Chapter 409 Bloodline Factor

Under the shadow of the haze lead cloud, the stubborn sunlight spilled from the sky and fell on Luffy’s face, glowing pale pale.

His back squirmed, his muscles stretched straight, from the shoulders to the waist, densely packed with hideous scars, Luffy raised his head, his eyes seemed to penetrate the clouds and fall on the sun, a bunch of burning flames in his eyes The pupils rolled violently, and under the undulating chest, there seemed to be a beast roaring trapped.

“Sky!” Lu Fei turned his head and said every word: “Let’s go to the sky island!”

“I believe the legend of the sky island is true. Since it is a legend, it must be unusual!” Lu Fei clenched his fist and said beyond doubt: “We will go there to recruit new partners, and then come back and avenge Sanji. avenge!”

“…” Usopp touched his neck subconsciously, where the “blood eyes” planted by Dalaran had disappeared, but he always felt that someone was peering at him from behind.

Turning his head, there was no one behind, only alopecia areata, who was lying on the ground and eating raw fish, was eating.

“Dalaran should be dead, it should have been killed by Ace!” Usopp whispered.

The straw hat group who escaped from Alabastan still believed in the “beautiful call” wishfully, and did not know that soon a news that shocked the entire sea would spread from Alabastan to the world.

“It’s not just the apostle who killed Sanji, but also the owner behind the underground desert and the monster’s nest!” Lu Fei woke up from his grief and anger, his mind was sober as never before, and he bit “crunch”. The rattling tooth gang said coldly: “It’s Valbo, maybe there is also the navy colonel who didn’t show up—Yarlin!”

There is no conclusive evidence, but there are inextricable connections, and driven by anger, let Luffy put all the people who may be related to that desert underground palace on the list of hatred.

Perhaps he himself didn’t realize that he had already said the real murderer behind the scenes!

The three words “Yarlin” seemed to carry some kind of invisible magic power, and the air on the deck instantly froze. For Usopp, the owner of this name is simply a nightmare lingering in his mind, lingering. And it’s getting more and more weird and terrifying.

As for Sauron, every appearance of Yallin brought him a heart-piercing memory, like a destined nemesis, he was about to plant a heart demon in Sauron’s heart.

What’s more, the possible mysterious connection between Valbo and Yallin, all this makes it hard to prevent the Straw Hats from having the deepest malicious speculation on Yallin.

“I understand, I will find a way to Sky Island.” Nami broke the solemn atmosphere and was the first to speak out.

In Usopp’s mind, Shanzhi’s eyes appeared in his mind. After a long while, he bit his teeth heavily and walked over to help Nami control the direction of the rudder.

Sauron looked at Luffy’s eyes, and both of them could see the flame bred by hatred in each other’s eyes. The flame seemed to one day torch the labyrinth under the desert of Alabastan and burn it to scorched earth.

……………………………………………………………………………………………… …

In a newly divided laboratory in the pyramid, several corpses lie on the experimental benches arranged in sequence. The corpses are well preserved. The biochemical fluid injected into the body through the catheter keeps their corpses still dead. Fresh state.

Vincent Mock Niche’s corpse was dissected and sliced ​​away, and Sanji’s corpse not far from the side was sliced ​​apart. Adams was wearing a bloody white coat and playing with the cell sap analyzed by the laboratory, with strange and hot eyes in his eyes. The ray of light turned excitedly at Yarlin, who was standing aside: “Analyzed from the comparison of genetic sequences, the two of them are brothers, and there is a strange power in their bodies, but one is in an activated state. The other remains in a recessive state.”

The re-divided laboratory is the exclusive area of ​​Adams, mainly because Sanji’s body is not easy to be seen by Dr. Kuleha and the blue-nosed reindeer Chopper.

Yarlin believes in the promise that he must speak his words and speak his words. Naturally, he must make the other person believe that until the moment before he died, then there is actually no difference between a lie and the truth.

“This kind of unique eyebrows, I thought it was a coincidence if they were just one person, but now I can be sure that the two corpses are members of the Vincent Mok family!” Adams has an 80% probability that the brothers who were dissected It is the blood of Vincent Mock Gage.

“It was the one who funded your experiment…” Yarlin raised his eyebrows, and a suspicion appeared in his deep pupils: “Did he guess you are here? No, this guy is a member of the Straw Hat Crew. The later one came here, so is it just a coincidence? Interesting!”

“What’s more interesting is that there is a human-encoded region in their genetic sequence.” Adams enthusiastically said: “At the same time, their blood contains unknown power that does not belong to human beings. The components of this power and the nature of the devil fruit are very similar!”

“Gaj’s theory of descent factors has reached maturity and can already be applied to the human body!” Adams exclaimed and exclaimed: “I just didn’t expect that he would apply this technique to his son, but This is in line with his character!”

“Blood factor?” Yarlin asked.

“I heard Kaji mentioned once that the blood factor theory originated from his early research on devil fruits with Begapunk. It is one of the important results. They found a substance in the devil fruits. The substance was named pedigree factor by them.” Adams recalled: “After the devil fruit is swallowed by humans, it is this pedigree factor that has a complex effect in the body, and finally caused genetic mutations, making the capable person possess all kinds of weirdness. Ability.”

“Later, the government arrested Begapunk and forced him to become the chief scientist of the navy headquarters and work for the government. All the research results are of the highest level of confidentiality. Because of his special status, Gage was not arrested, but Related research has also been ordered to stop.” Adams explained: “But obviously, he has been conducting secret research. At the same time, after learning about the research project I was conducting, he secretly funded my experiment. Of course, I need to regularly check Various data and results of the experiment will be shared with him.”

“In this way, the blood factor is the essence of the devil fruit!” Arlin’s eyes were bright, and he looked at Adams and said in a deep voice, “That is, if you master this technology, you can artificially create the devil fruit. NS?”

“Theoretically so, but it is difficult to achieve it completely. After all, the devil fruit is the biggest mystery in the world!” Adams dissected and analyzed Nizhi’s corpse, while facing Allin said: “However, Gachi has obviously overcome it. There are some problems, so this guy’s body can discharge!”

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