Pirates: Famous Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 207: Reward according to merit

【Pirates: Famous Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching】【】

Three days passed in a flash, and the results of the Battle of the Four Emperors quickly spread throughout the new world as the news bird worked overtime, and spread to the world at an extremely fast speed.

Naval Headquarters, Marin Vando.

Taotu and Chadou returned from the new world as quickly as possible to convey the specific situation of the war.

"I didn't expect the golden lion to be defeated!"

In the combat conference room, the high-level naval forces gathered together.

Marshal Sora, General Sengoku, Chief of Staff Crane, Chief Instructor Zefa, and even Garp ended their vacation early and rushed back from the East China Sea. This war of the Four Emperors has already affected the whole world.

The Navy expected the Golden Lion to fail, but did not expect the Golden Lion to die.

"The Hundred Beasts Pirates and Wanguo have also lost a lot of troops. In the next few years, they should be quieter."

The beasts and the nations were hit hard and needed at least a few years of recuperation, which made the pressure on the navy abruptly eased by half.

However, the threat of Kaido and Big Mom is more worrying, not only because of their strength, but also the intentions of both parties.

Compared with the crazy golden lion and the freedom-seeking Roger, the management methods of the two pirate groups require more vigilance.

Pirates without order are good pirates!

The situation in Wan Guo is better. Although the base camp is infallible, it is no different from other big pirates to the outside world.

And the way the Beast Pirates operate is more like an empire that is constantly annexing and expanding, and Kaido is the emperor who rules everything!

What makes the Navy vigilant is that Kaido did not exploit the people, but instead managed the islands in an orderly manner. Such behavior can no longer be defined by pirates!

Sora looked at Zefa and asked in a deep voice, "How is the situation in the Kingdom of Wu?"

The establishment of Wuzhiguo Academy is Kaido's most special recent action, and the navy has been pondering Kaido's purpose.

"First Evolution"

"No clue for now."

Zefa shook his head, looked sideways at the door and signaled, "Let Smoke and Tina come in."


The herald immediately led Smoke and Tina into the conference room.

The two looked at the elders and swallowed hard, even more nervous than when they attended the tea party in Wanguo.

Everyone here is their idol!

Zefa gestured: "Smog, and Tina, explain the specific information of Wuzhiguo Academy in detail!"


The two nodded frowning, lurking for half a year, and finally it was time to cross, but they found nothing.

The navy is making plans to fight against the Beast Pirates, and the pirates of the new world ushered in a carnival.

There is a vacancy in the throne of the four emperors, and now is the perfect time to ascend.

The forces that left Bali immediately launched an action and launched an attack on the islands under the banner of the Golden Lion.

Whoever rules this sea area can become the new sea emperor!

New World, Cactus Island.

In the center of the town, Crocodile with a bandage on his forehead sat on a wine barrel, holding the latest newspaper in his hand, his eyes gloomy.

After reading the newspaper, he looked up at the banner of the beasts hanging in the town square, in a very bad mood.

"It's really annoying!"

Next, the silver medalists will compete for the throne of the four emperors. How can he be indifferent, but the ideal hometown project is equally important.

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【Pirates: Famous Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching】【】


Crocodile laughed, his eyes looking at the banner of the beasts became more and more fierce, and Kaido's mockery would not be forgotten.

There is no revenge to leave the new world!

And the ideal hometown plan can be postponed, but the chance to compete for the throne of the four emperors is fleeting, so it is clear at a glance how to choose!

"Let's make a big fuss after a long absence!"

The outside world was in chaos, but the Beast Pirates were happily holding a ghost festival. The crew laughed and drank to celebrate their survival again.

"Children, get up!"

Above the stage, Quinn jumped up and down as always, and danced with his subordinates, and the atmosphere was quickly heated up.

In this regard, he is professional.

"Quin is so noisy!"

In the banquet hall, all the officials of Hundred Beasts were present, and everyone looked at Kaido, who was sitting in the first seat, with anticipation in their eyes.

After the battle, there will be rewards!

"Hey, hey, you guys did a great job this time!"

Kaido nodded with a smile, being able to survive the brutal war was enough to prove himself, and now is the time for meritorious deeds.

"The emperor."

"Yes, Lord Kaido."

The petite girl came to the center of the hall with a long plate, and there were six Devil Fruits on the plate!

The final payment for the World Government's purchase of the wild animal husbandry has been received. Four of them were consumed before, and there are six remaining, all of which are also animal-type Devil Fruits.

Kaido pulls out a list.



Speed ​​stood up in surprise. She was very young, and she was not really fighting yet. She was very uneasy when she was called, and she didn't expect a reward at all!

Kaido looked at the girl with satisfaction.

Speed ​​is good at bowing, and is very good at kicking. His excellent flexibility and attack range have picked up a lot of heads, and his performance is quite dazzling.

In addition, Speed ​​is still an academy student. Like Maria, he is a young soldier of the beasts, and he often suffers from his special training.

"You did quite well this time, choose one and eat it!"

"Thank you, Mr. Kaido!"

Speed ​​came to the hall in surprise, looked at the six Devil Fruits in front of him, and didn't know which one to choose for a while.

Fortunately, there are labels on the fruits.

"Buffalo Fruit Giraffe Form!"

"Snake fruit, python form."

"Dog Fruit · Dachshund Form."


All animal fruits.

The girl picked up two ~www.readwn.com~, one in the form of a giraffe and the other in the form of a horse. After hesitating for a long time, she put down the giraffe fruit.

"Master Kaido, I choose this one!"

She is good at kicking and long-range attacks. Among the six fruits, giraffes and horses are the most suitable for her fighting style.

"Well, eat it."

Kaido secretly regrets, he actually really wants to see if Speed ​​eats the giraffe fruit and can turn into blocks like CP9 Kaku.

However, this may be the most suitable option for girls.

When he gave Fei Liubao fruit before, he also chose the ability that fits them.

Just like Holdum, he was originally a lion giver, and the lion fruit is the most suitable for him.

So far, the effect is really good.

In this war, Fei Liubao's strength was not inferior to those of the long-known pirate captains, and his domineering became stronger and stronger.

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【Pirates: Famous Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching】【】

"Five more devil fruits."

Kaido looked at the real players, this time all five animal fruits will be sent down, to improve the middle power.

In addition to the devil fruit, there are rewards such as famous knives and money, and every cadre who participates in the war will have something to gain.

After the reward, Kaido stood up, looked at the smiling cadres, and announced loudly.

"Hey, hey, little ones!"

"The positions of senior cadres are not enough. I decided to establish a new signature group, the name is Lingkong Liu... No!"

"Nine sons of the sky!"

Dragon has nine sons, there is nothing wrong.

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