Plague Doctor

Chapter 687

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The 16-year-old patient named Kevin Greer had a worsening condition and had new symptoms.

In this latest clinical image transmitted by FBM to the Tianji Bureau, he sat on the edge of the hospital bed, his body became stiff due to ossification, and his skin was black like the water of the Negro River. From yesterday, on the 7th day after the onset, he began to exhibit a delirium-like mental state.

“That pyramid keeps appearing in front of me … that is not an illusion, it is in front of me … I can only dream of that pyramid when I sleep, it is there … it is my body, I am part of it … Get it off, please, help me get it off … “

Kevin Greer scratched his head with both hands in pain, but it just became more uncomfortable immediately. The stiff hands could not be bent, which caused severe pain.

And the only pyramid he saw was still there, Shadow Chase, crushing each of his muscles and bonding them together.

“The Pyramid is still there, still!” Kevin Greer suddenly got up like crazy, but because the two ankles also had soft tissue ossification, he fell back to the bed with pain when he got up. Control your own body.

The same is true of patients with severe petrochemical disease. Even if they struggle with resentment, they can’t do it if they want to harm themselves or commit suicide.

After Kevin Greer struggled uselessly, he lay motionless on the hospital bed, only hissing like a trapped beast.

His status was designated as the 3rd stage of petrochemical disease by FBM’s medical team.

The patients at this stage are not only ossified, they have water flu in the body, they are also petrified. FBM conducted a mental examination on over 1000 3rd Stage patients and found that they had delirium, forgetfulness, amnesia, dementia, etc., so it seems that it will only become a living dead.

The pyramids that appear in front of the 3rd Stage patients have the same point. The whole is a scarlet. Looking closely at the stones on the wall are human bones, and each has a different head.

No one can say exactly where this pyramid exists. But every country knows that it must not be allowed to come to this World.

In order to do a good job of disease control, related information such as pyramids and floods have been blocked worldwide.

It’s just that in New York, Lundy and other places, some new patients who have just developed the disease show a new trend in the transmission of petrochemicals.

It was like a surging flood breaking through another dam, causing even greater harm.

When these patients were interviewed, they recalled that not at all the direct pyramid contact history was not searched online or learned from the media.

They have been in contact with the pyramid for the first time in recent days only because they walked the streets of the city and saw high-rise buildings.

“At that time, there were a lot of cars on the road, a lot of people …” One of the patients Ian Johnson said blankly, “You know, the surroundings are very noisy, the sound of cars, the noise of passers-by, and some talking on mobile , Some are making trouble, I feel a little irritable, and then, those high-rise buildings remind me of the pyramid suddenly, I do n鈥檛 know why, just remembered … “

Almost all of these patients have the same statement.

“I remembered the pyramid, and then I felt more bored.” Another patient named Jack Otto gasped and talked, and his rib cage had become ossified. “So many high-rise buildings, the whole city, seems like On me, I ca n鈥檛 breathe … “

“I haven’t been to Egypt, and I don’t have any hobby on the pyramids.” A female patient, Dina Pullman, was anxious to get an answer. “The great valley of Colorado is also impossible. There is a pyramid. Right. On the side, overlooking the scenery, I feel that this is really great, too wide … Suddenly unfathomable mystery, I remembered the pyramid, and even seemed to see it in front, why is this? “

Dina Pullman represents another new class of patients. They also have no recent history of pyramid contact, and they did not get sick in the city, but faced with natural scenery, or mountains or the sea, these let them Feel the magnificent things, and then the pyramid appears.

“Don’t think about the pyramids, don’t see the tall buildings, don’t see the tall things, don’t touch the noble things!”

The sentence that Liu Jiecheng said madly before he died, now the Tianji Bureau understands the meaning, this sentence has actually revealed the transmission path of petrochemical disease.

Disasters that are happening all over the world have gradually become out of control. From 5010000 patients to 10010000 patients, it took only one day.

Even those developed regions are facing the collapse of medical resources, too many patients at the same time, too few medical staff.

And this epidemic situation has gradually been unable to cover up the people, and the networks of these countries have become more chaotic.

On the other hand, since the disaster did not occur in the kingdom of heaven, even though the epidemic is so severe, human civilization may be going to extinction. Many open strife and veiled struggles between countries have begun. While FBM shared information with the Tianji Bureau, it apparently kept one hand, and even the Tianji Bureau also investigated.

The trust between each other is inherently fragile, and has never even existed.

Medical teams in various countries have long been helpless. If this is a mental disease with only 3rd Stage symptoms, it can still be treated with lobectomy, but this is not the case. The autoimmune system does have problems. Alkaline phosphatase and bone-specific alkali Sex phosphatase can’t go down and cut the brain is useless.

In addition, many things that happen are beyond the scope of medicine.

Professor Liu Qiqing, Professor Glasser and the others, regardless of whether they have been sick, are mentally and physically exhausted.

It is also possible to block information, but how can we prevent people from reaching high-rise buildings? Modern civilization is built on high-rise buildings.

impossible to make everyone suddenly evacuate back to the village, it is equivalent to order collapse, and the village can also have tall buildings, and natural scenery …

Even without these outside things, human beings can just look at the sky and feel a lofty feeling. The sky is the tallest thing.

“We can’t control it …” Professor Glasser’s voice was hoarse. After only one day, his condition reached the critical point of the 3rd Stage. He was powerless to admit that he and the entire FBM medical team failed: “We can’t do anything, even There was no means of bloodletting in the Middle Ages. “

Petrified disease, one of the three diseases that destroyed human civilization in the legends of later generations of Earth City.

If the epidemic is a flood, the water level is already high.

It was in this situation that the Joint Mobile Task Force “Rockbreaker Squad” dispatched by the 2nd Bureau of Tianxuan set off for Egypt.

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