Toad oil that cures all diseases (2/3)===

, Pirate: How many divisions does the five old stars have?

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Knitting Kasa Village is a village in the Kuri area of ​​Wano Country.Kasa is famous in the villages of Wano country.

Ayu and his master Tengushan Feiche live here.

Compared with his mysterious and eccentric master, Ayu’s daily life is very simple and very regular.

She goes to the market every day to sell bamboo hats, and then uses the money she gets to buy food.

But because of the brutal rule of Heitan Orochi, no one in the town has much money.

“Today is another day of no harvest…”

Ayu walked towards the village step by step with the still full basket on her back.

Although due to nutritional problems, her figure is relatively thin, but Ayu’s face is still very cute.

She has big round purple eyes and dark lilac-colored mid-length hair, which is usually tied in a bun with sticks and flower hairpins.

Wearing a light green short skirt kimono with many patches, a light orange wide belt, a pair of long and thin legs, bare feet wearing a pair of green strap sandals.

But Ayu cleaned herself up very cleanly, and saved money for food to dress herself up.

Because Ayu once made a promise with a certain freckled boy that one day he must become a coquettish female ninja.

As long as he becomes a coquettish female ninja, he can go to sea with the pirate named Ace.

In the original story, Ayu insisted on staying in Kasa Village, waiting for Ace’s visit again.

However, four years later, what he got from Luffy was the news of Ace’s death.

At this time, Ayu didn’t know that he had agreed to set sail with him. , the sunny boy, but now depressed.

And the culprit that caused his depression has already extended his claws to Bian Li Village.

Sitting on a high cliff, Ma Qiao smiled and looked at the lovely girl who was walking along the mountain road step by step.

The child Ayu can be said to be his favorite character in Wano Country.

“Where is Kozuki Oden’s father?”

“Hurry up and take me to see him!”

“I want to recognize him as my father! I want to be Kozuki Oden!”

If it wasn’t for the noise and annoyance of a certain white-haired soul in the lantern, Ma Qiao would be in a good mood.

“Yamato, Your Majesty Oden is of course more important than a little girl who endures hardships to make ends meet, I understand!”

Ma Qiao rolled his eyes at the little white hair in the lantern.

“But Ayu is also a very important person, don’t you think he looks a lot like Kozuki Yasuo?”

Yamato frowned: “Is it similar? It’s just the same hair color, right?”

“This is the crux of the matter!”

Ma Qiao asked with a smile: “Think about it, most people in Wano have black hair, especially samurai, almost all of them have black hair. Why does Kozuki Yasuo have purple hair?”

Without waiting for Yamato to think more, Ma Qiao immediately explained: “It’s because Kozuki Sukiyaki Xuxian’s wife has purple hair!”

“So Ayu’s true identity is… Yasuo’s younger sister!”


Before Yamato said anything, Yasuo, who was stealing a bento at the side, almost choked on the fish balls, and couldn’t change it in one breath.

“What, Brother Yasuo, do you have any opinions?”

“Cough cough cough~”

Yasuo patted the fishball into his belly, and said quickly, “I say Teacher Ma is a good opinion, you are indeed a true media warrior, our family’s affairs really cannot escape your eyes!”

“You are also pitiful. You have been misunderstood as an orphan all the time.”

Ma Qiao patted Yasuo’s shoulder, and said to the little white hair inside the lantern. :

“Okay, let’s go down, but pay attention to your tone, don’t tell Ayu the cruel truth!”

“Because Ayu herself doesn’t know her identity, Kozuki Sukiyaki brought her by her side to cultivate.”

“If it is said that Yasuo has inherited the freedom and ease of the eldest son to eat with the ashes of his friends, then Ayu will take on the important task of governing the country!”

“To put it simply, Kozuki Yasuo is in charge of going out to sea,

And Ayu is going to become Wano Country! ”

“What about me, what about me?”

Yamato said anxiously: “What do I inherit from Mita-san? I’m going to be Kozuki Mita’s man!”

Ma Qiao tilted his head and thought for a while: “Brother Yamato, you can probably inherit Kozuki Oden’s filial piety…”


Ayu’s stomach growled again.

She has not had a full meal for many days.

Ayu took out the small bamboo tube that he carried with him, which contained the filtered water that his master had prepared for him.

Gulu Gulu.

