Pirate’s General Tiger

Vol 2 Chapter 140: Bounty

"I don't understand, you have a future that ordinary people can't match, and you have the most powerful strength in the world."

"You obviously can better safeguard the justice of the navy and the world, but why?"

Kuzan's expression suddenly became intense, and his tone was heavy.

"Why do you do something like this? Do you really know what you are doing?"

Tang En can perceive that this friend's emotions are very excited, and can also understand the other person's mind a little bit.

"I know very well, Kuzan!"

"I also hope you understand the truth!"

He took a deep breath and looked directly at the other person, his tone heavy.

"That is, in this world, there are a lot of individuals, collectives, forces. There are different kinds of justice in every category!"

"Among them, many people are really maintaining these two words, but there are also many who are just whitewashing their dirty and vile behavior."

"Justice and justice are also different. I have my own justice, the navy has its own justice, and you also have your own justice!"

"So, Kuzan, what you have always insisted on is justice in your heart, or is it the Navy, the justice the world government tells you?"

With a long exhalation, Tang En looked at the stunned Kuzan, and he said again.

"You may not know!"

"A just war, I don't know when it will start, it has already started."

Kuzan was completely stunned. He thought that what Tang En said was very simple, but for a time he couldn't understand it, nor could he understand it.

Has the just war started?

Does this sentence mean that there is a battle between justice camps? Or is it that the war that everyone insists on has already begun?

"You need to deal not only with enemies, but also with yourself. You need to understand yourself and what you insist on in your heart."

"You need to give yourself an answer, Kuzan!"

Tang En finally left a word and turned away.

The old banyan tree is very tall, and the crown is like a small island. When the wind blows, the rustle sounds.

Kuzan stood here for a long time, his face began to be stunned, and eventually became more complicated.

Saron's face gradually appeared in front of him, and Na Ning had to insist on himself, telling him that the navy was wrong, and his voice still echoed in his ears. But for the first time in a long time, the oath that the narrative of naval justice was manifested again at this time.

The different pictures, quickly intertwined, also made his emotions more and more complicated and contradictory.

"What is the answer?"

After a long time, Kuzan just sighed for a long time.

He has been searching for this answer since he first met Tang En, but he still has not understood it until now.

Lieutenant General Cap told him that everyone has his own position. Since he is a navy, he must insist on being a good navy! But Tang En told him today that people should insist on the justice they believe.

In the O'Hara incident, he knew in his heart that the Navy had a problem, but this was the responsibility of a subordinate. He could not doubt or resist.

It is the Navy's responsibility to perform its tasks and do what it should do.

He eventually left, and his complicated experiences and enduring lives will gradually tell him what his answer is.

This is a long process, but Kuzan is already ready.

On this spiritual walk, no one walked with him, only he was alone, exploring in the dark, chasing the light of his own.

On the other side, Tang En remained in the headquarters.

The documents assigned to him by the Warring States were not many but not many, enough for him to work for a short period of time.

Days are gradually passing, most of the time, Tang En is watching the documents in the training ground while guiding the group of recruits through the training.

Until one day, while looking through the documents, he found a strange clue.

"Huh? Elin Trek Island?"

"A small island in the southwest of the Seven-Water Capital is surrounded by lightning all year round, so no one is close to it, because the island is surrounded by reefs, and because the sea is covered with clouds for a long time, it is difficult to find."

"But not long ago, he was seen by a patrol fleet and recorded his position."

"After approaching, because of the thunder and lightning, he was unable to reach the island, and finally gave up.

Tang En's eyes gradually brightened, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"This patrol fleet sees that the island is very magical, with flowers and trees inside, and wild animals growing very well, so it is judged that there is something strange on the island."

"Perhaps because of the magnetic field, or for other reasons, they also encountered a strange scene, that is, after looking at the island there, but after trying to get closer several times, they found it to be a phantom."

"It wasn't until an accidental occasion that a warship was struck by lightning when it reached a blank sea surface that it discovered the specific direction of the island."

The document describes the process of this patrol team's discovery of Elin Trek Island in great detail. Afterwards, a chart was attached, delineating its specific orientation.

For this kind of news that shows strange people and strange things, most of the handling methods of the navy superiors are to figure out a novelty, and then record it on the record, so it will not be ignored. The lower navy will not pay more attention, at most, as an event boasted in this life.

But for Down, this island has a very important role.

He silently recorded the island in this file and the position of the sea icon in his heart, and then clicked on the file with his index finger. A small arc flashed through, and the paper turned into ashes and disappeared in front of him.

"Islandes of thunder and lightning may help me develop thunder fruits."

His eyes flickered slightly, and Dunn was very curious about the island named Elin Trek.

Covered by thunder and lightning, the island is full of vitality. This is a very strange and magical scene. It stands to reason that islands bombarded by lightning are absolutely impossible to live. But Don En would not think that the information on the document was that the patrol fleet was writing a novel.

If you want to report naval documents, you have to bear the consequences. False and fake results are very serious.

Keeping this matter in mind silently, Tang En continued to process the remaining documents.

For many documents, he only needs to put a check, sign his name, and issue the permission order. If he fails, he will submit an opinion and reject it.

On the afternoon of that day, Dorence ran to the office breathlessly.

"What's wrong? Make you so anxious?"

Tang En looked up at the other side and asked.

"Hang, the reward order is out!"

Slightly startled, Tang En said: "What reward order?"


Dorrance whispered, and then shot a few rewards on the table.

Tang En looked down and found the top one, with red moire on the black background, and a whirlpool mask on his face.

Isn't this him?

"Payne, extremely dangerous."

"Reward bounty, 480 million, don't talk about life or death!"

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