Plague Doctor

Chapter 619

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Immediately after the action personnel took Li Chutao away, another reviewer, Wang Xiang, was on top, who was sent by the Mystery Bureau. Compared to their natural talents, they can be more emotionally rational.

In these days, the five reviewers sitting underneath have changed depending on who is good at what project, and Zhai Minghui may also be absent.

In this way, we can cope with the current situation, and we will not be in a hurry, and 2 will not make Gu Jun aware of it.

It’s about 8 o’clock in the morning, and the white noise of their headphones has long disappeared. At this time, the dispatch of the podium: “The subject is about to arrive, please prepare for the reviewers.” The atmosphere in the review room is more solemn, Zhai Minghui , Wang Xiang and others looked at the direction of the corridor door.

Soon, Gu Jun arrived in the company of the two operators, and Gu Jun said to them as usual: “Good morning, everyone.”

Then he walked down to the chair in the middle and sat down.

Compared with ten or two days ago, Gu Jun was thinner and his calm face looked a bit pale. During this time, he was indoors and had never seen sunlight.

“Gu Captain, let’s do some question-and-answer surveys next.” Zhai Minghui said, “You only need to answer yes, no, or somewhere in between, and press” very light, light, medium, heavy, serious “for each answer. 2-1 points are divided into Level 5 and customized score. If you are very sure, you answer ‘OK, 5 points’; if you don’t think there is an answer, answer ‘between 5’, light close to yes, heavy close to no. Do you have any questions? “

“No.” Gu Jun said.

“Let’s get started. Is the essay World often hovering in your head?”

After Zhai Minghui asked, Gu Jun was silent for a moment, and he replied: “Yes, 5 points.”

The reviewers documented in their respective documents that this answer was no surprise, and Zhai Minghui then asked: “You leave Lei Sheng before you re-recognize the existence of the foreign world. During your growth, the difference Does the concept of Wen World related things appear in your mind or dreams? “

Gu Jun slightly moved his shoulders and exhaled. Maybe he had thought about this problem for a long time.

Psychology believes that a person’s entire life is influenced by the experiences of infancy and childhood. Even if the consciousness does not remember the things of those times, all are still subconsciously, affecting one’s personality and all aspects.

Gu Jun’s memory has been blocked, and there are a lot of forgotten, but what happened in his childhood must have affected him.

The foreign world, those scenes, cultures, information … Is it always haunting him? It has been that way since he was born? In some form?

Like writing a composition, drawing a picture, an unexplained idea in your mind, choose the path to study medicine?

“Yes.” Gu Jun replied, “3 points.”

The reviewers continued to record, Zhai Minghui did not give the other party time to stop, pushing this high pressure: “Now the foreign language World For you, when you think of its things, the foreign language, the leihua tree, the Kalop Academy, do you Will there be a feeling of hometown? “

Although this interrogation has just begun, the intensity of the problem has gradually increased.

I don’t know what Gu Jun hearing this thought, his eyes slightly gathered.

This problem has obviously stirred the heart of this elite who is familiar with psychology and censorship mechanisms.

If Yiwen World is the hometown, what is Earth World?

“Between the two.” After ten seconds of pause, Gu Jun finally replied, “But my home is here. I’m pretty sure about this.”

Zhai Minghui didn’t judge, only said: “Gu Captain, you haven’t customized the answer for this answer yet.”

“2 points.” Gu Jun said.

“You have had many experiences of contact with illusions, most of the records are related to the foreign world.” Zhai Minghui also said, “Do you feel that it is easier to connect with the foreign world than other connections? ? “

The people in the celestial bureau can be so closely connected with the foreign world, one is Gu Jun, the other is Deng Ximei, and Gu Jun is far ahead.

Others only have some faintly discernible connections after the Mistbreaker team has established a mental barrier.

The other is that people with high spiritual knowledge, Spiritual Power training, and knowledge of medicine can feel a little special when they come into contact with Calup equipment, like Wang Ruoxiang. But their connection has never reached the strength to trigger the illusion, and there is always something missing.

Gu Jun is also clear about these situations. In fact, the Curse Department has studied this about how to connect with the light power of the Kalop Academy.

But ask this question now …

“Yes, 5 points.” Gu Jun replied that there was nothing to stop this time. “It’s easier, more. It has something to do with my spirit boy’s innate talent. This has long been finalized.”

Wang Xiang, Zhang Pingru, Chen Xiawen and other reviewers remained silent. Zhai Minghui turned over a page of documents and asked again: “A lot of these illusions are described by you as a certain moment of time. The most commonly used adjectives, but you also use adjectives such as ‘大大’ ‘美’. “

These all are derived from Gu Jun’s own previous reports.

“Is it at a certain time-maybe just a momentary feeling, or a single thought flashing in your mind, do you think those disasters are noble?”

The question asked by Zhai Minghui was actually as early as Gu Jun officially joined the review of the Medical Department of Dongzhou Tianji Bureau, and was noticed by the reviewers that Gu Jun is a person who pursues loftiness. He cares about the Profound Truth of life, the end of science, the truth of the universe. He believes that there is a higher truth above the human social form.

When it comes to “greatness”, his first reaction is great work.

Such people can sacrifice themselves in order to realize their ideals and pursue loftiness.

Used for the good, it is the dream chaser and praised hero; for the bad, it is the evil believer who wisely does the craziest thing.

At that time, the Dongzhou reviewers rated Gu Jun as good and kind.

What has happened in the past few years is verifying the original assessment.

Including that 2 free medical plan for all people, obviously that is what Jun thinks is noble.

However, there is also ample evidence that the human ficus tree also gives Gu Jun a noble sense of heart.

What about the plague shaping New World? Is doom fair? What about others?

If the sublime of free medical care for all people in 2 circles is to be realized, how should it be realized?

“Between the two …” Gu Jun’s complexion changed a little, showing his boredom, “2 points.”

“Gu Captain, please explain your thoughts on this issue.” Zhai Minghui did not miss this opportunity to pressurize.

The disaster itself-9 state ruptures, floods, Atlantis sinking, Heavenspan Pagoda collapse, Black Death … will it be some kind of lofty …

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