Pirates: Famous Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 204: The back of the golden lion

"Boom rumble..."

The huge avalanche gradually stopped, and everything returned to calm.

After the snow covered on the surface disappeared, the snow mountain revealed its true face, and the top of the mountain that resembled a chimney actually shone with a metallic luster.

"Damn, I almost died!"

Time passed by, and many strong men climbed out of the snow, all of them turning blue and shivering.

Except for them, the rest of the people were buried in the snow, which was at least half the number at the beginning.

The longer you drag on, the less chance you have of surviving.

"Damn golden lion!"

There is no doubt that this is a trap left by the golden lion!

On the west side of the snow-capped mountain, the sword light flashed, and the snowflakes burst open.

On the ground, the large ice cover made of ice cracked to both sides, revealing the Yamato and Shinsengumi hiding inside.

"Huh, I survived!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. If His Highness Yamato had not used ice to create a shelter, the True Selection Team would have suffered heavy losses.

Those snow waves do not have a fixed shape, so they are not afraid of slashing.

The captains looked at Yamato with gratitude and trust in their eyes, and asked with concern, "His Royal Highness Yamato, are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

Yamato gasped for breath, making so many ice cubes in one breath, which exhausted her physical strength. After all, she was not a professional ice maker.

Luckily the ice cubes are strong and great for defense.

Soon, everyone discovered the anomaly.

"Hey, look at the mountain!"

At the top of the snow-capped mountain, the chimney-like top of the mountain shone with a metallic sheen. It was clearly a product of technology, and it was probably a weapon.

"So handsome!"

Yamato's eyes are shining, such a huge barrel is a secret weapon at a glance!

"Let's go up!"

"Yes, Your Highness Yamato!"

Everyone climbed again, and the other strong men also went up the mountain one after another. At this point, if they were afraid and retreated, they would have no face in the future.

Can't go up!

This time the climb went smoothly, and there were no obstacles or traps until reaching the platform at the top of the mountain.

"That's the end of the fire!"

The first person to reach the top of the mountain is undoubtedly exhausted, and those with flying ability have a great advantage on the road.

At this moment, Jin's hands are pinching a pirate's neck.

The other party is the deputy of the Golden Lion, the ship doctor and scientist Indigo, and the last member of the Air Pirates.

"Put me down, you idiot!"

Indigo struggled hard and spit out angrily: "If I die, none of you will try to find the text of the road monument!"


His eyes were cold, just as he was about to bring Indigo back to be tortured, a jelly bean wrapped around domineering flew over and hit his wrist!

The jelly didn't do any damage, but the shock that came with it made him let go.

Looking at the direction where the jelly beans came from, murderous aura condensed in his eyes.



Katakuri took his younger brothers and sisters to the top of the mountain, and said Dandan: "This guy has the information on the text of the road monument. When he discloses the information, it will not be too late for you to take him away."

While slaughtering the Flying Sky Pirates, all parties have also been tortured, but no one knows where the text of the road monument is.

And since Indigo was staying on this mountain, he was naturally the only person in the know, so the beasts must not be monopolized.

The atmosphere on the top of the mountain became more and more dignified, and there was a possibility of fighting at any time.


Indigo let out a weird laugh: "Don't be so impatient, when everyone arrives, I will give you a fair chance to compete!"

It is not only the beasts and the nations who want to compete for the text of the road monument. As long as Kaido and Lingling do not fight, other forces can fully participate.

In the face of opponents other than the Four Emperors, the big kanbans have no face to ask their boss for help, and they can't afford to lose this person.

"The Whitebeard Pirates are here!"

"And Qiwuhai!"

"The **** navy is also dispatched!"

More and more strong men came to the top of the mountain, and even the captains such as Marko, who were all injured, and Crocodile rushed over.

"Kalekal, it's almost there!"

Indigo grinned and took out a sound shell and an image shell with a big laugh.

"Then let's begin, Captain Skies' final performance!"

Soon, the projected image of the golden lion appeared on the top of the mountain, with a rebellious smile still on his face.

"Jie ha ha ha!"

"Treasure hunts are fun!"

"Isn't it as fun as finding Roger's treasure!"

The golden lion's smile disappeared, and he shook his hand with a grim face.

"Stop joking, pirates are the rulers of the sea, not adventurers looking for treasures!"

"Whether it's a treasure or something else, grab it back if you want it!"

"We are the ones who dominate the world!"

After the roar, the golden lion gradually regained his composure.

"The text of the road monument is here, but none of you can get it, let alone become the Pirate King through it!"

"One Piece is the strongest pirate!"

"If you want to become the Pirate King, then defeat all the enemies and become the strongest, not in a ridiculous way like finding Ralph Drew."

"Go on, Indigo!"

"I really want to see your ridiculous appearance, Jie Hahahaha!"

"Zila" sounded, and the image disappeared.

Katakuri seemed to have foreseen something, his eyes suddenly sank, and he couldn't stop what was going to happen next.


Indigo laughed wildly and explained their long-planned plan to everyone.

"The inside of this snow-capped mountain is actually a volcano that can erupt at any time, and the text of the road sign is placed in the volcanic pool."

"The movement of the volcano is approaching its limit and it is about to erupt!"

"The text of the road monument will be shot from the launcher behind me with the eruption of the volcano, and will fly to the Baibaihai, which is the empty island, at an altitude of 10,000 meters!"

"It will drift with the island cloud and disappear forever from the sight of human beings. If you want to find it, you will undoubtedly be looking for a needle in a haystack!"

"Kalkal, you will never find the text of the four road monuments, and you will never reach Ralph Drew!"

Even if this war fails, they will destroy the pirates' dream of finding Roger's treasure, and destroy the era of this dream-seeking great pirate!


! "

The snow mountain trembled violently. The avalanche had previously stimulated the magma movement, and a large number of bombs were buried in the magma pool. This series of roars was the sound of the bomb being detonated.


Everyone's expressions changed. I didn't expect the golden lion to do such a thing. Before they could stabilize their bodies, a large amount of orange-red magma spurted out of the chimney and spread to the surrounding area!

Meteor Volcano!

"Run away!"

The volcanic bombs continued to fall like meteors~www.readwn.com~ The power was extremely terrifying, and at the juncture of life and death, everyone fled desperately.

"The text of the road monument!"

Only a few people are looking for the trace of the text of the road monument.

In the center of the magma eruption, the red text of the road monument is rapidly rising into the sky, and soon disappears into the sky, there is no way to stop it!


He was furious, transformed into a pterosaur and chased the text of the road monument, but the text of the road monument lifted off faster than him!

And it is located at an altitude of several thousand meters, very close to the empty island. When the text of the road monument plunges into the white sea, it can only stop.

He can't swim!

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