Ma Qiao’s Secret Weapon===

Yunyin Village.

Marjorie saw the chief of the Sandia and the people who surrounded him.

The successor of the so-called great warrior Calgola, Sandia’s strongest warrior, Weber, is not in the village.

It’s also sad to say.

These ancient races who established a powerful civilization in the blank hundred years have now become a group of refugees who have lost their homes and heritage.

Even in terms of language habits, they have been assimilated by the Angel Race, calling the soil Bath, their own nation Sandia, and the sea in their hometown Qinghai.

“Are you businessmen from Qinghai?”

The current elder of Sandia is an old man wearing a wolf head hat.

His cloudy eyes looked weather-beaten.

Marjorie had no interest in playing psychological games with the old man.

People are old and mature, and I am just a 25-year-old baby, so I can’t play with him.

And after all, in essence, there is no conflict of interest between myself and these poor people, so there is no need to calculate too much.

For hundreds of years, the Sandiya people, who have been bullied, are naturally hostile to outsiders, especially those who appear to be sanctimonious, but are actually men who steal women and prostitutes in their stomachs.

So Ma Qiao didn’t hold back and wait for the price, but revealed his true intention from the very beginning.

That is to say, the Big Bird Consortium will fully support the Shandia people to return to their hometown of Shandora.

But at the same time, the Big Bird Consortium will lease the land other than the holy city of Shandora, which the Sandians have desperately guarded for generations, for ninety-nine years to build factories and develop land.

The entire ship full of Bass that was brought in before was the deposit of the Big Bird consortium.

Dirt is far more valuable than gold on Sky Island.

The reason why the angel tribe called the half of Gaya Island washed up into the sky by the ocean currents is the gift of God, the kingdom of God, because the soil on Gaya Island is a huge natural bath.

But as Gaya Island is occupied by Enilo, neither the Angels nor the Sandias can get Bass anymore.

Often a young Sandian warrior ventures to the kingdom of the gods in order to steal or retrieve a precious packet of Bath.

How could it not be exciting now that Marjorie brought this whole ship more baths than the Sandians had stolen back in the past few years?

But the Big Bird Consortium said that it would lease land other than Shandora for ninety-nine years, which disgusted many Shandia.

But the old chief thought for a moment, but nodded despite all the arguments.

With the passage of time, the Shandia people have gradually forgotten their mission to protect the text of history, but they still firmly remember that they must protect the city of Shandora.

As for gold, or the land other than Shandora, they are actually not that important to them.

Whether it is four hundred years ago, the great warrior Calgara wanted to give gold to Nolando, or in the original book, the Sandia wanted to give gold to the Straw Hat Pirates, it can be seen that these people have vision. Gold is an excellent quality of dung.

Marjorie liked to make friends with such people.

In addition to the soil, there were also some Qinghai local specialties prepared by Ma Qiao on the cargo ship.

For example, Short-lived ghost cigarettes and Short-lived ghost whiskey.

Sandians are people too.

As long as they are people, cigarettes and alcohol are the best weapons to get closer.

Of course Marjorie himself did not smoke or drink.

But aren’t there so many younger brothers now?

Plank, as a pirate leader who dominates the sea, is good at creating atmosphere.

Drizzt and Graves became close friends, and of course they also loved smoking.

Even Nami offered to help Ma Qiao share.

Although she is slender and exquisite, in fact, this little Thieving Cat is a freak who can drink a thousand cups, even Sauron is not her match for drinking.

With younger brother and daughter-in-law helping to hold back the wine, Ma Qiao can certainly sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

Soon, singing and cheers resounded over Yunyin Village.

At this moment, a group of burly men returned to the village from outside.

The man at the head is Weber, the strongest warrior in Sandia today.

Planck warmly invited them to join the banquet and drink together.

But Weber just looked at him coldly.Without saying a word, he returned to his tent on his own, looking very difficult to get along with.

But Ma Qiao knew very well that those who treat him with a cold face are not necessarily enemies, and those who greet him with a smiling face are not necessarily friends.

When the sky was getting dark, Ma Qiao and his party were arranged to live in several newly erected tents.

Waver came to the chief’s tent.

