I am familiar with recuperation===

56 years ago, Zefa, who was only 14 years old, joined the navy because of his heroic actions in his hometown, and was promoted to the naval academy by exception.

That year, Karp was 18 years old, Sengoku was 19 years old, and Crane was 17 years old. (as pictured)

It can be said that Zefa and these senior naval executives of the older generation have been close friends for nearly a year.

And even though he is a junior, Zefa’s talent in domineering is not inferior to Garp’s. In addition, he is more reliable than Garp’s personality. He has always been regarded by everyone as the most likely to succeed Marshal Kong in the future and become the head of the navy. candidates.

However, 28 years ago, a sudden change completely changed Zefa’s life trajectory.

At that time, the 42-year-old Zefa had been serving as an admiral for many years.

Not only is he very successful in his career, he also has a happy marriage and a lovely 3-year-old son.

However, in that year, the pirates who hated Zefa decided to attack his wife and children.

Pirate spies lurking in the Navy Headquarters found out that the mother and son had left Marin Vandor to visit relatives in their hometown.

In the end, the mother and son died in the attack of the pirates.

Since then, Zefa has been hit hard and feels deep self-blame for not being able to protect his wife and children.

He submitted his resignation to Marshal Kong, but was retained.

Because he still had hope for the navy, Zefa chose to retain the rank of general and transferred to the instructor of the naval school.

There, he trained many excellent admirals.

Yellow Ape, Red Dog, Aokiji, Flying Squirrel, Gumir, Zefa, Smoker, Tina…

It can be said that more than half of the famous generals in the navy are students of Zefa.

The long teaching time, as well as the companionship and gratification brought by each student’s growth and success, slowly healed the wounds in Zefa’s heart, and made him temporarily forget the grief of the tragic death of his wife and children.

However, another tragedy suddenly befalls him.

Five years ago, the training ship led by Zefa was attacked by Whitebeard II Edward Weibull. All his beloved students except Ain and Binz were killed, and his right arm was also cut off.

This is undoubtedly another serious blow to Zefa, who already regards students as family members.

Since then, Zefa’s whole will has fallen into a state of superposition of hatred and depression.

In the future, he will be completely blacked out after learning that the pirate who cut off his right arm and killed his students, that is, Whitebeard II Edward Weibull, was invited by the world government to join the navy and become the king of Shichibukai. change.

Zefa has a strong sense of doubt and distrust within the navy, resolutely quits the navy, and establishes the “neo navy” with the purpose of annihilating pirates all over the world.

However, only one year later, he tragically met Wang Lufei again.

And it is Wang Lufei who met in the theater version.

In the theatrical version, even if Roger came, he couldn’t be Wang Lufei’s opponent…

In the end, after being beaten up by Wang Lufei, he was influenced by his talk and chose to help the Straw Hats block the pursuing navy.

And that branchThe commander of the navy is one of Zefa’s best students in the past, Kizaru.

Yellow Ape, known as Monkey D. Second Uncle.

To Wang Lufei, he was called “Let the sea go”, but to his teacher, he was more ruthless than anyone else.

After his death in battle, Zefa was buried on the island by Kuzan.

It can be said that Zefa’s life is a doctor who went from one tragedy to another.

Even in the tragic world of pirates, he is the worst kind of person.

Fortunately, at this moment, Zefa has not been backstabbed by the world government and completely blackened.

Now the world government does intend to expand the Seven Martial Seas under the King, but the main candidates they consider are Fire Fist Ace and Ocean Disaster Plank, two newcomers from the East China Sea.

[The world government did try to invite Ace to join Qiwuhai in the year of the original book, but was rejected by Ace]

A reckless pirate like Edward Weibull is not yet under the consideration of the world government.

In the original book, the world government did not consider inviting Edward Weibull to join until a large number of Qibuhai were delisted, and the Qibuhai system had a large number of vacancies and was on the verge of collapse.

In short, although the current Zefa’s mental state is very close to collapse, at least he still believes in the light, and has no terrible thoughts of destroying the world.

But today, five years after Zefa broke his arm, he barely walked out of the haze and accepted the surgical plan proposed by the naval scientific research department.

A mechanical arm “crusher” equipped with sea stones is to be installed on Zefa’s right arm.

In this way, the black-armed Zefa can return to the arena and realize his goal of hunting pirates.

As the bell rang, all eyes were on the door of the operating room.

The door opened slowly, casting dim light, and the air was filled with a pungent rancid smell.

Zefa’s majestic body walked out slowly, like a white beard, and the bulging muscles were full of tubes.

The scientists and nurses behind him ran in small steps while persuading: “Lord Zefa, you must recuperate after the operation. This is not conducive to wound healing…”

But it is clear that Zefa is not a person who follows the doctor’s orders.

He looked at the many colleagues and students at the door of the operating room, and showed a tired smile: “I made you worry…”

As he spoke, he raised his head: “Warring States, give me the latest reward list, I want to hunt those dirty things!”

Warring States persuaded: “Zefa, you should rest for a while, there is nothing on the sea recently…no newcomers threatening to appear, what do you think, Akainu?”

“Uh…yes…that’s right!”

