Pirates: Bleach Vice-Captain

Chapter 386: The exchange of heart and soul (add more for [White]!)

Front entrance to the institute.

Luo and Chenqi, Luffy, etc. met here.

Although he saw the old man, Luo's face was still cold: "You are living well, the straw hat master and the magic sword master, there is no need to thank me, it was just a whim."

At this time, Usopp seemed to have discovered something, and pointed to the snow not far away: "Hey, there is a group of navy down there!"

"Could it be?"

Tea Beard was extremely anxious in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it out of his mouth: Hurry up and save me, Trafalgar! Get these little brats off my back!

"You and I are both pirates, don't forget this." Luo said to everyone.

Luffy smiled stupidly: "Hee hee, yes, our goals are all big secret treasures, we are enemies in this regard... But that time two years ago, we owed you a lot of favors, It was luck to meet you again after meeting Jinpei, thank you so much!"

Luo's expression was still indifferent: "I said it before, it was my own will, no thanks!"

"Lieutenant... Lieutenant General!"

"Boss Smoke!"

At this time, the navy behind made out one after another.

"Wow! There's actually a navy?!" The dull Luffy only saw these people now.

"Sorry, Luffy, it's the Navy!" Usopp was a little flustered.

"Hey! Sister Da Zuo, Boss Yan, are you all right?"

Because Luo took Smog's heart out, Smog fell to the ground and took a long time to recover.

Luffy saw him only then: "Smoky man, it's really you! Long time no see!"

Although one is a navy and the other is a pirate, Luffy's way of greeting is more like meeting an old acquaintance.

But seeing his boss Smog lying on the ground with a hole in his chest and his heart taken away, Dasqi couldn't help but get angry: This man gave the hearts of a hundred pirates to the Navy Headquarters. ..

Thinking of this, look at Smog again. At this time, her body has been spliced ​​completely, and she rushed up with a saber.

"Big sister, it's dangerous!"

"Sister Dasqi, come back quickly, we are not the opponent of that guy!"

Although the navy behind him kindly reminded him, he still couldn't shout the footsteps of Dusky's charge.

"This kind of mother-in-law scene... I hate it the most!"

Looking at the rushing up Dasqi and the persuading navy, Luo said with a calm expression on his face.

And when Da Siqi swung his sword, he felt a shock in his body, and then he couldn't move at all!

At that moment, time seemed to stand still.

"Sister Da Zuo!"

Many people saw that Luo spread out his palms and stretched out three fingers and made a gesture of exchange. Dasqi's heart flew out from behind and exchanged with Smog's.

"This **** actually bullied people twice in a row!"

"Boss Yan is also lying down!"

Zoro kept looking at the situation in the battle circle: "What did he just do?"

Luo looked at Dasqi coldly: "Unrepentant woman, don't be so serious!"

Chen Qi crossed his arms and watched all this calmly.

"Chen Qi, Luffy, this is not the place to talk, retreat for now!" Luo loudly reminded the Straw Hats.

"By the way, Tela, there is something I want to ask you about!" Luffy and the others said as they ran.

Luo pointed his hand behind him and said in a voice that only they could hear: "Go around to the back of the institute... Where is the thing you're looking for, there's still a chance to meet in the future! We all have something to retrieve from each other. ."

Trafalgar said such a sentence inexplicably, and Usopp had already urged Luffy to take the tea beard to escape.

"The smoking man, are they all right?"

"Can't you see it? Smog and the others are not Luo's opponents at all." Chen Qi said in one sentence.

"Hurry up and shoot! That's the magic sword and straw hat!"

"Can't let them run away!"

"Stop it! Where can I take care of them now?!"

Some navies took up their muskets and shot at Teabeard.

"Just you, want to catch us?"

The pink sword had already been unsheathed, and Chen Qi whispered Shijie:

"Let's scatter! Thousand Sakura!"

Thousands of thin blades poured out like locusts, and the number was many times more than the bullets fired. Not only did they block the bullets, but they also injured a large navy...


The back door mountain range of the institute, the direction of Sanji.

"Go to **** with the biting cold! Go to **** with samurai and brats too! In short, in short, do you have a camera? Before you change back, you must leave a memory anyway!"

It was Sanji who transformed into Nami who said these inexplicable words, and he seemed to be very happy.

This is Luo's fruit ability. Within the scope of ability, that is, the covered aperture, you can exchange hearts and make your body have his (her) soul.

At this time, Sanji's heart went to Nami's body.

"Slap you on the head! And don't use other people's bodies to spray nosebleeds!" Nami spoke, her heart fell on Franky.

This one is represented as Nami (Franky) with the actual heart implant in the front and the body in the back.

And Sanji is expressed as, Sanji (Nami).

Frankie (Chopper) is not happy: "Don't talk about this, Nami! Don't button up your shirt when you use my image!"

At this time, the children who ran with them felt very strange: "What's the matter, have all the brothers and sisters had their hearts replaced?"

And Chopper (Sanji) looked at the children with concern, his eyes were very gentle: "Are you okay? Are you cold? Hold on for a while, the human body is like this."

The children left the institute wearing thin clothes, naturally feeling cold on the frozen ground.

But what made them strange was that this big brother with curly eyebrows, who had always been fierce, suddenly became gentle, which made them feel a little uncomfortable.

And Chopper (Sanji)'s worries are not groundless.

At this time, Tiangong is not beautiful, the cold wind is howling, and the wind and snow are mixed.

Soon, these children were frozen crying.

Frankie (Chopper) sighed helplessly: "This is the case. It was a mistake to bring them out without finding a way. My body doesn't feel cold at all."

Now Franky understands that for Chopper, the temperature in winter is just right.

"This is the end of the matter, everyone, please pick the leaves and put them on top of your heads!" At this time, the head that Chopper (Sanji) was carrying spoke.

This head is running wildly with everyone, so the children are not surprised when they see it, and they are not afraid.

Frankie (Chopper) felt that this move by the samurai head was very naive, and shouted: "What nonsense are you talking about at this time? Didn't you see that these little devils couldn't get up from the cold?"

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