48: Teacher Miller’s Concern (For Collection)

Chen Luo had no idea how many people his live broadcast, this showdown with Shen Chao, was attracting attention.
Before that, everything Chen Luo had done still could not prove that he was a real master.
Because he has always played in silver rounds, even bronze rounds, in low-rank games, it is difficult for you to distinguish his abilities.
But now it is different.
In this game, Chen Luo’s opponent is Shenchao.
There is no doubt about the supernatural ability of God.
If in the matchup with Shen Chao, he can achieve the super powerful ability of being a scholar before, it will be enough to prove that this person is really strong.
Mr. Miller has been in the League of Legends circle for many years. To be honest, no matter how much the media or other people praise the players’ personal strength.
He always has some doubts.
Then go watch the corresponding video.
Just look at the collection.
Every member of the national football team can go to Barcelona and Real Madrid, so if you want to see how strong a player is, in League of Legends, you should still watch the video of his entire game.
Look at his operations, overall situation, consciousness, etc.
And many times, one show is not enough, you have to watch a few more.
Mr. Miller, I watched Chen Luo’s video all day today, and then watched his live broadcast at night. The number of games he saw was enough, and it was precisely because of this that he made such a conclusion.
This academic host is really talented.
Moreover, this is also a talent in the game, so he will take the initiative to recommend Chen Luo to some clubs.
When he learned that Chen Luo would face Shenchao in the next game, to be honest, Miller was a little excited.
Over the years, there have been many talented players in the LPL, but most of the time, they just have a flash of inspiration, or shine for a season, and then die.
A generation version, a generation of gods.
It is extremely rare to be truly powerful all the time.
The reason is that most professional players, the way they grow up, depends on their own actions, awareness, and reactions.
In fact, after watching Chen Luo’s video and live broadcast today, Miller seemed to have a sudden realization.
The so-called operation, consciousness, etc., of course, can determine a lot of things, but if you want to understand the game League of Legends more deeply, you need calculation, analysis, and you need to understand deeper content.
Moreover, the operations and reactions in the game, etc., can sometimes even be based on the completion of the calculation.
The calculation is clear, so you can clearly know what to do and what not to do in the game.
A clear analysis will allow you to understand how the entire game should be played in your favor.
And these, it can be said that all the professional players in the LPL so far only have a rough grasp, and it seems that they only know about damage calculation and CD calculation.
Yes, Miller almost certainly said all.
It’s not that he looks down on these professional players in the LPL, he just never sees anyone who really uses computing to train and play games.
No one can predict the calculation and analysis in the game like Xueba, and play it so accurately.
Faker, the great devil, many people may just see his brilliant record and see him being the champion of the world finals for many times, but few people know that.
Faker, the great devil, many people may just see his brilliant record and see him being the champion of the world finals for many times, but few people know that.
This big devil is a scholar!
Chen Luo’s live broadcast room.
Previously, in the last live broadcast, Chen Luo’s Thresh performed many operations that made netizens in the live broadcast room stunned, but at that time, the popularity of Chen Luo’s live broadcast room was maintained at around 400,000 to 500,000. .
But after the game started, when everyone learned that the person who was on the line with Chen Luo was Shenchao, immediately, whether it was Chen Luo’s live broadcast room or Shenchao’s live broadcast room, the popularity began to skyrocket.
At this time, without too many gifts, the popularity of Chen Luo’s live broadcast room reached 700,000.
So terrifying!
And in the Shenchao live broadcast room, he usually broadcasts LOL with about 120,000 popularity. Tonight’s popularity value came to 200,000, and he was very irritable.
Obviously, many people are paying attention to this battle.
Even if it’s just an Ionian silver game.
They wanted to see how deep Chen Luo’s academic mastery was.
After waiting patiently for a while, the game finally started to enter. For many people, this was a very tormenting period of time.
Fans of Chen Luo’s live broadcast room have a very simple request.
They want to see if Brother Xueba can still calculate as accurately as before when facing the Super God. They want to see Brother Xueba continue to use terrifying calculations to pretend.
Of course on the other hand.
There are also people waiting for Chen Luo to make a fool of himself, waiting for a fatal error in his calculations.
From the beginning of the broadcast to the present, almost taking off the way a rocket takes off, he flew too high all of a sudden.
There will always be someone who wants him to fall.
Even, the harder the fall, the better.
Games start.
Maybe it was Shen Chao himself, and he wanted to test Brother Xueba.
Therefore, he deliberately didn’t want his teammates to play in the first-level group, he just wanted to play against the opponent’s sword girl normally.
Through the Shenchao live broadcast room, those fans who have always been very concerned about Shenchao can clearly see that the gentle and elegant Shenchao has become extraordinarily serious when playing this game.
His eyes are quite focused.
Chen Luo is here.
This guy, I don’t know if he didn’t pay attention to the bullet screen or something. He doesn’t seem to know that he has a very powerful opponent in this game.
“The new version of Knife Girl is a bit like a little Yasuo. Once this hero grows up, she will definitely be quite powerful, but before Dao Girl is at level 3, the lane crocodile will be a little weak.”
“Of course, the most important thing is to see the level of the opponent.”
While thinking about going to a tower, Chen Luo spoke to the audience in the live broadcast room.

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