Plague Doctor

Chapter 639

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[Mystery comes out, death arrives, phantom appears, crazy appears

Heaven is in chaos, disaster is happening, rebellion starts, and great collapse occurs】

A few days ago, Wu Shiyu thought of this legend of later generations, the more he thought the more wrong …

If the prophecy “chaos of heaven” is not at all in the past?

She is still staying at the base of the curse department for a week, and a supervision team sent by the special operations department has become the tail. She continued to do her own thing, and the information she checked was already within the celestial bureau.

She went along with their research and combined with the current situation, she had some new ideas.

In terms of Peacock and Moqing, because of the “chaotic turmoil”, it led to the “era of catastrophe”-that is, the three types of disasters that affected the world, including blood lung disease, heterosquamous disease and petrochemical disease. It’s just that the chronological order is unknown, and these legends of later generations have been seriously transformed.

Now it seems that the blood-lung disease is the new Legion’s disease, heterosquamous disease has also occurred, but “petrochemical disease” has never appeared …

The speculation in the previous game is that the future has been changed, and petrochemical disease has been strangled in the cradle.

If these three disasters are all related to the Lai Shenghui and Lalaiye sect, now one is annihilated and the other is subsided, and it seems reasonable that the petrochemical disease is killed.


Take a look at what happened recently, not to mention the people of later generations, even contemporary people, most of them do n’t know the real cause of Xian Jun ’s death-the past few days The Xian Jun ’s death was announced to some sections in the bureau. A big shock, but most people think that Xian Jun really died of a brain stem tumor.

In the legends of future generations, the heroes of Tianji died in the battle of nightmares and sacrificed themselves vigorously.

Is n’t it awful to die of brainstem tumors and internal strife? It is also not conducive to the unity of human tinder and unyielding survival, and the heroic sacrifice is different.

Peacock and Moqing knew very little about the petrochemical disease, and the information of later generation legendary was so little.

Xian Jun suspected that the power behind it was Lalaiye, and also suspected that the yellow clothes brother would, but is there any other Dark Force?

It is with these various questions in mind that Wu Shiyu read Higashino Keigo. Others reading Higashino Keigo is Higashino Keigo, but she reads Higashino Keigo, but she also reads Nishino Keigo, Nanye Keigo and Kitano Keigo because of synesthesia.

Now, the situation of the Tianji Bureau is completely worthy of “chaos in heaven” …

Although haemopulmonary disease and heterosquamous disease have occurred, they may return in a swirl of dust; petrochemical disease is more likely to appear suddenly.

While studying this day by day, Wu Shiyu’s recent sense of abnormal power surge has become stronger …

This afternoon, the sky was dark and hazy, she put down the collection of Higashino Keigo, brought some materials, and walked out of the study.

The person supervising the squad was outside this house, led by a middle-aged woman Zhang Jingjing with short hair.

Wu Shiyu walked straight to the administrative building, Zhang Jingjing and the others followed, she looked at them and asked, “Do you know what you are doing? I mean what do you want to supervise me? Prevent me from being lazy meat?”

“Shi Yu …” Zhang Jingjing replied, “We observe your emotions and activities and don’t want you to do irrational things because of excessive sadness.”

“Yes.” Wu Shiyu was nodded. “Don’t worry about me, it’s the dark organization outside.”

She went all the way to a conference hall in the administrative building. She called Lou Xiaoning, Uncle Egg, and Shen Court Academecian at the base. Shen Court Academecian was very busy recently, and dozens of new people officially joined the spell department. But this matter is very important. Tong Ye is not called when he is busy at the headquarters.

Her behavior supervision team looked in the eyes, and a middle-aged man named Xiang Jiantian from the Special Operations Department asked to participate in the meeting remotely.

This was all in Wu Shiyu’s plan, because she had a question that she wanted to ask someone from the Special Operations Department.

Since this meeting does not yet know what level of confidentiality will be involved, only the high-level Zhang Jingjing will leave the Conference Hall.

“Well, then I started to say, everyone knows Black Mountain sheep, negative choice life meeting.”

Wu Shiyu sat on an office chair and turned the back of the chair slightly, saying: “Well, Xianjun called the Black Mountain sheep. Negative choice life will come from the world of different texts. Now Xianjun and negative choice life will be both. No longer, will Black Mountain sheep disappear in our World? “

She never felt that Xian Jun brought disaster, is it that human civilization was the state of world peace before Xian Jun was born?

“Here is some research that Xian Jun and Yu Chi Captain did before.”

Wu Shiyu picked up a document on the conference table, “The content of each page of information has been recorded into the archives of the Tianji Bureau, you can find it.” She looked at Zhang Jingjing next to it, and looked at the direction Jiantian raised a page of color pictures in the document, “This is the god Amon in ancient Egyptian mythology.”

“Amon, Amonra, Amon God, the enemy is the twin brother Apepu, Apepu symbolizes chaos, destruction, death, darkness, poisonous snake, does this remind you of anything? For example, Nayara Totip? “

“Amunla is Sun God and fertility god, symbolizing creativity, power, power, life force, and powerful reproductive ability.”

“The Karnak Temple is the largest temple in Egypt and the center of worship for the god Amon. To enter the gate of the temple, you must first walk a 300-meter-long corridor called the Ram Road Because on the left and right sides of Yongdao, there are 2 stone sculptures of lion heads with sheep heads.

“Because of the god Amon, ancient Egypt did not kill rams, only one was killed every year on Amon’s birthday, and then wrapped the Amon’s idol with its skin.”

“The image of God Amun is usually a horn with a pair of small rams on his head, which is called ‘Amon Horn’.”

“Before the god Amon in ancient Egypt, the Sun God in the form of a ram can be traced back to the earlier Nubian inscription, which is called ‘Nubian-Amun’. In addition, a tomb of King Ur was once unearthed , Lapis Lazuli and a mosaic made of shells, “Goat and Holy Tree”, is one of the symbols of Sumerian civilization. “

“2 River civilization and ancient Egyptian civilization have ram worship. In ancient Greek civilization, ancient India and Persia, you can also find the inheritance of ram worship.”

Wu Shiyu raised another drawing and looked at it himself, some ancient Egyptians with Amon horns and black robes.

“So, did the Amun God remind you of anything? Do you think there is Black Mountain sheep worship in our native human civilization?”

There was silence in the Conference Hall, and Court Academecian, Lou Xiaoning and Uncle Egg all looked at the conference screen expressionlessly.

This research is not new. The possible relationship between Shabu-Nicholas and Amon God is known by the Curse Department and the headquarters also knows that Gu Jun impossible is the first Black Mountain sheep caller in this world, but he still doubts it. Gu Jun is some kind of doom beacon.

The square-faced of Xiang Jiantian in the conference screen is a bit ugly, I do n’t know what to think …

“I have a feeling recently.” Wu Shiyu added, “The power of the Black Mountain sheep is active in this World again.”

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