Pirates: Seat of the Void

Chapter 98 Tom and the Conqueror

In a blink of an eye, a month passed by, and under the day and night efforts of the Lockes Pirates, they finally set foot on Feiland, the capital of seven waters.

After two years of recovery, the capital of seven waters has once again regained its former prosperity.

When the Julius Caesar, to which the Rocks Pirates belonged, just docked at the port, everyone in the port immediately ran away and left the port quickly.

After all, it has only been two years since Lockes destroyed the capital of seven waters.

Looking at the merchant ships sailing in panic, Lockes and his party were a little speechless.

Hey, Rocks, what did you guys do in the capital of seven waters last time?

Ruth looked at Lockes speechlessly and asked.

Although it has been a long time since I joined the Rocks Pirates, Ruth only focuses on improving her cooking skills and conquering Rocks......

Hey, we didn't do anything unscrupulous, we just destroyed the capital of seven waters.

Sasaki grinned and proudly said to Ruth.


Ruth was speechless.

Isn't that called being devoid of conscience?

Well, she was short-sighted.

Hey hee hee hee hee! I didn't expect that as soon as I entered the great route, I came directly to the capital of seven waters. I have to take a good look at this city.

Moria looked at the strange waterways around him with a smile, said hello and left directly.

Oh, have fun. After all, this island is still very good.

Sasaki smiled and winked at Moria and said something.

However, for his winking, Moria didn't mean anything sensible at all.

After waving his hand, he walked towards a bar alone.

Okay, if you want to have fun, go too. I'll go to Master Tom's first. Gather at Master Tom's studio tomorrow morning at the latest.

Lockes gave everyone an order, and then left alone, walking towards Tom's studio.

Hey! Rocks, wait for me!

Ruth looked at Lockes who was leaving, and quickly chased after him.

Hey, Enel, where do you want to go? Come on, I'll take you to a very interesting place.

Saying that, Sasaki pulled the struggling Enilo and walked towards the direction of Joy Street, the City of Seven Waters.

Ho Ho, it seems that everyone has somewhere to go. Then I'll stay and watch the boat.

Lafitte did a tap dance, and then said to everyone with a chuckle.

Okay, I'll leave the boat to you. Let's go and have fun first.

Barrett didn't neglect at all, he got up and left directly, and walked towards Feijiao Arena, the Capital of Seven Waters.

Haha, I don't know if there are any interesting guys in that arena.

Watching the departing companions one by one, the eredar looked at Barbossa.

Are you going to act alone, or are we together?

Lu Huhu, it depends on where you want to go.

Heh, I heard that there is a good casino in the city of Seven Waters. How about it? Would you like to go and have a look together?

Very well, let's go together then.


With that said, the two left the port together shoulder to shoulder.

Ho Ho, what a good team.

Lafitte sat cross-legged on the bow alone, looking at his companions who were slowly leaving.

Lord Lafitte, the coffee and snacks you want.

A pirate respectfully put a cup of coffee and snacks beside Lafitte.

Hoho, thank you. Well, you don't have to stay on the boat anymore. It's rare to come to such a bustling city, so you and other sailors should go and have fun together.

Lafitte said to the pirate captain.

Yes, yes! Thank you so much, Lord Lafitte! Hahahaha!

The captain of the pirate team was very grateful to convey Lafitte's meaning to the other pirate sailors on the ship.

After a while, all the pirate sailors ran off the ship happily, and walked towards the tavern and Happy Street in groups.

Seeing the pirate sailors leaving happily, Lafitte chuckled and took a sip of coffee.

Rocks walked slowly to the door of Tom's studio while wandering with Ruth.

Ha, this is the workshop of the murloc master you mentioned? It looks really dilapidated.

Ruth looked at the dilapidated house in front of her. If it wasn't for the dilapidated plaque on the door that said Tom's studio, Ruth would have thought that Lockes had taken the wrong way.

