Pirates: Famous Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 184: Robin's future vision

, the fastest update of Pirates: Famous Teacher Kaido, the latest chapter of online teaching!

The country of martial arts, the martial arts institute.

Elite students and tutors went to Wan Guo, and the hospital was deserted a lot immediately, and Kaido also followed.

On Wan Guo's side, he is not worried.

Even if the two sides fight, the possibility of the Golden Lion defeating Lingling is very slim, not only because of strength, but also due to geographical factors.

The difficulty of going out on an expedition is different from that of staying home.

His own territory was naturally impregnable, and during the tea party, all the troops of the nations were assembled, so if you think about it, you would know how terrifying it would be.

Unless the golden lion threw an island on the cake island in the sky, but with the arrogance of the other party, it should not do so, otherwise the navy headquarters would have been buried long ago.

"The world conference is about to begin."

As the New Year is approaching, all parties have started celebration activities, and the four-yearly World Conference is about to begin.

However, the Kingdom of Wu was not invited.

Of the more than 170 member countries in the world, only the 50 most influential countries are eligible to attend the World Conference. The newly established Kingdom of Wu obviously does not have that much influence.

Moreover, this meeting is likely to be aimed at the newly established Four Sovereigns, let alone the Kingdom of Wu that he controls.

"Well, it doesn't matter, it's just a place to quarrel."

Kaido shook his head, showing little interest in the World Conference.

A group of kings gathered together, what's the point of scolding the street for their own interests, if those guys can seriously discuss world peace, then he might give him a high look.

"Master Kaido!"

Nico Robin timidly came to Kaido. Her situation was rather special, so she didn't leave with Kaido. It was the safest to stay by Kaido's side.


Kaido looked at Robin with a smile in his eyes.

Although this girl is young, she has an amazing amount of knowledge. She is now a lecturer, which has brought great help to the academy.

"Are you satisfied with your life now?"


Robin nodded vigorously, having experienced the dark experience of being hunted by the whole world, which made her cherish her current stable life, and she likes teaching very much.

"That's good."

Kaido nodded: "I have something I want you to do, it may be more troublesome."

"Sir, please speak."

Robin was a little nervous, except that she knew more, she was not outstanding among the students, and she could be seen everywhere than she could.

"No lol lol."

Kaido smiled: "Don't be nervous, I just want you to write a children's textbook for ordinary families to teach their children to read and write."

Cultivating talents is the top priority.

The people in the land of the beasts are basically illiterate, and it is not easy to find someone who knows math, let alone a civilian who can assist in management.

The talents from the outside world are often kept away from the pirate country, and no one will come to spend the money, so they can only be cultivated internally.


Robin widened his eyes and asked in confusion, "Master Kaido, there should be similar teaching materials in other kingdoms."

"No need for those things."

Kaido waved his hand, each member country has corresponding textbooks, but the content is mixed with too much politics, especially the beautification of the world government.

The most typical example is the popular Germa 66 comics, where the justice navy Sora leads the giant robot and seagulls to smash the evil conspiracy of Germa 66 again and again.

There's nothing wrong with that, but it's a very successful naval propaganda comic for ignorant children.


Kaido pondered for a while and said: "The content of the textbook should preferably include language, mathematics, history, society, and geography. Other courses can be appropriately added."

"I understand!"

Robin nodded, and quickly understood Kaido's meaning. After nearly a year of observation, she had noticed the essential difference between the Beast Pirates and the ordinary pirates.

Ordinary pirates wander around and loot for a living. They don't need to think too much, and they don't need to think about the future.

After destroying one island, go to the next island.

The Hundred Beast Pirates are different. They have a large number of islands and countries, which are equivalent to miniature world governments, so long-term development must be considered.

"Are the other four emperors like this?"

Robin had doubts in her heart. She didn't know how Whitebeard and other big pirates treated their islands, but the focus of the Beast Pirates had always been on the governance of the territory.

Reforming the economy, developing overseas trade, establishing martial arts academies, accepting other races, etc., and now they still have to run schools, and the money from beast looting and trade is basically invested in development.

She even had the illusion that Lord Kaido was not a pirate in the usual sense, but a real "king".

However, few people should be able to perceive the true thoughts of Lord Kaido. She had heard a lot of things saying that Lord Kaido was not normal.

Robin took a deep breath and asked, "Master Kaido, do you need to join the course to support the Beast Pirates?"

"No, it's enough to teach children to love their hometown."

Kaido waved his hand. They are the pirates in charge of violence. This cannot be changed. The more deceived they are, the greater the negative impact will be at the moment they are exposed.

O'Hara is an example.

The beasts are not the world government, and they are not so guilty. Children will judge for themselves when they grow up.

"If you have any needs, you can go to Fei Liubao, they will cooperate with you."

"Okay, Lord Kaido!"

Robin looked up at Kaido, his eyes sparkling.

This principal is different from the people she has met before, like a parent who can shelter from the wind and rain, which is extremely reassuring.

Kaido looked at Robin in a daze and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Is there any problem?"


Robin hurriedly bowed to say goodbye, and trotted away.

It is not easy to organize textbooks. The situation of each island is different, and many subjects need to be written for them, which is very time-consuming and energy-consuming.

Moreover, in the future, we have to constantly revise and improve the teaching materials. This is a big project that will never end.

"Maybe that's why I exist."

Robin's eyes are bright, she likes reading very much, and she will be happy to see others reading, let alone something as meaningful as writing textbooks.

And staying by the side of Lord Kaido, the probability of finding a blank 100-year history should be the highest!

Time passed by, and the World Tea Party also came to the opening time.

"The tea party begins!"

The powerhouses who received the invitation came to Cake Island one after another.

The king of usury, the **** of "blessing", du Feld.

Queen of Pleasure Street, Stucci.

Sea King, "Deep Current" Umit.

World News Director, "Big News" Morgans.

In addition to some regular guests, there are also some new faces attending the tea party for the first time.

Human trafficking expert, Jeffrey.

Gambler, Les Weiss.

The King of Potions, Herman.


The strong people who participated in the tea party were all the strongest in a certain field, and the industries involved were basically invisible.

In addition, there are also young people who are like mudslides.

"Wow, haha, it's finally starting!"

Seeing Yamato's leadership, the rampage of the students of the Kingdom of Wu, the various underground emperors with black lines giving way~www.readwn.com~ Is that Kaido's daughter? "

Everyone's eyes fell on Yamato, and their eyes were extremely solemn. Just because of the identity of Kaido's daughter, it was enough to make people pay attention.

Stuthy chuckled lightly: "Jeffrey, you seem to have some festive moments with the Beast Pirates."


Jeffrey snorted coldly and didn't answer.

As a human trafficking expert, the Chambord Islands are his most important business location. However, the chaos of the Beast Pirates destroyed his shop to the ground.

Not only was the business disrupted, but the accountability of Tianlong people forced him to leave Chambord and escape to the new world for development.

"Kaido's daughter, I don't know how much it can sell for!"

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Chapter 184 Robin's Vision for the Future Free to read. https://

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