Akainu nodded and told a rare lie,

Lieutenant General He even stepped forward to take the operation records from the doctor, and carefully checked them: “Warring States, grant a half-year vacation to Junior Brother Zefa, and contact the Chambord Naval Sanatorium, he needs a good rest…”

“Healing? I’m familiar with this!”

Karp, who had been eating beef jerky, suddenly thought of something, stepped forward and hugged Zefa: “Little Z, the old man happened to take half a year’s leave and I haven’t used it up yet. I know an excellent place to recuperate. What kind of bullshit shampoo is much more interesting, and you won’t encounter the trash of Tianlong people, so it’s worth a visit!”

“I understand the truth, but why even you, the admiral of the navy, have to come to recuperate with you!”

The first half of the great voyage.

An unremarkable passenger ship without any signs sailed slowly towards the Kingdom of Alabasta.

Karp was wearing a floral shirt and trousers, with a phone bug hanging around his neck, looking like he was on vacation.

But at this moment, he pointed at the same casual outfit, and even wore a pair of big toad mirrors to hide his identity from the Warring States Period.

For such things as fishing in water, it is enough for me, a semi-retired lieutenant general, to bring a semi-retired general with me. You are an admiral of the navy, but you just quit and came for vacation. What kind of thing is this?

“Karp, do you have any misunderstanding about the position of Admiral of the Navy?”

Warring States lay on the sun chair, and the old god said on the ground: “Don’t you think that the marshal is not a human being, and the marshal has no annual leave and no need to rest?”

“But you have never rested for more than ten years!”

“Yeah, now it’s not peace in the world. Have there been no dangerous elements in the sea for a long time? That’s why I can take a break from my busy schedule and grant myself a two-month vacation!”

Facing Sengoku’s brazen statement, Garp opened his mouth, speechless.

I can’t say it in front of Zefa’s brother, Raleigh the Pluto came back, the red-haired Shanks has just ascended the throne, the fifth emperor Bucky is about to move, and his grandson and Roger’s real son Ace has also arrived in the new world. Now the sea is already raining, right?

Not to mention, Ace’s identity cannot be disclosed, and the matter of Shanks and Bucky alone cannot be mentioned now!

Otherwise, Zefa would definitely not agree to take a vacation, but insisted on hunting pirates.

To be honest, Zefa’s current physical condition, as well as his ownWith a somewhat regressed strength, Garp is really worried that he will be beaten to the ground when he meets guys like Rayleigh and Shanks.

Garp glanced at the burly figure of Xiao Suo not far away.

Zefa, who had replaced his right arm with a mechanical shredder, was sitting on the side of the boat fishing.

Although he holds a fishing rod in his hand, both Garp and Sengoku can actually feel strong negative emotions from this old friend.

Garp didn’t know how to persuade him.

In fact, Garp really imagined, if one day, Ace and Luffy died together, what would it be like to send a white-haired person to a black-haired person.

That feeling is probably worse than a thousand cuts, right?

It is precisely because they don’t know how to comfort that Garp and Sengoku keep bickering along the way.

Because only in this way, Zefa will occasionally smile.

At least for a moment, it seemed to be back to the days when everyone was in full bloom and scolded Fang Qiu at the Naval Academy more than 50 years ago.

Garp and Sengoku quarreled for a while again.

Cap lifted his watch to check the time.

It’s time to live dance again.

Sighing, just as he was about to go back to his room, Zhan Guo followed up quietly and put his arms around Garp’s neck: “The boy you mentioned,


Is there really a way to heal Zefa’s wounds? ”


Garp sighed: “Who knows about this kind of thing, but I am sure, if even that kid can’t help, then I’m afraid there will be no one in the world who can help Zefa…”

“Is it really that powerful? More powerful than a crane?”

Zhan Guo was a little unconvinced: “Although the big bird network created by that kid is interesting, there should be a big gap compared with He’s ability, right?”

“Isn’t it? We’ll know when the time comes.”

Garp turned and walked into his room, and then locked the door firmly with a bang.

Zhan Guo shook his head, feeling that Garp is not normal recently, he is mysterious and always hides himself from practicing secretly.

Everyone is getting old, so there is no need to be so curly, right?

When Warring States thought that he would retire in two years, he couldn’t understand old man Garp’s mentality of being a teenager.

Call him lazy, he has to practice every day when the time comes, rain or shine.

Let’s say he is hardworking, this guy is unwilling to help him share any government affairs!

So much so that eating documents in the Warring States period these days is almost causing intestinal obstruction.

No, it was hard to find an excuse to recuperate with an old friend and escape from Marlin Vandor, avoiding the mountains of documents on the desk.


Even that kid Polusalino has started writing work reports, can you believe it?

The Warring States period simply subdued those bastards.

Do whatever you want, first place in chaos!

“Fortunately, A-He is still so reliable, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to enjoy this short vacation!”

Warring States stretched, stuffed a handful of long-lost senbei into his mouth, and happily prepared to bask in the sun for a while.

How much sun the elderly need to avoid osteoporosis.

This is the Warring States Period [Suddenly, explosive good news came! The health care of the elderly is completely relieved this time! All the people look at it! Forward to the elderly around you! 】Life tips learned in that article.

However, just as Warring States lay down on a comfortable recliner, a huge fleet suddenly appeared on the distant ocean, with skull flags flying on every ship.




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