Rocks ignored Ruth's words and gently knocked on the door.

Come on, come on! Hee hee hee!

There was a hearty smile in the room.


The door opened, and Tom's huge body appeared in the doorway.

Oh! Isn't this a resounding man, Rocks!

Quick, come in! The old man has been waiting for you for a long time!

Tom welcomed Lockes and Ruth into the house with great enthusiasm and joy.

Discarded drawings and various fast food boxes can be seen everywhere.

Empty rum bottles piled up in hills.

Dirty clothes and pants are everywhere.

A strange smell rushed straight into the noses of Lockes and Ruth.

Damn! What the hell is this place! My old lady's nose!

Ruth was shocked by the pungent and strange smell and directly opened her mouth to become dirty.

Holding his nose with his hands, he quickly exited the room.

Tom scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

Hahaha, I'm sorry, because I was too focused on my work, the room is a bit messy.


Rocks was a little speechless.

Are you a bit messy?

Master Tom, I heard from my companion that you have already built the boat I need. I came here specially to take a look.

Lockes didn't care about the messy room, and directly stated his reason for coming.

Hearing Lockes' words, Tom laughed even more excitedly.

Hahaha! That's right. After more than a year, the old man finally built the boat you need.

That is simply the best boat this old man has built so far!

Speaking of boats, Tom explained excitedly directly.

Listening to Tom's excited chatter about how great the boat is, Locke's heart began to look forward to it.

By the way! Lockes, the old man installed the latest weapons on your ship.

In order to install those weapons, I did a good job of redesigning them.

Hearing Tom's words, Loxton became curious.

The latest weapon? What's that?

Hahaha! That's a good thing I found in the black market. I bought it from a scientist named Vegapunk.

That's a really interesting and very terrific big man.

In order to warm up my country covered in ice and snow all year round, I am constantly raising funds.


Rocks no longer listened to what Tom said later, his mind was full of Vega Punk at this time.

That super scientist, a super scientist with technology five hundred years ahead of the world.

Tom! That Vegapunk you mentioned, where is he now!

Rocks directly interrupted what Tom was saying, and asked excitedly.

Ah? Oh, Vegapunk! The old man doesn't know. However, the last time we met, after he saw the design drawings of the ship you gave me, he said he was going back to his hometown, what is the future kingdom called? It is said that there is some inspiration.

Very well! Tom! Tell me where my boat is! I'm going to drive her away now!

Ruth! Call everyone immediately and ask them to gather at the port immediately!

We have important things to do! Immediately!

After speaking, Lockes hurriedly asked Tom to take him to the port where his new ship was located.

After a while, with the help of Lockes' ability, Tom took Lockes to his exclusive shipyard port.

Looking at the huge, pitch-black jumbo battleship in the port, Rocks was extremely excited.

This is really far beyond my inner expectations! Tom!

Hahaha, of course! After all, this is the design I modified under the suggestion of that famous man in Vegapunk! How about it, Rocks, please be satisfied!

Tom patted his chest proudly.

I'm very satisfied, Tom. I'll ask Ereda to give you an extra 500 million Baileys as a thank you. Also, do you know where there is a permanent pointer to sell the future kingdom?

The eternal pointer of the future kingdom? That old man has one. That Vegapunk gave it to me, saying that when I have time to go to his country to find him to study something together. If you want it, then I will lend it to you. You.

With that said, Tom took out a permanent pointer from his arms and threw it to Lockes.

Rocks took the permanent pointer with an extremely excited expression on his face.

Tom, thank you so much! When I come over next time, I must have a good drink with you. Now, I will go first!

With that said, Rocks flew directly onto the pitch-black battleship, activated his ability directly, controlled the entire ship to float slowly, and then quickly headed towards the port where the Caesar was located.

Rocks looked at the pitch-black battleship beneath his feet.

From now on, your name will be the Conqueror. Conquer all the seas with me!

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