artistic clouds.

At the same time, Ao Zhen opened his mouth and another lightning bolt slashed over, this time it was no longer a thunderbolt-shaped thunder beast, but an astonishing discharge.

Only a slight scream was heard, and the fluorescent cloud was poorly followed, although it recovered immediately.

But Ao Zhen had already taken advantage of this gap and came to Jorah at great speed.

At this time, Jorah was very embarrassed, but there was no big injury.

I looked at the broken lightning bolt shape beside her.

Now only Jorah is here, and Sugar and Monet are gone.

Ao Zhen guessed that these two people should not be fighting head-on, not saying where they were ambushed, preparing for a surprise attack.

Jorah looked at Ao Zhen who rushed in front of her, she was well aware of her weakness, so the fluorescent cloud did not dare to stop.

Ao Zhen clouds and lightning came one after another.

At the same time, the whole body was covered with armed color domineering, towards Jorah, and rushed over.

A stone wall suddenly rose and blocked in front of him.

Ao Zhen did not change direction and directly bumped over.

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