Chapter 312 Military Conference

Gray-green army attire, silver frosted hair, Michigan than a palm sticking out from the cuffs, the facial lines extruded deeper; the clean white navy uniform, short golden hair, black cross at the center of the eyebrows With deep lines, the corners of Arlin’s mouth also evoke a curve, stretched out his hand to hold Michiganby’s palm, the two of them looked at each other in the air, and at the same time in their minds, they filtered the other party’s information in the mind like a slide again. .

“Colonel Yallin, you are welcome to replace Colonel Crum in stationing in Alabastan. The current situation in the country has been turbulent so far. I, Michigan, and the military are very ashamed.”

“Where, I am very honored to be a newcomer to be invited to participate in the reception of the military in Alabastan. In addition, I heard about the red line that the military has recently demarcated. I have to admit that I am shocked by your courage, the Prime Minister. In the future, the chaos and turmoil in Alabastan can be quickly calmed down.”

“Here, please!” Michigan was more than a smile on his face. He took Arlin to the second floor pavilion. The chief of staff behind him and an army leader followed on both sides. Go up the stairs.

The young officers stood in the banquet hall on the first floor and watched quietly. They waited until the door of the upstairs pavilion was closed before the voice of speaking in the banquet hall resumed. Bell stood in the crowd, his eyes faintly looking towards the second floor. There was a thoughtful expression on his face.

He knew that this military banquet invited the new navy colonel stationed in Alabastan. He originally thought it was just a ceremonial invitation. However, it was obviously not that simple. A series of actions taken to the enclosed pavilion on the second floor showed that Michigan paid more attention to it than usual.

“The military has taken control of the political arena. Why does Michigan take such an attitude of attaching so much importance to the garrisoned navy?” Bell doesn’t think that the old and cunning prime minister will have no deep meaning. He knows the Ivy League of Alabastan very well. This is a utilitarian. The actual prime minister is not someone who will waste no effort on face.

“Master Bell, do you want to go up?” a young officer next to him came over and asked.

As the adjutant of the Kingdom Guard and known as the strongest patron saint of Alabastan, Bell is naturally qualified to be included in the pavilion on the second floor.

His thoughts were interrupted, and Bell frowned slightly and stared at the interrogating officer. Although the other party was interrogating, his body was blocked by a nail at the top of the stairs. He sneered: “This military banquet originally didn’t invite me, I It’s already considered uninvited. If you go up to the second floor uninterestingly, I’m afraid the Prime Minister will be unhappy.”

Upon hearing this, the young officer turned and retreated to the door of the second floor pavilion, and blocked the entrance and exit of the stairs on the second floor alongside a few officers.

In the pavilion.

“The Second Military Region is all in place, and the entire Western Region along this red line is divided into two. According to the Prime Minister’s instructions, these main routes of entry and exit are heavily garrisoned, and related fortifications are already in place. Build.”

“The vanguard forces of the Third Military Region have entered and carried out the first wave of sweeping the rebel area in four lines. The red line has been pushed forward 40 miles and 17 scattered rebel strongholds have been destroyed.”

“Our Fourth Military Region has also arrived, and can enter at any time to clear the rebels.”

Following the presentation of the three military leaders to the sand table map, the meeting in the cabinet kicked off.

In the middle of the room is a huge sand table measuring 4 meters by 3 meters. It is marked with various flags representing military arrangements criss-crossed. Michigan stands in front of the sand table and said in a frustrated tone: On the verge of life and death, the performance of the Nafirutali royal family is really disappointing. Facts have proved that the Nafirutali royal family no longer has the ability to lead Alabastan. This heavy burden can only fall on our military. On the shoulders, this is a huge burden. It also means that countless blood corpses will be laid under your feet. It also means that the bloody butcher’s infamy will be accompanied by it. Are you all the generals here ready to bear all this? ?”

“We are soldiers, not hypocritical politicians. It is our duty to re-irrigate this desert-inundated country with the blood of the enemy and our own rebels. For this, what is a little infamy?” The senior general of the Second Military Region replied in a sharp tone.

“The people are ignorant. They are like dumb people on stage. They can never tell the truth from lies, and the dry roars are meaningless verbal abuse. They don’t even know that history itself is watered by blood. As a result, when we clear out the rebellion and rebuild order, we can treat them kindly, but we don’t need to pay attention to these noises, and there is no need to explain to them.” The chief of staff standing behind Michiganby said.

“Our Third Military Region has always been criticized by outsiders as executioners. In fact, our position on the issue of rebellions and mobs has been suppressing from the very beginning, but it is a pity that His Majesty Nafirutali Cobra has blocked it in every possible way, but Now that the Prime Minister of Michigan is in charge of the political situation, things have finally returned to the right track.” The boss of the Third Military District said murderously: “We are soldiers and the strongest line of defense in this country. Against rebellions and mobs, even if there are a thousand There is absolutely no possibility of toleration for tens of thousands of reasons. Compromise and negotiation are not the means of our soldiers. The peace that can be wiped out with guns and knives in our hands is the real long-term peace.”

The face of the boss of the Fourth Military Region was slightly unnatural. Unlike the Second and Third Military Regions, which stood firmly behind Prime Minister Michiganby, the Fourth Military Region was the last to change course.

After a while, he sighed and said: “Although I have never wanted to use this extreme method, the facts have proved that the cowardice and incompetence of the Nafirutali royal family cannot save this country, but urge this country. Step by step, we have fallen into a deeper abyss. Therefore, our Fourth Military Region has also cut off all illusions. Now we stand firmly in support of the Prime Minister’s policy. There will never be a trace of mercy and sympathy for the rebels. If only blood can be used. If we can save this land, dyeing our uniforms red is an unavoidable duty of our soldiers.”

“Since everyone in this room is awakened, then, as the highest commander, I will coordinate the layout of this war.” Michiganby scanned the crowd and looked on the face of Yarlin who was in the audience. After a short pause, he fell back to the sand table and said: “According to the established strategy, everything outside the red line is regarded as a rebellion area…”

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