Plague Doctor

Chapter 514

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The birth of life is inseparable from pain …

Gu Jun’s head is cracking and paining, as if he heard a chant of foreign language, this song, he once heard …

There was an illusion flashing in front of him, he was wearing heavy mist, the haze gradually became clear, and the illusion gradually wrapped him up.

A magnificent fountain spouting strange blood water, it is unknown whether it is blood, or just red with blood, and mixed with unknown dirty black mucus. Blood and mucus sprayed into the air, and then fell one after another, hit the statue in the center of the fountain, stained the original white stone.

The statue is a sculptural and gentle woman.

This place seems familiar, but so different …

Suddenly, Gu Jun recognized that it was the Goddess fountain of life, but the last time he saw it from the illusion, the spring water was still clear, the statue or Saint was clean, vibrant and peaceful.

This is … Kalop Academy.

After trying to understand it, the nerves in his brain became tighter and more painful.

The singing voice was also clearer, but it was not the youth singing of the boys and girls last time, but a gloomy, weird, frantic mixed sound. Suddenly he could see more, just around the fountain, surrounded by people in black robes.

The fire was burning in the distant building, which was the place where the Kalup students used to study and study. They were all being destroyed by the fire.

The magnificent Kalop Academy, no longer has Dr. Kalop.

All of these strangers around the fountain were wearing a black sheep’s head mask.

2 twisted and thick horns aloof and remote, the eyes of the mask are hollowed out, revealing a pair of eyes, which is both indifferent and fanatical.

It was they who sang, it was they who destroyed Kalop Academy, it was them … who called Goddess for real life.

Gu Jun’s dissipated consciousness suddenly saw that the filthy spring water in the fountain was boiling like water, and then the odorous bubbles burst out, and the malicious from the darkness filled the air. He heard the baby crying, and came close.

A team of black robed men walked from four sides to the fountain, each of them holding a crying baby in their hands.

The horns of the black sheep head masks they wear are particularly sturdy and grim.

It seems that the babies were just born, they were not covered by the swaddle, but their bodies were not cleaned, and there was still blood and dirt from the mother, some were wet, some were dry Now, stick to their skins.

Those black robed men with thick horns walked to the fountain with their babies in a circle.

In all around people’s chanting chants, the black robed man with thick horns leaned down and dipped the baby in his hand into the fountain water.

The foul-smelling spring water suddenly overflowed the baby’s body, and these little babies cried even more fiercely, and those childish eyes filled with natural fear. The sewage immersed them, but did not submerge them. The sewage was immersed in their skin and their flesh.

The blood vessels that can be seen through the dirt, hidden in the flesh, the blood flowing inside is gradually no longer red, but turned dark.

These babies are being baptized.

These babies are also mutating, transforming, and gaining new life.

“Nightmare grows every day, waiting to break out of the ground

Mother thinks every day, whether it ’s a childish creature in her womb or a ghoul

She sometimes thinks sadly

Life is born without pain

She sometimes thinks quietly

Life is born without pain “

The singing sound exploded into Gu Jun’s head. He seemed to be feeling the pain of pregnant women and the pain of babies …

His body seemed to be undergoing a freak mutation, as if immersed in the tainted spring water, looking up at the huge statue.

But the statue is no longer a gorgeous female figure, but a black red flesh shaped like a uterus and a sheep’s head.

The uterus, the sheep’s head, and the 2 are so similar that the 2 overlap.

2 The fallopian tubes and ovaries on the sides are the horns, the uterine cavity is the mouth of the sheep, the uterine mouth is the mouth of the sheep … There are many ligament-like tentacles on the outer skin. This statue is both a huge Black Mountain sheep head and a huge uterus.

Countless lives spewed out of it, and countless lives came to the world.

Dark life …? Did n’t all come from darkness at the beginning of life?

It is not that the Goddess of Life abandons the literati, but that the Goddess of Life they first believe in does not exist.

They were deceived by the Kalop Academy, and the Doctor Kalop of believe oneself infallible took a false god out to worship them.

Goddess of life is not like that.

The crying of the babies became more and more fierce. At this time, the black robed men with thick claws immersed these babies in the black liquid. Ministry, children, so that you will not be afraid of hemoptysis.

After ten seconds in the black liquid, the babies were suddenly raised to the surface.

The sewage has darkened their faces, and these immature young creatures look different.

They have been blessed by Goddess, the true life.

It was also at this time that the black robed men with thick horns lifted the babies high, knelt down, raised their heads, and shouted in unison at the blood-stained statue:

“Iä! Shabu-Nicholas! The Black Mountain sheep of Mori that gave birth to 10000 to 1000 children!”

This call fell into Gu Jun’s brain like a heavy hammer, knocking away his brain marrow.

Gu Jun could not help crying out, the illusion in front of him suddenly broke, and the destroyed Kalop Academy, black robed man, newborn … All twisted into a piece, all went away in front of the eyes, but that was like a womb like a sheep’s head The statue is still in his head, still watching him.

It is the 10000 1000 offspring in the womb watching him …

The sacrificed life, the sacrificed life, the life waiting to come to the world, the aborted life …

Suddenly, Gu Jun’s heart tightened and fell on the floor of the nursery, twitching uncontrollably.

“Gu Captain!” With a terrified cry, the door of the nursery room was pushed open, and Yu Chi hurried up, yelling, “Save people, come and save people!”

Wu Shiyu just got up from the waiting chair. Feng Peiqian has rushed into the nursery room, and will suddenly push away from Chi, and rushed to Gu Jun’s side, “Is it artificial respiration, I will come!” As Feng Peiqian’s lips were about to fall, Gu Jun took a deep breath, muttered: “No, no …”

Yu Chi immediately rejoiced and helped Gu Jun with Feng Peiqian.

Feng Peiqian was quietly sighed in relief.

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