Ayu drank water in big gulps, and the hunger in his stomach weakened slightly.


Suddenly, a purple-haired warrior fell on the road.

“Mr. Samurai, are you alright?”

The kind-hearted Ayu quickly put down his basket and ran forward to check.

“It’s hot!”

With her small hand, she found that the warrior’s forehead was burning badly.

After all, a minute ago, Ma Qiao had just scalded Yasuo’s forehead with the bottom of a Kanto cooking pot, so it’s strange that his forehead wasn’t hot.”Doctor I need to see a doctor!”

Yasuo opened his eyes with difficulty, and said in an extremely weak voice.

In order to increase his credibility, he coughed hard.

“But I have no money… But saving people is the most important thing…”

Ayu gritted his teeth, wanting to carry Yasuo on his back.

However, how could her small body carry an adult on her back.

But Ayu didn’t give up and tried hard to drag Yasuo.

Fortunately, at this time, Ayu’s partner, a giant poodle named Chiyo, ran out of the woods.

Out of the instinct of a beast, the giant poodle felt that Yasuo was not a good person, and kept growling at him.

“Don’t be cruel to the patient!”

Ayu criticized her pet in a childish voice.

Only then did the poodle reluctantly pick up Yasuo.

A Yu rode a poodle and ran towards the town.

“I don’t know if the doctor will agree to use the bamboo hat to pay for the medical expenses…”

Ayu didn’t know what to do, so he could only hope that he would meet a kind doctor.

“Toad oil, toad oil that cures all diseases!”

Just when Ayu was feeling uneasy, he suddenly saw a businessman selling toad oil on the street of the town.

According to the folklore of Wano country, toad is an important medicinal material, and its skin can extract toad venom, which can cure all diseases.

Of course, if this is the case, most adults will scoff at it.

“There is no cure for all diseases in the world!”

“Toad oil is a lie!”

“Yeah, when you’re sick, you should see a serious doctor…”

“However, serious doctors are too expensive. Maybe this little brother’s toad oil will be effective… After all, his toad looks very special…”

The crowd of onlookers whispered softly.

In the original book, Usopp dressed up as a toad oil merchant when he was lurking in the Wano country.

But he’s a total liar.

The toad oil he sold had no effect.

Xiao Nanzi grinned loudly, hoping that the scene where Usopp’s toad oil, the toad oil that Usopp boasted to cure all diseases, was used to treat his father who was executed was not more ignited than Guangyue Yutian’s oil pan?

Compared with Usopp’s dress with a toad on his head, the toad oil merchant played by Marjorie is much more dedicated.

He was sitting on the toad’s head.

In fact, it wasn’t Marjorie who was yelling hard, but Tamm under him.

Poor Tam used a brush to get the oil off his body, and at the same time he was selling himself, which is typical of selling himself and helping to count the money.

While Tam’s image looks convincing, no one is paying for the grimy-looking toad oil.

At this moment, Ayu dragged Yasuo hard into the crowd.

“Uncle, can you exchange your toad oil with a bamboo hat?”

“I don’t have any money with me, but the bamboo hats I weave are of very good quality!”

As if to prove that he was not lying, Ayu took out a bamboo hat and handed it over.

Tom stuck out his tongue, rolled up the bamboo hat and handed it to Marjorie.

“It is indeed a bamboo hat made with great care…”

Ma Qiao stroked it gently with his hands: “The weaving is very tight, and the small burrs on the bamboo strips have also been carefully polished with sandpaper…”

Xiaoyu was very happy to hear the uncle praised her bamboo hat.

“So, can we use it to exchange for the toad oil that can cure all diseases?”

The adults watching couldn’t help but feel distressed.

This innocent and cute little girl is about to be cheated by a shameless drug dealer.


They glanced at the blue-faced, long-toothed toad who was playing the piano with his tongue, and they all closed their mouths knowingly.

But there was one person who had no such scruples.

Yamato in the lantern curled his lips and whispered, “What’s the point of lying to a child, her hands are so small, it would take a long time to weave a bamboo hat.”

“My toad oil is also very precious!”

“Tam only eats broccoli and fruit every day. He washes his teeth once a week and washes his stomach once every two weeks. It’s not easy to accumulate oil and water…”

Ma Qiao showed a smile on his face, and whispered a few words to Yamato.

