Chapter 303

“The resurrection of the physical body is already a medical miracle, Chopper…” Kuleiha touched Chopper’s head and murmured like a dream: “Eternal life, resurrection is the ultimate pursuit of medicine, Dr. Kulei Ha is a doctor, if I could snoop into even a trace of the secrets, even if it was a deal with the devil, I would be willing.”

Chopper looked at Kureha blankly, opened his mouth, and didn’t know how to refute it. If there is a chance, even if there is only the slightest possibility, any doctor may not be able to refuse the temptation to conquer death. He slumped: “But this is not right.”

“Chopper, you don’t understand yet.” Kuleha condensed Chopper and said in a deep voice: “Stay well in this castle, and don’t expose your ability to think and speak like a human in front of others. You are just a reindeer, understand?”

Kuleha stood up, packed his bags and walked out. Chopper lay on the window and watched Kuleha being taken down the mountain by a team of murlocs.

A whirring cold wind blew in along the split door hole, and the entire castle made a sob like weeping. Chopper shivered, and sullenly picked up a hammer and wooden plank and walked towards the door.

“At least, I promised Kuleha to be optimistic about the family.”

Clang and clang, the hammer hit the nail and smashed the entry board. The crooked wooden board was nailed up to block the door gap. He climbed onto the table again and looked at the medical books spread out on the table. Is death really a field that medicine can conquer? Is it a god or a devil that holds the weight at the end of the scale of life and death?”

“And what does the legion in the fish population mean? He seems to have mentioned a person’s name, who is Arlin?” Chopper tore a piece of white paper from the notebook, and wrote on it with a black oil pen. Legion” and “Yarlin” names.

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Almost a month before the cocktail party invited by the military department of Alabastan, Yarlin quietly took a circle around Magnetic Drum Island and planted the third brood, the Crystal Palace, but did not immediately return to the Alabastan resident. , But on board one of the merchant ships secretly appeared in the Kingdom of Coquillon.

The Kingdom of Coquillon is an island on another route of the Great Waterway, which is the distance between the two adjacent waterways of Alabastan in the horizontal span of the chart.

Because of the positioning of the transformants, Yallin did not need to worry about the problem of trekking, so the sky trench that directly crossed the two shipping lanes appeared on the land of the Kingdom of Coquillon in 10 days, and under normal circumstances he needs to start with Alabastan returned to Livasse Mountain (upside-down mountain), and then re-selected the specific route where Coquilon Island was located, and then sailed over again. It would take 2 months to say less.

The Kingdom of Coquillon is a small and unremarkable country under the government of the world. The reason why Yallin appeared here is because of the intelligence obtained from Faulkner. There is a scientific lunatic who studies life machinery hiding on this island.

Adams: Male, 43 years old, a scientific lunatic who studies life sciences and mechanics. He once cruelly kidnapped people from a village because he wanted to prove his theory and imprisoned them all in a laboratory for horrific live experiments. The entire village was transformed into half-human, half-mechanical monsters, and then all of them collapsed and died within half a month.

Afterwards, various cruel experiments were carried out. Later, they were discovered by spy agents of the world government and wiped out his laboratory. However, Adams fled one step earlier and was not arrested in the end.

After that, a direct sale disappeared without a trace. Until recently, there was intelligence that it was suspected that Adams himself appeared in a small town in the Coquille Kingdom, and it seemed that he was conducting some kind of crazy scientific experiment in secret. The world government has dispatched a secret one. Spy agents went to hunt down and arrest them.

After Faulkner learned of this information, he managed to pass it to Yallin in the first place, and Yallin’s hidden identity was clearly not here for a tourist.

“Scientific madman who studies life machinery, the information leaked from Faulkner is a talent that fits my needs.” Yallin looked at the small town in front of him, and the wanton growth of short, yellowish private houses and buildings would be full of them. The road of coal ash and scum is crookedly divided into narrow lanes. On the road of coal ash, there are occasional pedestrians who come and go, all with a sallow complexion and a malnourished look.

There is a huge chimney in the center of the town, probably the tallest building in the whole town. The gray smoke diffuses from the chimney and the whole town seems to be shrouded in the shadow of haze. You can hear the muffled cough.

“Where will Adams hide?” Yarlin wore a black-brimmed hat on his head and half of his face was covered. He lifted his gaze slightly and squinted. A small border town said it was big, but said it was small. It’s not small, and it’s not so easy to find the hidden Adams inside.

Standing behind him was a burly figure covered in a black cloak, with only a few hilts exposed from the waist. Six sniffed their noses. The temperature in the air was a bit cold and humid, mixed with smog. Fine slag.

“The smell in the haze is not right.” Liujo took a stubbornly inhaled, and spit out a blister from his throat. The blisters were like fog and slag sticking together, and the scum showed stains like rust. The changing shape seems to be undergoing some kind of growth and replication.

Yallin’s pupils shrank slightly, and then projected his gaze toward the tall chimney, and walked towards the smoking boiler room in the center of the town.

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

A bowl-shaped light bulb illuminates the cold test bench. A man with twitching blood spurting blood out of his mouth is carried on the test bench. There are some people wearing white chemical suits walking around, and all kinds of instruments next to him are linked to the man. On his body, the indicator light of the instrument is flashing frequently, and the data representing various indicators are recorded.

“What’s the result?” In the hoarse sound of metal rubbing the vocal cords, a man in a white coat was exposed, and the pair of eyes looking at the experimental platform were flashing strange electric lights like electronic devices.

“Effective, rustworms can reproduce in the human body. At the beginning of the comparison, the number has multiplied more than 20 times.” The person who answered took the scalpel and accurately tore the throat of the living body, revealing the trachea that was stained with rust. He even stretched out his hand to squeeze the hardness of the trachea before sighing: “Unfortunately, this human body still seems unable to withstand the intensity of this gentle transformation.”

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