Plague Doctor

Chapter 402

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The day before the incident, on March 3, the Ministry of Environmental Protection had monitored radiation levels in all cities across the country, in units of nGyh.

The measurement range of Dongzhou City is 82.4-83.6, the average value is 83.2, the reference background range of the local wilderness is 73.1-125.7, normal level; Dahua City, normal level; Guangting City, normal level … Mobei City, 101.8 -110.5, 106.7, 73.7-118.6, the normal level.

The Xuesha team measured the radiation dose of 6.5 Gyh in the mutation area of ​​the forest farm.

1Gy = 1000mGy = 1000000uGy = 1000000000nGy.

That is to say, a person stays in the mutation area of ​​300 square meters for an hour and is completely exposed to nuclear radiation, which is equal to the total amount of natural radiation received in 1070 in Mobei City yesterday, 25310000 times. When the dose exceeds 0.25Gy, there is no longer any safe value at all, and 6.5Gy is enough to be fatal.

When the Xuesha team measured this value, Li Weiquan Captain immediately ordered all the members to evacuate.

However, these 6 mobile task force personnel have been in the mutation area for nearly an hour. The medical protective clothing on them will have a certain effect. However, the dose of nuclear radiation damage to their bodies is by no means normal.

The atmosphere at the command center of Mobei Tianji Bureau sank to the bottom. After communicating with the headquarters, a new command was made immediately.

Regardless of whether nuclear radiation has contaminated the outside, the entire village of Beidian Village is evacuated, and Yunlin Township must also evacuate and transfer safely.

As for whether to do a larger evacuation, the entire city? The whole Mobei? It depends on the radiation level.

However, the rest of the situation relieved everyone at the command post, because the measurement outside the mutation area showed that it is very strange that even if it was only a half-step out of the mutation area, no nuclear pollution was detected, and it was all normal radiation. Level.

This is naturally not normal.

“It’s impossible …” The celestial bureau has worked with the Energy Bureau to deal with the incident. Those Nuclear engineers at Peak couldn’t understand it. “Radioactive materials will drift with the wind. Impossible is a 6.5Gyh polluted area on the side, but next to it is 106nGyh … “

Even if a nuclear engineer is not needed, people know this kind of truth. Commanders like Tong Ye and Yao Shinian can understand it.

But this is abnormal power, this is supernatural.

For now, this is a good thing, the surrounding people have not been hurt, and have time to transfer.

As long as there is a blockade, the situation will not expand.

“The question is will this mutation area expand?” Tong Ye set the key question, “Will the dose of nuclear radiation rise? Will it come out?”

In these 2 hours, these assumptions did not happen, but the trees in the mutation area became scarcer, and now only one tree disappeared.

Lou Xiaoning, Peacock, and Mo Qing arrived at the scene, wearing nuclear radiation protective clothing, and looked around in the Foreign Domain, believing that the situation inside was deteriorating.

They tentatively printed the old spirit, it was useless and there was no feedback. But they all feel very wrong, very wrong, unlike the typical dark erosion, indescribable …

The Xuesha squad has withdrawn from the line of fire and immediately took iodine tablets and went to the medical department for examination. They still have no symptoms, which is a good thing, not bad to the level of acute onset. But it may be a few days later, a week later, or even a year later, suddenly they will start to suffer.

Therefore, in this incident, this elite team of Mobei is no longer suitable to reach the front line, and they have absorbed more than the dose.

Before, everyone in the squad did not see the floating material visible in the naked eye in the mutation area, and the air did not glow, which made them not sufficiently vigilant before.

“When standing in that area …” Li Weiquan described this when reporting to the headquarters, “It doesn’t feel very real, it’s a bit floating, like gravity is not the same, it’s because of space distortion. I feel like I’m standing on the edge of a cliff, There is a sense of pulling, it seems that it will disappear like those trees at any time. “

The images they shot inside seemed to prove this.

The image is all like a special effect with motion blur, whether it is trees, soil or people, it is like being pulled by a force of continuously. The image also vaguely captures some strange light and shadow, lines. Researchers are still investigating whether this is a problem with the camera, or really photographed something that cannot be seen by the naked eye who.

The energy research institute at Chilin Base in Mobe is also intensively analyzing the radioactive materials carried in the contaminated soil of the mutation area, Tian Fuhou and the others ’clothing. Does this radiation originate from a nuclear reactor or a nuclear explosion? Or something, this is an opportunity to analyze it.

Originally, the best research objects were those trees that would disappear.

It was just that the Xuesha team had made various attempts at that time, but still couldn’t get half dead leaves or half bark. Once the object comes in contact with the tree, it will pass through and be burned by the energy inside. It seems that the tree has actually disappeared, but there is still a shadow.

And there is a higher and higher dose of nuclear radiation in that shadow.

The headquarters command center has a hypothesis about this. Are these trees just like the big banyan tree in Gurong Village? Connected to another space?

But unlike the big banyan tree connected to the World of Different Texts, they are connected to a nuclear furnace?

It’s just that it still can’t explain why the radiation didn’t go outside the mutation area.

“Master, do you feel like a group of evil believers did this?”

The headquarters command center is busy, and the personnel of each section are struggling in their posts, and the large screen shows the monitoring of multiple cameras around the mutation area; also shows the evacuation situation in Beidian Village, the villagers are working Get on the bus and leave safely.

Yao Shinian frowned at his already gray frown, looked at the big screen, and asked the old partner beside him.

“It’s hard to say …” Tong Ye is really hard to judge. This matter is very different from the past, and it is not like the style of evil organizations.

If they want to create fear, will they choose a remote place like Beidian Village in Mobei City? But is this some kind of ceremony?

“I’m worried that this mutation area will get bigger and bigger, and the rate of expansion will get faster and faster …” Tong Ye wants to drink a little. “Sometimes this kind of mutation space seems to be alive, the more energy it eats up. The more, the faster it grows … If Ajun is here, hey, that kid really makes us dependent … “

The commander-in-chief of this incident once again fell on the shoulders of their two old bastards.

It’s just this time that Gu Jun has been missing for a long time, and he’s half crazy.

Once things are related to nuclear radiation, there is no small matter. Now that the Tianji Bureau has lost the biggest trump card, neither Tongye, Yao Shinian nor the others can say whether the Tianji Bureau and GOA are ready to meet new challenges. But this is often the case, and it will not make people ready for everything to happen.

Just as Tongye shook his head, he had to say something.

A loud explosion came from the broadcasting speaker, and the monitoring images around the mutation area in the large screen all became black screens.

Everyone’s eyes suddenly changed, and an unknown explosion occurred in the mutation area, probably, it expanded.

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