The Real Goa Kingdom===

When the airship slowly landed, Weiwei’s expression gradually changed.

The original excitement and anticipation were swept away, Weiwei held her nose and asked in disbelief:

“Didn’t it mean that the Kingdom of Goa is a model country modeled on Mary Joa, with high-quality air and clean water?”

“What’s the matter with the stench that’s blowing in my face now? Are the stories I read in books and magazines all nonsense?”

“That, let me interrupt.”

Ma Qiao asked curiously, “Student Weiwei, what magazines do you read?”

“”independent thinking”.”

Weiwei replied naturally: “My father bought me such a magazine since I was a child, hoping that I can become an heir to the throne who can think independently, ah no, I mean an excellent female agent who can think independently… There is something wrong with that.” What’s the problem?”

“No…no problem…”

Marjorie wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Sure enough, there’s a reason why Cobra’s brother was played around by Crocodile with such a simple trick in the original book.

Can this kind of magazine be used as an internal reference for the education of the royal family’s children?

Because of Tucci’s contribution, Ma Qiao is very resistant to various garbage pollutants and germs.

But if there is resistance, there is resistance, just like Monkey King with a copper head and iron arms, but he will not deliberately use his head to catch a knife.

It won’t break, but it will hurt!

Likewise, Marjorie didn’t want to be indulging in the terrible smell.

Even more so were the others on the airship.

Especially Vivi.

Compared with Yamato, who lived on the ghost island since he was a child, and the little thief who roamed in various dark and dirty places, Wei Wei, who was born in the royal family, is even less able to bear the smell of garbage.

Marjorie sighed, and took out several sets of custom-made clothes from the box.

“Put it on. There’s no need to have trouble with your body. This is a special chemical protective suit developed and designed by Zaun scientists based on their rich experience in dealing with pollutants.”

“No, I want to experience the pain of the people living in such a harsh environment, cough cough…”

Weiwei really wants to practice her life principle of sharing weal and woe with the people.

But the indescribable stench was so strong that it kept surging like sea waves, making Weiwei cough and even retch.

Ma Qiao knows that Weiwei really wants to stand with the people, not like those environmental protection girls who only call good fathers, and show more than substance.


“It’s good to feel the pain of others, but in my opinion, instead of trying to experience the pain of the people at the bottom, it’s better to let them enjoy the joy of being a real citizen.”

Regardless of Weiwei’s objection, Ma Qiao put the chemical protective suit on her body.


Looking at the blue-haired girl in front of her in a spacesuit-like outfit, Ma Qiao silently took out the big bird phone bug.

“Wow, wow, this is Dr. Mundo, are you going to have a craniotomy?”

“I’m your boss!”

“Boss Ma Qiao! I’m sorry, I was practicing my surgical skills in the slaughterhouse just now, and I didn’t notice that it was your call!”

“Stop talking nonsense, I want to ask you, what is the chemical protective suit you designed?”

“Hahahaha, Boss Ma Qiao, you should know how much waste water and rubbish those sanctimonious Picheng people arranged for Zu. I bet that the chemical protective suit developed by Xin Jide and I is definitely the best in the market. It is the most effective weapon against garbage gas in the world, even the gas gas of that idiot Caesar Courant!”

“I understand the truth, but why the style you designed is…then…”

After thinking for a long time, Ma Qiao didn’t know how to accuse Mundo, so he hung up the phone angrily.

You can’t expect much aesthetic from Mundo, after all.

“So, classmate Weiwei, ah no, it’s the regent princess. It’s really not my fault about dressing you as a Tianlongren…”

Looking at classmate Weiwei who was covered in a bubble helmet and her eyes were full of anger, Ma Qiao made a pale defense….

Chemical protective clothing is still required.

After all, the terminus of uncertain substances is 10,000 times more stinky than the streets of Paris in the 19th century, and 1,000 times dirtier than the water of the Ganges River. Whether it is a Parisian lady or a magical third brother, they all have to vomit on the spot scary place.

The domestic and production waste from the street town in the center of the aristocratic district of Wangcheng was discarded here without any treatment.

Over the years, the terminal of uncertain matter has become a place like Shura’s hell.

Here, there are hills of animal and human waste.

Maggots of all kinds roamed the dung hills.

Feces are disgusting and spread all sorts of diseases, but that’s not the worst part.

In addition to these hills of excrement, there are all kinds of garbage mountains made of garbage.

They were also haunted by mosquitoes and stinking.

There are also all kinds of toxic waste water with strange colors flowing through these garbage mountains.

Previously, Weiwei and the others suffered burns in their respiratory tracts, and the culprit for their incessant coughing was the steam formed by the waste water.