The crackling bonfire flickers on and off.

“Why are these Qinghai people sent to die?”

Weber said coldly: “Anilu is not someone they can deal with.”

The chief didn’t look up, but continued to poke the firewood with the branches.

Since being driven out of Gaya Island, even a simple piece of wood has become a very precious thing.

For the most part, the Sandians, like the Angels, use special kongbei to heat food or provide light.

Real flames will be used, only in one case.

With a snap.

The old chief pointed like this with a branch, and the tortoise shell was pulled out from the campfire.

He carefully looked at the cracks on the tortoise’s shell caused by the fire, and his two gray eyebrows were twisted together.

“I don’t understand, I really don’t understand.”

The old chief sighed and looked up, looking at the most powerful young man in the village: “Wei Bo, this world is far bigger than you imagined. We have competed with the angel race for the holy land for four hundred years. Looking at the whole world, it is actually just Just a small island”

“Even if this is the case, I don’t believe that there is a stronger existence in the world than that guy Enilo.”

Weber sat down cross-legged, picked up a short-lived ghost cigarette from the shelf, lit it in the campfire, stuffed it into his mouth and took a sharp puff.

“Cough cough cough!”

The smoke had just entered, and Weber, who had been smoking all year round, immediately coughed violently.

“The cigarettes from Qinghai taste much stronger than those from Baibaihai!”

The old chief smiled, as if he had smoked Qinghai cigarettes a long time ago.

“It’s really nostalgic. The last time I smoked cigarettes in Qinghai was twenty years ago…”

The old chief had a look of nostalgia on his face, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: “That guy named Roger is really stingy. We spent a lot of gold to get a few cigarettes!”

“Roger? Who’s that?”

“A pirate from Qinghai, I don’t know how he is doing now.”

“Pirate? Is it strong?”

“Well, as strong as a monster.”

“Better than Enel?”

“I don’t know, anyway, he used only one finger to subdue Urki back then…”


Hearing this name, Weber’s tense face finally showed a vivid expression for the first time.

Monk Ulki.

Two years later, Chambord Island, one of the eleven supernovas of the Heinous World, was the first man in the supernova to complete the feat of defeating the generals under the command of the Four Emperors. (as pictured)

Of course, this is what he will make a name for himself in Qinghai in the future.

In Weber’s memory, that guy was not a supernova, but his own childhood nightmare.

Like the gangster Capone Becky, Ulki is called a supernova, but in fact, he is much older than Shanks and is a promising middle-aged man.

Becky spent her youth in gangs.

Urki spent his youth on Sky Island.

He is the strongest warrior of Sandia in Weber’s previous generation.

Weber participated in combat training when he was a child, and he often suffered from Urki’s big fists.

In Weber’s memory, Urki was simply synonymous with the devil.

But in any case, in Weber’s view, Urki’s strength is beyond doubt.

In fact, he always felt in his heart that if Urki hadn’t died early, and he had grown up, Sandia might not have had a chance to kill Enilo.

However, according to the old chief, such a powerful man was actually dealt with by that guy named Roger with one finger?

The three views that Weber has established since he was a child are crumbling.

“Urki is not dead.”

The old chief smoked a cigarette and uttered a piece of news that shocked Weber even more:

“He just went to Qinghai to be a pirate. The shadow that guy Roger left in his heart is really too big.”

“He went to Qinghai?” Weber’s eyes widened.

“Well, that’s right.”

The old chief nodded, gently stroking a Christmas cane with his old right hand.

This is a gift from Ma Qiao, a very precious real eye.

The colorful shape made the old chief like it very much.

While stroking his real eyes, he continued to tell the young man in front of him some secrets of the village:

“Probably when you were twelve years old, Urki overthrew the guards of the Angel Clan on the Peak of the West Heaven by himself, and smuggled to Qinghai.”

“Western Sky Summit?” Weber showed a puzzled look.

“That’s the only place where Baibaihai meets Qinghai. Back then, RogerThey came up from there, and the route of the Qinghai businessmen today is rather weird…”

On the other side of the real eye, Ma Qiao’s face was as ugly as it was.

Top of the West…

Is there such a more conventional way to reach Sky Island?

