Plague Doctor

Chapter 379

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Gu Jun is missing.

At noon on the 21st, the GOA Concentric team rescued him in the mountains of northern Dongzhou. Afterwards, he said that he would walk away for a while to stop them from following, and he would return soon. But they didn’t wait until they waited, and they followed his footprints after an hour.

The squad found a watercolor painting held by Gu Jun next to a mountain stream. When he got there, he broke his footsteps, and he did not find his backpack and other things.

There are no clues around, and Wu Shiyu, Deng Ximei and the others have no inspiration.

They immediately called for support, and the large army then entered the mountain forest, using various instruments, police dogs, etc., to start a carpet search. However, from the 21st to the 28th, for a whole week, the large army searched the area and searched along the water to the surroundings. There was no breakthrough.

It is possible that Gu Jun used some kind of spell to leave, but the satellite did not capture anything at the time.

Just not walking from the sky, he may also walk in other ways.

“Otherwise such a big person, how could it be said to disappear and disappear!” Tong Ye was very distressed.

Everyone in the squad was also 100 puzzled. At that time Gu Jun was going to do what he had to do without ever telling them.

“I thought he was going to take a poop.” Lou Xiaoning wondered, “Otherwise why don’t you let people follow?”

“It’s the mysterious signal.” Wu Shiyu said to Tongye. Tongye was aware of the signal. She said: “He first looked at my painting, and then said that he felt strange and heard the signal.” She also hasn’t said the connection of the cross symbol, for fear of breaking Xian Jun’s things.

Is that signal Gu Jun’s delirium, or is it really happening? Now Tong Ye and the others are inclined to the latter, Gu Jun does not seem to be crazy.

But what is that signal, “we” refers to who, is it that those people took Gu Jun?

After another week of searching, the Tianji Bureau had to accept this bitter fact, and stopped the large-scale search in that area, leaving only a team of people to continue searching.

Gu Jun disappeared. He walked into the mountain. He didn’t know who was the evil believer or who, and he didn’t know whether he was deceived, kidnapped, or in what way.

During this half a month, the shadow of the oak witch was not reproduced, and there were no strange things or evil, and the witch was also missing.

Did this witch take Gu Jun away? This is also a possibility, a very bad possibility.

There are still no new cases of abnormal Tourette’s disease. A large number of common children have been diagnosed nationwide, but the incidence rate does not exceed 1%, which is within the normal range. And the 520 abnormal children, not at all recovered.

At the time of the battle on the 21st, they did not show more anomalies, so the silhouettes of the children in the oak forest were all disguised as witches. After the incident, the affected children still have symptoms of tics, blinking, making faces, etc., but the frequency is not higher than that of the normal affected children, and the strange sounds turned into ordinary strange sounds, unlike the strange ones before.

At the same time, their piano skills can be greatly reduced, and only 7 children still maintain amazing innate talent, Zhong Huili is one of them.

To properly arrange these children and their families, it is a test of the scheduling of the Tianji Bureau. Now they are temporarily separated and kept under observation and treatment for a longer period of time. At the same time, education does not fall. Just like boarding school, their parents can visit regularly.

Because even if they can only decline, they also have a high-spiritual performance, which is indeed a rare talent pool.

If they grow up without problems, even if they need to do a variety of work to prevent penetration, they can also make use of their strengths, such as the old Indian staff.

As for Xiaokedou, Xiaokedou is a special case. She didn’t get sick, but she seems to be the source.

The Tianji Bureau considered the situation and arranged for her and her family to return to Shenhai City to continue her life. However, she needed to regularly undergo testing procedures such as S value verification and old stone purification.

A new announcement was issued on this day, and the people who are worried about child recently can breathe a sigh of relief.

The Bureau of Astronomy said that only 100 children in the Dongzhou area suffered from nervous cosmic rays, similar to symptoms of Tourette’s disease, but now that the incident is over, no child died and all recovered steadily during treatment.

Although there are many conspiracy theories as usual, there is one thing that can not be faked. The cartoons resumed playing, but those who are too violent still have to be rectified.

The 3 medical personnel unfortunately sacrificed by the 7rd People’s Hospital of Nanxiang City, although not disclosed, their relatives received state compensation and resettlement.

The scourge was resolved, which was a thankful thing, but Gu Jun ’s disappearance cast a shadow on the insiders.

“Would Mr. Gu go to the dreamland?” Peacock proposed another probability. “There just happened to be a passage, did he walk in?”

This is of course possible, but Zugli Sesel, who was almost beaten by Wu Shiyu, shudderedly said that the location where the channel appeared, it can be smelled within a month, but it was found in the mountain forest where Gu Jun disappeared , I can’t find the slightest breath of fantasy.

As for the Oak Witch, it shuddered even harder, “It must be a ruthless character, I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t want to provoke!”

Geely is just a small ancestor, really don’t know so much, it came to establish a strategic partnership with humans, so Wu Shiyu did not beat it.

Didn’t it go to the fantasy world, would it go to some other space? Deng Ximei also said that it didn’t feel like being related to the World of Foreign Languages.

Everyone couldn’t find the exact clue, didn’t expect the hurried farewell in the oak forest, it turned out to be a real farewell.

The watercolor painting was studied by the bureau. Not at all found something abnormal. Now the thing returns to the original owner. Let Wu Shiyu see if he can find out something.

When Gu Jun received the signal for the first time, Wu Shiyu and he had studied the painting at that time. This is that she was 17 years old and had nothing to do with a day and wanted to take a hand-drawn picture, or was she 16? She couldn’t remember it well, but then she collected it after feeling that it was quite good.

Perhaps, what is special is not this picture, but the signals and symbols that Xian Jun can receive.

Anyway, Wu Shiyu has lived in the base of Dongzhou Medical Department these days. Everyday all stared at this picture for a while, signals, signals.

No no.

“Half a month, isn’t it” soon “…”

Wu Shiyu now understands how the panic was going on at the time. Would n’t it be better to hold him like a koala at the time? She doesn’t feel that Xian Jun is dead, and she doesn’t want to think in this direction. She always feels that he is not at all walking away, as if he was by his side.

But now, she has another thing to be busy. From a few days ago, she often has a strange feeling, and then …

That didn’t come.

Boyfriend is a doctor, not there, but there are many doctors around. Wu Shiyu asked Zi Banxuan’s girlfriend Jiang Banxia, ​​and it turned out that it could be measured within ten days. It has been 3 weeks from the Lantern Festival to the present. She took the pregnancy test paper and went back to the dormitory to do the test.

At this time, Wu Shiyu sat on the living room sofa, looking at the pregnancy test paper that had been tested in his hand, and all the lines on the paper were colored.

“Uh … positive, it means.” She touched her belly. “It really is not a feeling of support, but it is.”

Just thinking about it, Wu Shiyu stayed for a long time. That day, Xianjun clearly had safety measures every time. Why? She checked with her mobile phone. Ah, because of quality and operation problems, the contraceptive rate of the condom is only 85%. Even if the operation is correct, it is only 98%, not even 99%.

Wu Shiyu leaned on the sofa, his eyes rolled, his mind came alive.

“The first time, I will save energy and not waste.”

“There was a lot of movement that day, and those 15% problems cannot be ruled out.”

“Syndrome like me, the probability is ten 1 / 10000th, I have all won, 2% won is nothing.”

“We haven’t taken the maternity leave yet. Let’s take maternity leave first. Marriage leave 3 days, maternity leave six months, okay …”

“I am a mother at the age of 21 and get pregnant before I get married. It’s okay. It’s very fate and salty.”

“The question is coming, where is the child father?”

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