Pirates: Bleach Vice-Captain

Chapter 390: violent child

Chen Qi and Luffy's side.

Zoro, Sanji (Nami), and Brook set off to rescue the samurai.

Usopp said: "Then let's think about what to do next."

Nami (Frankie) looked reluctant: "In short, it is imperative that we recover as soon as possible! I can't stand this B-shape body any longer!"

At this moment, Frankie (Chopper) laughed, and it seemed that his expression was very distorted: "I'm dying of beauty when you praise me."

Looking at such a weird face, Robin couldn't help but complain: "Don't use Chopper's body to make such an expression, it's not an example!"

Frankie (Chopper) entered into a state of thought, but he didn't seem to have any sense of disobedience: "The problem is that those little devils look very troublesome."

Robin continued to complain: "Franky, stop talking with people's bodies."

Sanji (Chopper) took a little blood from one of the children for testing because of the children's condition.

"Are we really sick? Brother civet cat?" a child asked.

"Cough cough!"

At this moment, a child coughed violently twice, and then suddenly fell to his knees on the ground.

"Sinde, what's the matter with you?" a child shouted anxiously when he saw his partner's sudden illness.

After a while, many children showed the same symptoms, and they all fell to the ground and looked very uncomfortable.




The children were like this one after another, which made everyone startled.

"Derain too!"

"What the **** happened to everyone?"

Frankie (Chopper)'s face also became serious: "The big children are all down, what the **** is going on?"

Luffy asked, "Chopper, didn't you check them just now? Are these kids really sick?"

Chopper didn't answer Luffy's words, but asked the children, "Do you have anything you want now? And what do you usually do at this time?"

Sinde knelt on the ground and said in pain: "Usually... I will get candy after checking my body..."


The other little kids explained: "Smoke-y candy that's yummy and fun."

Sinde continued: "Also...and, after eating that...cough...after that, I will always feel very...very happy, so that may make us feel better."

After listening to the children's words, Chopper (Sanji) had great anger in his eyes, then turned to Chabeard who was tied to the stone pillar and shouted: "You are Chabeard, right? You know what's going on here. Right? These kids aren't sick at all!"

Tea Beard didn't care: "What nonsense are you talking about? I'm only in charge of patrolling outside, I don't know what's going on in the institute, but all those little ghosts are seriously ill! The merciful and merciful master specially picked them up from other islands and used his own What a caring scientist!”

Many children coughed violently and retched, and their pain was beyond words.

Tea Beard: "Look, this is the evidence. The little ghosts who left the institute couldn't receive today's treatment, so they started to get sick."

"No!!" Sanji (Chopper) was very emotional and retorted him loudly.

Chen Qi: "Have you checked anything? Chopper?"

Sanji (Chopper)'s face is very serious: "Although it is only a trace amount from the children's body, but this is... a stimulant!!!"

"Only certain doctors on certain islands in the world have the right to use it, and Doli Erniang has used it before, so I know that even if its original purpose is to treat diseases, the dosage of this medicine must not be able to make people feel comfortable. The degree of human poisoning!"

"These children are constantly ingesting their bodies every day, and they have formed chronic poisoning! In order to get rid of this pain, they will be even more eager for the next medicine!"

"Why? Why do you treat the children like this?! Is it to prevent them from escaping from the research institute?!!" The kind-hearted Chopper was very sad, and asked Chabeard in a loud voice, "What exactly does your so-called savior want to treat these children? What are they doing?!"

Tea Beard stared at Chopper fiercely: "If you dare to slander the master again, be careful that I am rude to you!!"

At this time, Chen Qi jumped up and punched Chabeard's face with a punch. This powerful punch almost knocked Chabeard unconscious: "Be careful when you speak, and be careful with me when you speak unkindly. Beat you up!"

Luffy: "Chopper, what should I do now? There are more and more children falling down! Are you asking for candy? If there is any in that building, I'll go get some?!"

Chopper (Sanji) was full of grief and anger: "No, absolutely can't let them touch that kind of candy again! It must be that kind of thing that makes children like this!!"

Xin De looked very painful, and said in a pleading tone: "Brother Heipao, Brother Straw Hat, can you bring me candy?"

Luffy: "No... No, since Chopper said no, then no! He is our ship doctor, you have to believe him!"

Sinde's expression was even more painful, and his body trembled slightly while covering his head.

"Wow, what's the matter with you, Sinde? It's so scary!" The other children felt scared when they saw him like this.

"Didn't I just say you were going to bring it for us?"


Suddenly, Sind's face became extremely violent, he raised his fist and smashed it hard, Luffy jumped away, and the rock under his feet was suddenly smashed.

"Why is his arm so strong?"

"Stop it, Sinde!"

"I've never seen Sind mess up like this before!"

"He is a child of the giant clan, so naturally he has such a big arm, right?"

"Will it be this big?"

"Sinde is not a giant!"

"Hey? Big boys aren't! When we first came to this island, everyone was of ordinary size!"

"Are you saying we have a disease that will grow bigger? Other than that, don't you feel any discomfort?!"

"The longer you stay here, the bigger you get!"

"How could there be a disease that would turn ordinary people into giants!"

"Big people are born big!"

"Hey, the other little devils are starting to feel wrong too!"

"Hurry up and get me the medicine!" While everyone was talking, Xin De became more and more violent, raising his fists and rushing into the crowd, beating him at random, there was no distinction between enemy and me.

Everyone tried to avoid this huge little guy and didn't want to hurt him, but Chen Qi moved over with Shunpo and caught his huge fist with just his palm.

"Little devil, stop it." Chen Qi said slowly...

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