So what is the purpose of my three-minute roller coaster ride?

This stuff is too expensive!

However, by eavesdropping on the secret talks of these Sandia people, Ma Qiao also got some useful information.

There is indeed some communication between Bai Baihai and Qinghai.

But the frequency of this communication was almost negligible before Wang Lufei rang the golden bell to announce the existence of Sky Island to the world.

Therefore, even an old Jianghu like Kaido came up with the good idea of ​​committing suicide by jumping from a sky island after ringing the bell.

This is undoubtedly a good thing for Ma Qiao.

As long as he didn’t run to ring the bell when he was full and had nothing to do, Sky Island was still a very hidden and safe base.

Moreover, even if the sky island base is exposed to the whole world in the future, I only need to select a group of elite soldiers and generals to guard the place on the top of the west sky.

All in all, the value of the sky island base is very high, and it is worth further cultivation.

Just when Ma Qiao was about to further eavesdrop on the information of the Sandia, the phone bug “Blu-Bru” rang.

Classmate Weiwei initiated a video call to check the post on time.

“Joe, there’s no more hot water, let’s use the dirt to find Sandia people to exchange for some heating shells…”

Marjorie just turned on the video call.

Wrapped in a bath towel, the drenched little Thieving Cat, with his little feet on his feet, opened the curtain of the tent.

the next day.

Nami pinched the hem of her clothes, and behaved like a little quail beside Ma Qiao.

“How many times have I told you to be careful before entering the tent.”

“Although the Sandia did only arrange a tent for us, we only slept in one bed!”

“Now, how do you want me and Weiwei to explain it?”

“Are you going to tell her the truth of the matter?”

“If you have to report everything to your girlfriend, how can you ask me to be a scumbag?”

The above comes from the inner monologue of Ma Qiao.

No way, the original plan was to let Weiwei spend the New Year with her old father, and then spend the New Year with the poor orphan Little Thieving Cat herself. Such a perfect plan was ruined by the pig teammate.

So much so that under Weiwei’s strong request and real-time monitoring, Ma Qiao had to go to Tam’s tent to squeeze in for a night.

Ma Qiao really wanted to knock on Nami’s little head, but it was too pitiful for that little thieves cat to have such a wicked expression.

I just don’t know if it’s an illusion, but Old Qiao can always see a hint of a smile at the corner of her mouth, a smile that seems to have succeeded.

Shaking his head, this time he came here to try to kill the gods, and he couldn’t waste time and energy on boring things.

The old chieftain of Sandia came to Ma Qiao, hoping to discuss how to attack Enilo together.

But Marjorie said that there was no rush.

Because he has to confirm one thing first.

Tam spit out eight pairs of platform shoes.

This kind of retro platform shoes is Nami’s favorite style.

For a long time, she has been wearing these shoes to travel the sea.

However, these shoes came out of Tam’s stomach, which made the little thief very resistant.

Although Marjorie repeatedly assured that Tam only ate broccoli, drank mountain spring water, brushed his teeth seven times a day, and washed his stomach nine times a week, Nami refused to put on these shoes no matter what.

In desperation, Ma Qiao had no choice but to put on the shoes by himself, and then hugged Nami in his arms.

Not to mention, although the justice on Kitty’s chest has begun to become more and more abundant, she is still very light.

“Well, only a light woman will not affect my sword swing.”

Marjorie came to this conclusion.

Except for Nami, Ma Qiao and his party all wore special platform shoes.

The soles of these shoes are made of the best insulating rubber that Maggio can find.

The Sandia looked at the operations of Ma Qiao and his party in a daze.

Ma Qiao gave them a look of contempt: You have never seen One Piece!

Who doesn’t know that physics in this world does not belong to Newton, nor does lightning belong to Tesla.

Mere Thor, eat my rubber shoes!

Ma Qiao gave an order, and a group of younger brothers boarded the boat and set sail, and sailed to the legendary kingdom of gods according to the sea chart given by the Sandia.

Half a day later, looking at Galen who turned on level 5 W and put on a negative cloak, his face was scorched black, and a smoke ring spit out from his mouth, Ma Qiao gave the order again:

“Brothers, attack backward!”


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