Push a friend's book: [Arzeus' Journey of Pirates]

The content is probably that the protagonist Arceus used eighteen stone tablets to turn Teacher Kai's legion into a full-member Phantom Beast Legion.

This book is very good-looking, and it doesn’t affect reading if you haven’t read Pokémon. The most important thing is that the author is diligent in updating, much better than me.

I don't know when Teacher Kai will become a cracked seat, and I am looking forward to it.

Say something off topic.

The author of Arceus and I should have a very good relationship. Before, many readers thought that we were the same person, and there were many reasons.

First of all, our pseudonyms are very similar.

My pen name is "Lost Pigeon", and his pen name is "White Dove Dove", both with pigeons.

Secondly, our book release time, theme selection, camp, timeline, and even shelf time are almost the same as the first order.

But really a coincidence.

It's a coincidence that the author is confused!

This TM is a surprise!

It's a pity that Gege is a man, otherwise I would definitely ask for his WeChat, and discuss the experience of writing the book and the follow-up plot late at night.

If you like this book, you must read it, I sincerely recommend it!

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