The Kingdom of Goa was able to support so many fat-headed nobles. In addition to the agricultural estates based on the serf system, there was also a certain degree of low-end industry.

These completely untreated industrial wastewater, under the sunlight, transpires colorful mist.

There is also a lot of waste water absorbed by the soil.

The land here has been completely polluted and is no longer suitable for human habitation.

Even, even if the place is remodeled immediately, this land will not be able to live in the next few decades.

However, in such an extremely bad environment, you can still see human beings living here in groups.

They were ragged and bony and looked like they could be blown down by a gust of wind.

Many of them even had abscesses and tumors on their bodies due to long-term exposure to the harsh environment.

Weiwei couldn’t help closing her eyes:

“Why is this, why do you want to live here!”

Weiwei pointed to the towering city wall faintly visible in the distance, and the looming ornate buildings within the city wall:

“Where is the Kingdom of Goa there, or is this the Kingdom of Goa?”

“They all are.”

Ma Qiao sighed and explained: “I heard a saying, if you love someone, send him to Goa, because this is heaven, if you hate someone, send him to Goa, because This is hell.”

“Separate the rubbish and the ‘inferior people’ who are regarded as rubbish from the glamorous inner city. The nobles are high above the poor, depriving the poor of their right to education, and letting them spend their lives in a daze. This is the secret of the kingdom of Goa becoming a model country.”

“How could this happen! These people are all citizens of the Kingdom!”

Weiwei wanted to cover her mouth, but her thick gloves could only slap on the bubble cover.

Ma Qiao smiled, “Actually, Marie Gioia is similar, except that Marie Gioia can harvest the whole world and export chaos and war to places where the nobles of the world can’t even see it, instead of sending the poor to the world like Goa Kingdom. and rubbish as far as they can go.”

Ma Qiao explained the nature of the world to Weiwei.

All she said were outrageous things that she hadn’t seen in textbooks.

Anyway, there are no outsiders here, so there is no need to avoid anything.

When they came close to the gate of the city wall, the huge and beautifully crafted stone gate suddenly opened.

A group of civilians who didn’t fit in with this garbage dump, yes, just civilians with barely enough food and clothing, walked out arrogantly.

Although they are only one rank above the Untouchables, who are uncertain of the physical end, this is enough to give them an unimaginable sense of superiority.

“Is there another trash delivered?”

The scavengers who had been rummaging through the garbage dumps for anything useful turned a blind eye to Ma Qiao and the others who landed from the airship, but showed an undisguised desire for these people who came out of the city.

Because they know that the basis of their survival is the rubbish thrown out by these city people. Without this rubbish, their wives and children will starve and eventually die.

Some people may say, it’s already so miserable, why do you want to give birth to the next generation?

This may be human instinct.

This time, however, things did not go as expected by the scavengers.

They were disappointed to find that the urbanites who left the city this time did not carry any garbage.

Some of them shoved and chased away the untouchables who surrounded them with polearms.

The rest lay on the dirty ground, using their bodies to pave a clean path.

Soon, a group of well-dressed aristocratic men and women, wearing ten centimeter high heels, stepped on the backs of these commoners and stepped out.

“My God! Is this the new regent who the navy announced to come to take over our country?”

“I love their clothes, it must be modeled after Mary Joa’s latest!””Worthy of being a gentleman from the Great Airline, Regent Marjorie and his wives are so world-class nobles!”

The nobles were shocked by the outfits of Ma Qiao and Weiwei.

They have always used Tianlong people as their benchmark, and now they find that their new leader has such a demeanor, and they finally let go of their hanging heart.

It appears that they are being led by a regent of good taste who would not make those rash decisions.

Whether it was Weiwei or Nami, seeing these so-called nobles who stepped on others, they all gritted their teeth.

Even Yamato, who has always had no sense of justice, frowned.

“Brother Ma Qiao, I don’t like these people, can I blow them away?”

Ma Qiao held down Yamato’s mace.

“Don’t mess around, these people are the important labor force of our pig farm in Goa Kingdom!”

“Jewels? Your Royal Highness, what jewels are you talking about?”

An elderly man who looked respectable and looked like a nobleman’s leader stepped on the head of a commoner closest to Ma Qiao, leaning on a civilized stick, shaking his head and saying:

“His Royal Highness, if you and your wife like jewels, it’s too unfortunate that all the jewels in the Goa Palace have been scraped away by King Sally.”


“It’s okay, I don’t love money, I’m not interested in money.”

Ma Qiao showed a kind smile: “Lead me the way, I can’t wait to reach my loyal palace and give the first order.”


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