Chapter 433: Toxins Drifting in the Air

In the cabin, sacks stuck to the wooden boards were roughly torn apart, and the navy soldiers with bloodshot eyes and inexplicable mood carried the sacks to disembark the ship.

A scent of mold drifted from the open cabin to the sea, and the smell of plants was pungent in the dry desert. Smaller listened to Bell’s report, and then walked into the cabin.

As far as I can see, the bottom of the cabin is covered by fresh green moss. Some of the ore falling from the sack sticks to the moss. The whole scene is a little hairy.

The eyes of the soldiers unloading and transporting on the ship were full of bloodshot eyes, and the breath spitting out from the undulating lung cavity was burning. From a distance, Smogg could smell the restlessness and inexplicable excitement from these soldiers.

“Does this bryophyte affect the mood of creatures?” Smogg recruited a soldier, and after a brief questioning, he found no more problems.

There seemed to be no more serious problems except for the emotional agitation and the weird excitement. He breathed a sigh of relief.

Weiwei knelt down and broke away the colored stone mine entangled with moss. The moss on the colorful ore seemed to have penetrated into the ore, and a layer of smooth hair appeared on the surface. She handed it to Smogg worriedly. : “It feels like it has deteriorated, can it still be made into a dancing fan?”

Smogg took it, and gently scraped off a layer of wet green moss with his nails, but the broken hairs had grown into the ore. He was secretly surprised by the vigorous vitality of this plant.

“There should be no big problem!” Bell said: “When I came back, I carefully observed that the water vapor around the cabin was obviously stronger than that in the surrounding area. It was this kind of ore that absorbed the surrounding water vapor. Dancing fans are a nature.”

The production of dancing fans is illegal, but Esmog’s network of contacts for so many years makes it easy to get a method of making dancing fans.

This kind of colored ore is the most important main material for the production of dancing powder. Other things are not difficult to obtain, and they can be purchased locally in Alabastan. Now they are filled with the warehouse of the Navy branch.

Everything is ready, just wait for Bell to return to the color stone mine. During this time, Smogg continued to attack the stronghold of the Baroque studio, while preparing and familiarizing himself with the manufacturing process in the command branch.

Four days later.

From the simple factory built, the first batch of dancing powder produced was presented on Smogg’s desk. The sand-yellow dust particles were similar to the wind and sand floating in the sky. The surface of the particles was still attached with light green, which was mixed together. Into the decomposed and crushed moss.

Compared with the original material ratio, there is more plant material. At this moment, I can smell some faint fragrance when I sniff it in my hand.

It’s very light, I can barely smell it without carefully opening my nostrils and sniffing it hard.

“Have you tried it?” Small asked.

“Experiments have been carried out on the sand dunes not far from the branch. The indicators returned by the equipment for detecting humidity show that the humidity and rain are increasing rapidly. It is expected that there will be a heavy rain in three days. At the same time, outside the area, the air is obviously becoming dry.” Weiwei, who is in charge of the experiment, has some bloodshot eyes. She has been staring at the factory these days, her body is exhausted but very excited.

“There is no problem with the production of dancing powder!” Weiwei rubbed her sour eyes, she firmly grasped the dancing powder in her hand, her eyes were full of flowing hatred, as if she had seen the sand crocodile dragged from the altar. Come down, and then the bloody scene of the corpse being broken into pieces.

“How about the returning soldiers?” Smogg looked at his adjutant.

“The mood is a little restless, and some soldiers reacted with some insomnia, and there were no other problems.” The adjutant thought for a while and replied: “In the factory where dancing powder is made, the soldiers who have been exposed to moss-covered colored ore for a long time are also emotional. There have been varying degrees of irritability, but there are no other problems.”

“It’s not necessarily a bad thing to be irritable. What we have to do is to arouse the anger of the people!” The more Weiwei rubbed the blood in her eyes, the more bloodshot her eyes, “Let the flames of anger burn the entire Albana, Your Majesty Cobra Only the spirit of heaven can rest in peace.”

Bell stood in the corner of the office, hesitated and stopped several times, and finally said nothing.

“Speed ​​up production and release these dancing fans to Albana in secret.” Smogg made the final decision, and the adjutant took the order to execute it.

In the almost abandoned port of the branch, above the moored warship, a few figures quietly climbed up to the nacelle of the warship through the concealment of the night, scraped off the moss attached to the wooden boards, collected them, and put them into bottles and cans. , And then evacuated silently, sinking into the ground in a desert whirlpool.

Staring at the screen on the monitor, knowing that Small’s plan has been implemented, Yarlin retracted his gaze, looked at Adams and opened the bottles and cans that he had sent in, and began to check one by one.

Dr. Kuleha took his assistant Chopper, also wearing protective clothing, conducting various experiments and tests on these moss plants, and quickly sorted out the data obtained.

Chopper shrank back to its normal reindeer shape, and the broken tentacles had grown again. This strange pyramid-like nest, filled with various scientific research equipment and instruments, and various incredible experimental projects set up a project made him feel terrified. .

It lowered its head to record the experimental data, and a pair of eyeballs rolled around, looking into another huge petri dish, where Adams collected the cell tissue from its body, copying and cultivating it.

The Fruit of Everyone is a very special devil fruit. Its rare characteristics are worthy of scientific research. It is not possible to dissect Chopper. Adams is very sorry, so he can only take the next step and collect Chopper’s cells for replication and analyze.

Dr. Kuleha didn’t stop this, and Chopper was naturally powerless. Obviously Dr. Kuleha had finally learned to put himself in the right position.

“Chopper, focus on it, don’t think about it!” Dr. Kuleha whispered: “We don’t have the strength to resist, so it’s better to calm down and think about gaining knowledge and vision from it.”

“This plant has a high concentration of activity, and the data displayed by various indicators are surprisingly similar to those of rust insects.” Qiaoba nodded, and after a calculation and analysis of the experimental data, he reported the results to Adams. .

“Neurological toxins are transmitted through the air, and can promote the splitting of muscles and bones. In layman’s terms, they can make organisms more swollen, irritable, and full of aggressiveness!” Adams compared the results. I guessed and simulated the results like a computer in my mind.

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