Isn’t it true that this little white-haired man with a big chest and no brains has no empathy at all?

As long as Oden’s poison can be removed in time, he should still be able to walk on the right path.

Smiling, Ma Qiao got down on his stomach, condescended on Tam’s head, and said to Xiaoyu, “Of course, your bamboo hat is very beautiful.”

“Then how many bamboo hats are needed to exchange for the toad oil that can cure this gentleman?”

Ayu silently rejoiced in her heart, fortunately, not a single bamboo hat was sold today.

There are a total of ten bamboo hats in the back basket.

If the merchant uncle thinks it is not enough, he can immediately go back to the village to weave.

But Ma Qiao’s words made Ayu stunned.

“One drop of toad oil is enough to treat this purple-haired warrior, but the whole bottle of toad oil is enough to treat this purple-haired warrior.Yes, it cannot be sold alone”

“Do I have to buy the whole bottle? Will it be expensive?” Ayu was a little worried.

“Of course it’s very expensive. This is the toad oil that can cure all diseases!”

Ma Qiao emphasized: “Even if you go to the capital of flowers, you can’t buy such a miraculous medicine! But…”

Just when Ayu gradually felt hopeless.

But Ma Qiao changed the topic: “But little girl, your bamboo hat is even more precious!”

“It’s really embarrassing…”

Ma Qiao weighed the bamboo hat in his hand, and put it on his head: “A bottle of toad oil can’t be exchanged for such a good bamboo hat, it seems that I have to add these things…”

As Marjorie slapped Tam on the forehead, Tam immediately spit out a large package of fresh ingredients packed in a box from his stomach.

“Oh my god! So fresh food, not contaminated at all!”

“It looks better than the food specially provided by the officials!”

“This counterfeit drug dealer really made a lot of money, right?”

“However, he has a good heart. He actually gave all the food to this little girl!”

The crowd of onlookers talked a lot, and they were all surprised by the ingredients that Ma Qiao brought out.

Most people are happy for Ayu.

They may not know Ayu’s name, but many people have an impression of this little girl who sells bamboo hats with baskets on her back every morning.

If they didn’t have extra money in their hands, they would also be willing to buy this little girl’s bamboo hat.

Of course, some of them looked at Ayu with something wrong.

Fresh food and clean water are luxuries in Wano.

What a waste for such a helpless little girl to enjoy such good food!

A few gangster-like guys quietly disappeared into the crowd.

Ma Qiao didn’t care about their plans.

Ayu looked at the food piled up in front of her like a hill, and was taken aback.

She clenched her small fists, her face was very serious: “Master told me, don’t take things from strangers casually!”

“This is a reward for exchanging a bamboo hat, not a favor.”

Marjorie jumped off Tam’s head laughing, the green lantern still in hand.

“If you don’t want food, I can also give you other things, such as gold, silver and jewelry.”

“Then, give me food…”

Xiaoyu thought for a while: “This much food is enough for all the residents of Bianli Village to share together. Uncle merchant, do you want to come to our banquet together?”

“Are you going to the banquet… I didn’t expect that I also became a banquet master…”

Ma Qiao smiled wryly, did he really want to stay away from his noble status as an otaku?

He took out his mobile phone bug and checked the time.

Only two hours have passed since Yamato’s soul came out of his body.

Wano country’s time is really durable.

No wonder Wang Lufei can learn Liuying in one day…

But even though there is still more time, Ma Qiao decided to go back to Onijima first, to recharge Yamato’s body, so as not to get really cold.

Ma Qiao glanced at Jax, Xin Zhao, and Graves who were mixed in the crowd, and said via voice transmission:

“Clean your hands in a while, don’t scare the children.”

The three personal guards nodded slightly.

“You live in Kasa Village, right?”

Ma Qiao squatted down, touched Ayu’s head, and stuffed the toad oil into her hand, “Uncle, go and prepare something, and he will be here in a while.”

With that said, he jumped on Tam’s head and left towards the outside of the town.

Looking at the back of Ma Qiao leaving, Ayu tilted his head: “What a lovely uncle…Huh? Did I forget something?”

Looking at the toad oil tightly clenched in her hand, she said, “Mr. Warrior!”

Ayu opened the bottle of toad oil with her small hands, pinched Yasuo’s nose, and poured it all in.

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