Chapter 330-The Darkness Woven by Lies

The ground with a crack was first a white fist, followed by the crackling of the chain, as if the ground under the house was hollowed out, there was a weird echo, and then a piece of it. The earth and rocks collapsed, and the owner of the fist crawled out against the rocks.

The burly body is not like a human body. The sturdy skeletal muscles seem to be covered with stone steel, and the wrists and ankles are embedded with strange tattoos like stone chains. Dai Ou’s feet are a few heads higher than Kosha. He is slightly Looking down at Kosha who was guarding Weiwei behind her, her cold, dull eyes suddenly shone slyly as if she had come to life, “Leader Kosha, don’t be nervous, I’m here to help you.”

“Help me?” Koza’s impression of Daiou is powerful, but his brain seems a little sluggish, but he follows Ripa inseparably, but he stares at Daiou’s eyes at the moment, but suddenly feels that the other’s eyes are normal. That kind of sluggishness is very different.

“Yes, it’s more accurate to help Her Highness Weiwei escape from here.” After Dio said, he blocked the door from the inside, and then spit out a person’s name at the dazed Weiwei: ” Yarlin!”

“Who is Yarlin?” Koza was stunned. He did not pay attention to the replacement of the chief of the naval branch in Alabastan during this period.

Weiwei’s breathing was short, her eyes widened and stared at Dai Ou in disbelief, “Yarlin, are you from Colonel Arlin?”

After finishing speaking, Vivi briefly explained Yarlin’s identity and background in Kosha’s ear. Kosha showed a look of surprise and uncertainty, and still asked vigilantly: “Where is Ripa?”

Koza didn’t like Ripa very much. The man always gave him a gloomy and lifeless feeling.

“This is another story. Ripa doesn’t understand me at all. There is no need to waste time explaining these.” Daiou let his body open to reveal a hollowed-out tunnel and said in a cold voice: “Someone outside is watching here, you If you want to send away Princess Vivi from this goalkeeper, you are dreaming.”

A layer of goose bumps surfaced on Koza’s back, and the look of alertness in his eyes faded a little, but he still didn’t understand why he asked: “Why did the navy get into the rebel army? What is the purpose of Colonel Yarlin? ”

“This is at the request of Princess Weiwei, looking for evidence that the sand crocodile, one of the seven martial seas under the king, was secretly manipulating the situation of Alabastan.” Daio glanced at Weiwei coldly and said: “Yar Colonel Lin suspected that the insurgents had already been infiltrated by the Baroque studio personnel.”

“Kosha, he should be telling the truth.” Weiwei walked out from behind Kosha, and said to Kosha with a scorched expression: “Although there is still no evidence of crime, I already have some clues. Otherwise, I won’t be hunted down by the Baroque Studio. Believe me, as long as I can find the evidence of Krokdal, all of this will be over.”

Koza did not say a word. He still couldn’t believe that his so-called uprising was a conspiracy brewed by lies. It would make him 10,000 times more uncomfortable than killing him. He bit his lips and said: “I Still can’t believe all this…Forget it, everything can’t be over, you can send Weiwei out quickly.”

“Kosha!” Weiwei seemed to be trying to persuade something.

Koza just waved his hand weakly, sat cross-legged by the door and glanced at Weiwei for the last time, slowly closing his eyes with a complicated smile on his face.


Daiou raised his hand, and the surging stone chain entangled Weiwei’s body, and soon secreted a layer of magma to wrap it and drag it into the tunnel in the palm of his hand.

In the quiet room, Koza opened his bloodstained eyes. He watched the bulging layers of rock beneath the cracked hole on the ground and quickly refilled the hole. After a long time, he stood slowly. He got up, pushed the door open from the inside, and the mountain breeze mixed with blood and gunpowder blew the tips of his hair.


Picture after picture flashed in his mind, flashing like a slide. For a long time, he sighed and looked at the few people walking quickly from the dark corner.

“What about Princess Vivi? Why are you alone? You let her go?” A series of pressing questions was followed by an angry roar.

Koza scanned the faces, and suddenly a deep exhaustion rushed into his heart. He ignored the forcing questions, his eyes stopped on Ripa who was hiding his face, and an inexplicable smile appeared on his face suddenly, and then he watched. Apologize to Farafra: “Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t lead you down anymore.”

Farafra stared at Kosha, her voice calm and terrible: “You are right, Michigan is absolutely impossible to accept any threats and negotiations. He will only order all of us to be killed. Clean, because just now, we received news that Cobra is dead!”

Koza was stunned.

“Killed by your father!” Every time Farafra said a word, Kosha’s face paled. “Killed by your father, he was killed by a heartbeat, and Doto was also killed by Nafi. Rutali Saka cut off his head with a slash, and the body is now hanging on the wall of Albana’s palace.”

“Impossible, you are lying to me!” Koza’s voice was almost inaudible.

Farafra took a photo from his arms and handed it over: “This is the latest image sent by Affect.”

Koza took the photo with trembling hands, and stared at the hanging dead head with trembling eyes. The whole person seemed to turn black before his eyes, and he fell to the ground.

Farafora squatted down and grabbed Kosha’s neck with one hand and said murderously: “The Nafirutari royal family killed your father. Don’t worry about that much anymore. We can accept any conditions of the Drum Kingdom, as long as If we can break through the siege, we will have the opportunity to regroup, and even go all the way back to Albana, killing everyone with the surname Nafirutali, and you Kosha is still the leader of our rebel army, and even one day becomes The king of this desert.”

Koza just slumped on the ground as if he had lost his soul. It took a long time before he suddenly let out a desperate laugh. The laughter lingered in everyone’s heart like weeping. Suddenly, he grabbed Farafra’s arm with both hands and the veins on his forehead. The violent violent, the corners of his eyes burst with blood stains and said anxiously: “Surrender! We surrender, all this is a conspiracy, Vivi is right, all this is a conspiracy by Klockdal…”

Koza woke up like a dream, and Doto’s death seemed to finally knock him awake. He could doubt Cobra, but he never doubted his father. He knew Doto too well, and that stubborn man believed all the time. To the king, there is absolutely no possibility that he will kill His Majesty Cobra.

Unless, everything is a conspiracy weaved by lies from the beginning, and there is a pair of invisible hands manipulating everything in the dark.

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