After taking the medicine bottle, Lockes couldn't help sneering, and at the same time, the hatred for the world government in his heart became stronger.

After the K-1 virus injection was completed, two soldiers guarding him walked in, and then untied all the chains tied to him.

These iron chains are originally made of Hailou stone and fine steel, so no matter whether they have powerful domineering or devil fruit abilities, they cannot easily destroy them.

When these iron chains were untied in this way, Lockes' eyes were instantly filled with a strong killing intent.

Suddenly, he stretched out his hands suddenly, and immediately grabbed the necks of the two soldiers who were imprisoning him.

"Ah, help, help!"

The soldier didn't expect Lockes to attack suddenly, so he could only groan in pain.

After hearing the change, the five old stars who were staying outside rushed in immediately.

"Locus, what do you want? Don't you want to die?"

Wu Laoxing, who was holding a long knife, raised the big knife in his hand on the spot and pointed to Lockes and asked in a cold voice.

But at this moment, Lockes didn't feel a trace of fear at all, but a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth at this moment.

"These two guys abused me in every possible way when I was imprisoned, so it shouldn't be a big problem for me to kill them, right?

Don't you still care about the life of this kind of ants? "

After Lockes finished speaking, he raised his hands.

There were two muffled "clicks".

The entire necks of the two soldiers in armor were twisted and broken.

Moreover, Lockes attacked directly through the armor, which shows how terrifying Lockes' strength is.

Looking at the two deformed armors on the ground, not only did the five old stars not feel angry for a while, but they all showed gratified smiles.

"Congratulations on seeing the sun again, that guy who made countless people fear is back."

"Hmph, is it Qin Chuan? You wait for me!"

Rocks narrowed his eyes.

At the same time, a large battleship just docked in front of a certain port in the New World sea area.

For a moment, countless people looked at the battleship one after another.

"After drifting at sea for so long, I can finally go ashore and have a good drink."

After seeing this scene, Bartolomio couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Since leaving Wano country, they have been heading towards Alabasta non-stop.

But the sea area of ​​the new world is too big, and they didn't even reach the undersea tunnel for a while.

After nearly a week of wandering at sea, Qin Chuan finally decided to dock in such a country called Calais.

Calais is an extremely weak country, and its strength cannot be compared with that of Dressrosa and other countries. Because of this, Calais joined the member countries of the world government a long time ago and was protected by the navy.

At this time, the soldiers and workers patrolling near the port of Calais were all taken aback when they saw the group of people falling from the ship.

After all, such an extremely poor and weak country is not cared about by anyone on weekdays.

Now facing so many strangers, the soldiers patrolling for a while also quickly surrounded them.

"Bold, this is the land of the Kingdom of Calais, you outsiders, leave us quickly."

At this time, a soldier in the lead immediately yelled.

"Hmph, do you know who we are?"

Hearing this, Crocodile stretched his waist and spoke slowly.

"You are?"

"Have you heard of the Qinchuan Pirates?"

At this time, Bartolomeo took a step forward and took the words.

"Qin, the Qinchuan Pirates!"

Hearing this term, everyone at the scene gasped.

Especially those people around have already made a cry of exclamation in the first place.

"It seems that you know it, and since you know it, then go away!"

Seeing the apprehensive eyes of the soldiers around him, Douglas Barrett immediately reprimanded him in a cold voice.

Now that their identities and status are completely disdainful to fight with these little rascals, they only need a casual sentence to deter them.

Sure enough, these soldiers were so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe out after hearing these words.

The next moment, the leading soldier quickly stepped aside and said in fear, "I'm sorry, please give us a chance!"

"Hmph, there will be no next time, if you make another mistake, then what awaits you will be death!"

At this moment, Kaido couldn't help snorting coldly.

Before that, he would have directly screwed off the heads of the soldiers in front of him.

But now Qin Chuan has repeatedly ordered him not to do anything casually, so he can only use words to deter these guys.

Hearing this, the leading soldier suddenly knelt down towards Qin Chuan and the others with a plop.

The rest of the soldiers present knelt down after seeing this scene.

Seeing that these people were already scared to such an extent, Qin Chuan finally showed a smile.

His goal has been achieved, and now the whole world is afraid of him, and this is the most important factor for ruling the world.

But just when Qin Chuan and others were about to leave here, several people around suddenly mustered up their courage and ran over, and immediately knelt down in front of everyone.

"Mr. Qin Chuan, please save us!"

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man with an old complexion suddenly spoke.

"Huh? Are you here?"

Seeing this scene, Qin Chuan couldn't help but wonder.

"We are residents of the Kingdom of Calais. The king of this country is Calais II. He has been oppressing us people all these years, and we are almost unable to survive.

So please be sure to help us out! "

The man spoke again.

The others also began to beg.

"What do you mean? Why do you say that?"

Hearing this, Weiwei on the side couldn't help but speak.

She herself is a soft-hearted person, and she showed a concerned look on the spot after hearing these words.

"Calais II has been imposing heavy taxes all these years, and we are busy working all year round and can't make any money to pay taxes.

And once the harvest is bad, we can only borrow money from the government to buy food to survive.

But although the government is willing to lend us money, it has to charge high interest. As a result, almost every household in our family owes a lot of money to the government.

Take me as an example, now I have owed the government wages for several years, which means that from now on, I will have to pay back the government money for several years without eating or drinking. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone once again echoed.

Hearing this, everyone present was taken aback.

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