Pirate’s General Tiger

Chapter 233: Useless

It is impossible to describe the trembling breath felt by the Warring States at this moment. It shows all the power and the real destructive power has not erupted yet, but this palpitating feeling still shocks his heart.


"No! This is completely different from the previous explosion!"

Sengoku's expression changed greatly, and he looked shocked at the cold, serious face in front of him at the moment.

How old is it! The fruit ability has been developed to this degree!

Can't help but express such emotion in his heart.

Immediately after the blink of an eye, Sengoku’s eyes clearly saw that the right fist that struck his Buddha’s palm followed a circle of rapid diffusion, which turned into roaring anger, entangled, boiling, twisting, sweeping in all directions .

This is the flame, the degree of burning, and the energy are all powerful to the extreme, but also concentrated to the extreme. Even, he can see the traces of energy fusion and evolution.

A completely different explosion method produced a terrorist explosion far beyond his knowledge.

Then there is light! The light emitted by the other party is even more dazzling and splendid, illuminating the nearby sky in an instant.

Finally, the violent impact radiation turned into an indescribable impact wind, pushing everything on the ground and air toward the surroundings.

His huge, shining Buddha's body flew out in a flash, and there was no chance to respond at all.

What kind of armed sex, seeing the color domineering, without expecting such explosive power, the Warring States Period was too late to release.


A little flame, bright light came out, and then in the eyes of cranes, Gion and others, it quickly developed into a huge explosion, and the mushroom cloud that was easily recognizable was high above the sky, and the terrifying shock wave shattered the area within a hundred meters. Everything.

"This! Is it his power to defeat Valdo?"

"It's terrible!"

"The strength of the kid Tang En has actually reached such a point!"

"General! This is a general-level force!"

The navy was shocked and inexplicable, looking at the mushroom cloud that had blasted away in front, and the aftermath had not dispersed.

The shocking wind generated by the nuclear explosion once again swept across the whole island of Fringe. The sky was suddenly swaying. The original cloud layer was swept away instantly, and it became cloudless and blue and blue.

It lasted for more than thirty breaths before the aftermath of the explosion calmed down. The mushroom cloud, the light, and the shock wave all shrank toward the inside and soon disappeared in everyone's eyes.

They saw Tang En, who was standing at the center of the broken ground, with a respectful light subconsciously in his eyes.

Even among the entire navy, there are only a handful of people who can achieve such achievements. But each one is a world-famous powerhouse. Now Tang is one of them.

"Cough! Good boy, with such power, no wonder you can beat Valdo!"

"He has not yet been able to defend against such a close-up explosion!"

The Warring States period was exploded a full kilometer away. At the moment, he coughed and his body shone with golden light.

After a few steps, his figure returned to its original size, but his face and robe looked a bit embarrassed. The cheeks are mostly gray and black, and the clothes are also fragmented and blown into holes. The most conspicuous is his right hand, trembling.

Obviously, under the attack of Fang Cai, he was also hurt.

Nuclear explosions are not so easy to resist! The scope of devastating blows is almost invincible at close range!

Tang En saw that there was nothing wrong with the Warring States, and his eyes were also stern.

The power of nuclear explosions is clear to him himself, and he has increased by a large margin based on the original ordinary explosions. Valdo couldn't take a blow at all, and was fatally injured.

But the Warring States, at this moment, it seems that the injuries were not serious. Although there are reasons why he didn't do his best, the strength of the opponent is evident.

As the only general-level combat power registered in today's navy, the Warring States not only excelled in wisdom, but also agreed to be powerful.

He couldn't help but sigh, General, it really is a real monster!

This is a nuclear explosion! Even on a small scale, the other party can contend!

"If the enemy does not prepare, the attack power of your kid can kill most of the enemy!"

"It's just that such an attack is very energy-intensive?"

The Warring States slowly walked over, Shen Sheng shouted towards Tang En.


With a slight gasp, Tang En nodded: "This is my strongest assault hand broken, and it consumes ten times as much energy as a normal explosion. It has a great load on my body!"

This has been discovered since his first release.

General level, after all, is not easily achieved! Although he already possesses the general-level combat skills, but his physical fitness and fruit background still can't keep up with the rapid expansion of development.

"So, you have developed a variety of auxiliary abilities to reduce the pressure on yourself."

The Warring States smiled thoughtfully and laughed.

"What a smart guy!"

He walked to Tang En and sighed.

"It is conceivable that one day, you really have the ability to use this skill proficiently, and it will not have side effects on the body, even if you are in a general."

After a pause, the voice of the Warring States became very solemn.

"I'm afraid it's a top-notch powerhouse!"

"Please also ask the teachers of Sengoku to guide!"

Tang En respected.

"Where can I guide you, you already have your own way, so that the strength of the fruit development, even I can't compare with you!"

Sengoku laughed dumbly and waved.

"The only thing that can advise you is to hone your body hard!"

"After all, your fruit seems to rely purely on the flesh to stimulate the greatest power, which is closely related to you!"

Tang En nodded and pondered.

It sounds simple to build the body and hone the flesh, but it is difficult for him at the moment. Since he came out of the training camp, he found that his body had reached a limit, or bottleneck. No matter how much you practice, you can’t go one step further.

The test of the Warring States was over here. The veteran general, after taking a deep look at Tang En again, suddenly laughed and turned to leave.

"Sengoku, are you okay?"

On the way away, General He Zhong asked with dignity.

The power of the nuclear explosion, she could see clearly in the distance, where it was, the sand that was stirred up, the power was the same as the bullet, it was terrible. Not to mention the Warring States in the center.

"Fortunately! The kid didn't use his full strength, but his right hand was a little shocked!"

The Sengoku smiled helplessly and raised his right hand.

Both Lieutenant General He and Gion turned their gaze, and when they saw each other's swollen right hand, their pupils shrank.

"This, still did not use the full results?"

The two were shocked.

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