At this time, outside the Forest of Death.

As the examiner of this time, Shangnin yawned, immediately tilted his head rather bored, and glanced at the forest of death behind him.

“This is already the second day of the exam, I think those three Shangnin have already killed all the people on the list, right? For example, Han, Jeopardy, and Dashan. The examiner said with a yawn.

The third-generation Hokage Ape Hibiki did not know that Han was the pillar of manpower in Iwain Village, but he received top-secret intelligence that Iwain Village had sent important personnel to sabotage the Naka Ninja Exam.

In that case, Sarutobi is not polite and lets the ninjas of the dark department kill them.

This is the scene of the Forest of Death.

It’s just that neither Ape Flying Sun Chopper nor the examiner expected that Han is the manpower pillar of Yanyin Village, and his strength is terrifying, not inferior to the original I Ai Luo, or even stronger.


Forest of Death.

The white, high-temperature steam pervaded, and the nearby grass and leaves, because they could not withstand the high temperature of the steam, all died and wilted.

When the steam completely dissipated, you could see that there were three corpses lying on the ground, it was Kaminobu from the dark part of Konoha Village.

Now, they have all been killed by Han.

“Han, you should also start lightly, at least leave a whole corpse, so that we can find out if the scroll is there.” Jehuo said.

He walked over and searched through the three mutilated corpses, and immediately found a scroll.

“Found it!”

“But unfortunately, it turned out to be just a scroll of words, just like us.”

Jehuo first rejoiced, then saw the word “ground” on the scroll, shook his head in disappointment, and then waved his hand and threw it away.

“The Scroll of the Earth…”

Mitarashi Red Bean, Oil Girl Katsuo and the others lit up their eyes and looked at each other.

Because they are celestial scrolls!

As long as you wait for Jeopardy, Dashan, and Han to leave, and get the ground scroll they threw away, you can successfully pass the second exam.

It’s a pie in the sky.

“I don’t know if I can meet Kakashi Kiki, and the guy named Matkai, the intelligence says that the two of them are geniuses in Konoha Village.”

“If you kill them, is it a great merit? This is even more exciting than S-level tasks. Hahahaha…” laughed out loud.

“Kai’s set of scrolls is Tianzi, let’s go find them and get the Tianzi scrolls by the way.” Oyama said.

“No problem, I just want to try Kakashi Kiki, and the strength of Matkai.” Han said.

The three people of Jehuo, Dashan, and Han said as if they were walking away.

Katsuo, the oil girl, was about to go out, but was pulled by Mitarashi Red Bean.

After waiting for a while, Mitarashi Azuki felt that there was no movement, and he didn’t see a figure, so he let the oil girl Katsuo and the others go out.

“Red bean, you are also too careful, they have already left.” Let’s hurry up and get the discarded scroll scroll. The oil woman Katsuo said.

So, the oil girl Katsuo ran out.

Mitarashi Red Bean snorted, and in desperation, he also ran out.

“The Scroll of the Ground Word, what a lot of work!” Katsuo the oil girl said with a big laugh, turning his head to look at Mitarashi red beans.

“Red bean, what’s wrong with you? Why is his face so embarrassed? Katsuo asked.

“Win… Katsuo… Look behind you…” Mitarai Red Bean had a horrified expression, it was difficult to see the extreme.

“Behind me?”

The oil girl Katsuo stiffened, but he didn’t know what was behind him.

“What’s wrong, red bean, tell me about it.” Katsuo asked anxiously.

Mitarashi Azuki swallowed a mouthful of spit, his hands wanting to make a seal.

“Occult! Worm walling! ”

At this time, the oil woman Katsuo had already determined what was behind him, and immediately cast the secret technique of the oil woman.


Suddenly, a piece of black-pressed parasites flew out from under the loose trench coat of the oil woman Katsunan, forming a thick layer of parasites forming a protective layer.

“Occult! Parasites!! ”

At the same time, Katsuo the oil girl controlled the parasite, forming a black-pressed insect cloud, rushing behind her, and then she quickly flashed to the side of Mitarai red beans.

I saw that the oil woman Katsu man manipulated the parasite and wrapped the Han who went and returned.

From this point of view, Han, who originally wore bright red ninja armor, has now turned into a black humanoid “Insect Yong”

“No matter how tight your armor is, it can’t be completely without gaps, as long as it is penetrated by my parasite, you will be finished!” Katsuo said.

Mitarashi Red Bean showed a glimmer of hope, she knew the insect secret technique of the oil woman clan, and she could win by surprise.

Maybe the other party was careless, and he was really taken advantage of by the oil woman over the man.

“Huh, bugs? You guys are so naïve! ”

The fire and the mountain that arrived from behind, seeing the Han surrounded by parasites and crawling all over his body, did not have the slightest worry, but laughed.

“What laughter!”

Mitarashi red beans, oil girl Katsuo said with an ugly face.

“Ninfa! Steam eruption!! ”

At this time, the encircled black-pressed Han suddenly cast his special steam ninja technique.

A popping sound, centered on Han’s armor, spurted hot white steam from all over his body.

This steam has an unimaginably high temperature, even people can’t stand it, let alone bugs.

The parasites are small in size and numerous, which is an advantage in ordinary battles, but in the face of Han’s steam eruption, the result is restrained to death.

“My parasite!”

The oil girl Katsuo cried out, then gritted his teeth and stared at Han with resentment in his eyes.

The hot white steam sprayed, and the black parasites around Han’s body “peeled off” piece by piece like a peeling wallpaper.

It was the corpse of a dead bug, all of which fell at Han’s feet, thick and black.

“Parasites? But so? Han said.

“Damn it!”

Mitarashi scolded in anger, sealed his hands, and then stretched out.

“Ninfa! Hidden Shadow Snake Hand!! ”


From the sleeve of Mitarashi azuki, it seemed to hide a sharp arrow, and it shot out at once.

Looking closely, it turned out to be several very terrifying-looking poisonous snakes, opened their mouths, spit scarlet letters, and bit Han.

Han’s face was expressionless, and while striding over, two big hands reached over, grabbed the void, and grabbed those poisonous snakes in their hands.


The viper counterpart bites Han’s arm, but Han wears sturdy armor, and the viper’s fangs are not of any use at all.

“Useless moves.”

Han’s palm forced, pinching all these poisonous snakes in his palm to death!

“Just start killing from you, and let the new forces of Konoha Village all fall in the Forest of Death.” Han said indifferently. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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