Pirates: Seat of the Void

Chapter 177 The Kingdom of England

New World, Atwall Sea, Kingdom of England.

Time flies, three days have passed.

Under Lockes' orders, Eredar reluctantly followed Alice to the Kingdom of England.

At the port, a huge sailing ship is docked at the port, wearing a long skirt made of colorful flowers, behind a group of transparent wings, with a wreath on her head, long turquoise hair, and a beautiful girl flapping her wings He walked down the spiral staircase holding Ai Rui's arm.

Hey! Alice, don't you know how to fly? Why are you holding me! Get away from me!

Eredar twitched her arm, trying to free it from Alice's arms.

However, Alice hugged her so tightly that Eredar didn't pull it out.

Hmph! Eredar-sama! Do you want to abandon me after playing with me? Obviously, they have already given you the most precious first time!


Hey! You idiot! Don't say it so loudly! Also! Don't treat me like a scumbag!

Hee hee hee.

Alice covered her mouth and laughed lightly.

Just like that, Eredar and Alice walked into Alice's mansion under the escort of a group of soldiers.

A certain Wang Guo was working in a luxury villa, and at this time several men were sitting around in a certain dark room.

That woman, Alice, actually won the championship of the Flower Fairy Contest. Moreover, according to the latest information, she has already eaten that devil fruit.

Hmph! It doesn't matter to us whether she ate the fruit or not. And that fruit has no attack power at all.

That's right! Alice, that bitch, actually joined the Rocks Pirates in order to get the throne! This time she blatantly brought that golden ring eredar back to the kingdom! Damn it! My idiot father, what? Such a stupid daughter would be born!

His Royal Highness, please be safe. The other party is just a cadre, and it is only Jinhuan. It is not any of the three illusion gods, so don't worry about him, I will let someone kill him!

Hmph! A mere pirate who has just entered the new world,

Do you think that the guy who defeated the Golden Lion will be defiant?

Okay, forget about those pirates, let's discuss how to get rid of that woman!


Kingdom of England, the residence of Princess Alice.

Eredar was unceremoniously eating all kinds of desserts that Alice had sent.

Hee hee, Lord Eredar, the desserts in our country are delicious!

Alice held her chin and blinked at the eredar who was eating.

Tsk, stop talking nonsense. Alice, tell me, how can I help you get the position of queen.

Eredar glanced at Alice impatiently, and asked directly.

Hee hee, Lord Eredar is really in a hurry.

With a giggle, Alice sat upright.

Actually, there is nothing to do. Just wait for my father who is seriously ill to die. However, if my father can be killed unexpectedly in advance, and all the evidence can be accidentally pointed to my stupid father Brother, it's perfect.

Eredar looked at the innocent, cute, beautiful, and pure girl in front of her, feeling a little unbelievable.

Ha, sure enough, no matter where the royal family is, they are all so dirty.

Eredar snorted disdainfully, discarded the dessert in his hand, stood up, and walked directly to the door.

Master Eredar?

Alice tilted her head suspiciously and looked at Eredar who was leaving.

I'll leave the intrigue to you. Call me when you need me.

Eredar waved his hand, left the mansion directly, and disappeared into the street.

Hee hee, what a fascinating man.

Alice sucked her fingers, showing an extremely charming expression, and said with twinkling eyes.

Eredar wandered the streets of the Kingdom of England bored.

It has to be said that the Kingdom of England is indeed worthy of the title of military power.

On the entire street, the ordinary people who can be seen everywhere exude a barbaric aura.

In their eyes, the eredar saw cruelty.

It's really a country full of soldiers. If you want to control this country, you may have to pay a very high price.

Eredar thought silently in her heart.

In a dark corner of the street, a dozen or so men wearing black hats, covering their faces, and holding weapons were staring coldly at Eredar among the crowd.

Captain Perez, it has been confirmed that only Eredar of the Golden Ring is alone, shall we do it?

A man in black asked Perez, who was the leader.

Since it has been confirmed, then act immediately and eradicate the opponent here, and the speed must be fast!

Perez was the first to pull out the long knife and rushed out.



With the sound of a gunshot, all the people who were wandering on the street rushed towards Eredar fiercely.

Go! Kill that man with the golden ring!



Eredar frowned tightly.

What's going on! These guys!

Before he had time to think about it, a strong shock wave erupted from Eredar's body, blowing countless people into the air.


A gloomy voice suddenly sounded from behind Eredar, and the snow-white long knife gleamed with dazzling light, slashing towards Eredar's back.

Don't let me get carried away!

Shock Cannon!

Eredar roared in a low voice, and the fist covered with the shock wave slammed on the long knife of the person behind him.

The powerful shock wave swallowed him instantly, and then a huge explosion occurred.

The strong air wave instantly destroyed the surrounding buildings.

Don't be afraid! There is only one person on the other side! Go! Get rid of him!

Perez said loudly, and then rushed up with a long knife.


Seeing those people rushing forward without fear of life and death, and constantly attacking them, Eredar became completely angry.

Go to hell with me! Shinra Shock!


A huge ring-shaped shock wave erupted instantly, covering the entire area with a radius of 100 meters.

A huge mushroom cloud surged from the ground.

a long time......

The smoke dissipated, and Eredar stood there with a gloomy expression, looking at the corpses all over the ground.

Is it the prince of this country! Damn you bastard! I'm going to kill you now!

In anger, Ai Rui shot directly into the air, and with the power of the shock wave, he rushed towards the country, including the castle where Prince Rocky was.

Alice's mansion.

Alice sat gracefully on the sofa, sipped the fine wine, and listened to the reports of her subordinates.

Yes, Lord Eredar has already gone to find my stupid brother.

He took a sip of the red wine lightly, Sure enough, the pirates are a bunch of idiots who like to use brute force. Even Lord Eredar is the same.

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