Plane Master Copy

Chapter 103: : Crisis of Emperor Shitian

The three-pointed energy ball, and the countless sword-qi collisions of Wanjian's return, almost caused the whole mountain summit to tremble. Such a mighty power really made Wuyan look fascinated.

From the point of crystal point, both the hero and the sword sage have reached the level of the fourth-level awakeners. Their power is really amazing.

After a long time, the energy ball of the three-point returning energy shattered, and the male domineerer looked pale as gold paper. Obviously, he forced the unskilled three-point returning energy, which caused a great burden on the male dominator and suffered internal injuries.

On the other side, the breath of the sword saint is also very weak, and he has released Wan Jian Guizong with all his strength, which is not a small burden for him.

After all, his practice of returning to Wanzong is still short, and he also used his martial arts before practicing.

"Male domineering, the old man despised you", the sword saint's eyes fell on the male domineering, and the war intention in his eyes became more and more high, and the sword intention on his body also boiled.

"Swordmaster, it really deserves its name", the male domineering eyes fell on the swordmaster's body, and he spoke with admiration.

Although Xiongba is very confident in his martial arts, he also has to admit that the sword martial arts is indeed as powerful as rumors.

"No need to say more nonsense, let's use the last move to determine the victory." Although the sword master is full of swordsmanship, but his own current physical condition can not support his long-term battle, he suggested.

"Okay, let's make a decision!" Xiongba nodded.

He suffered internal injuries at the moment, and he couldn't fight for a long time. He naturally had no objection to the words of the sword master.

The martial arts people who watched the battle around them retreated further.

的 The battle between these two people was originally shocking. Now, we must bet on the last move. This last move must be shocking.

In the last move, I saw that Xiongba raised his index finger, and the energy of three-point returning energy all converged on his fingertips.

Wan Jun's strength is condensed at one point. Naturally, this destructive force is the strongest.

Jian Jiansheng took a deep breath, and also picked up a sword tactic. Immediately, countless sword qi erupted with his movements, and then all these sword qi came together.

The sword air of tangible material, with continuous convergence and compression, seems to have condensed into a substantial general at this time.

"Three-pointed finger!", Xiongba screamed in his mouth, and pointed his finger at the sword master.

This condensed a forceful finger, destroying the trend of dying, it seems that nothing in the world can resist.

"Million swords return to the ancestors!"

Wanjian Guizong was originally a group attacking ability, and instantly released hundreds of swords to go out, sweeping everything, but when controlling the convergence of these swords, the single attack was also very powerful.

The condensed sword qi collided with the domineering three-pointer's fingers, and the invisible energy burst out where the two collided, turning into a shock wave.

A terrible shock wave passed, almost like a strong bomb, setting off a terrible hurricane.

After a long time, when the aftermath of these explosions dissipated, I saw that the domineering look looked weak, and the corners of his mouth were still overflowing with blood.

However, the appearance of the sword saint is not much better, the high-powered sword in his body has almost disappeared at this time, and the whole person looks like a bad old man.

"It's a pity!", Looking at the appearance of Juggernaut, murmured in the heart of Xiongba.

My own three-point return strength is just a few tricks that I have just realized and have not yet achieved success, otherwise, I will definitely defeat the sword master.

"It's a pity ..." In fact, it's a pity not only in the domineering heart, but also the sword master.

If it was earlier, if he hadn't self-defeated martial arts before, the sword saint felt that with his sword's 22 skills, it would be enough to defeat the hegemon.

If it is a little later, when he becomes more proficient when he returns to Wanzong, he can also defeat the hegemon. This decisive battle period is at the heart of this section.

"It's awesome ..." Bystanders, naturally did not know the thoughts of Xiong Ba and Jian Sheng. For them, just after World War I had caused them a great shock.

The strength of the sword master is worthy of the name, but what makes people shock is that the hegemon can actually compete with the sword master, which is surprising.

I did not expect that the strength of the hegemon actually reached such a situation.

"Swordmaster, today's victory is not divided, how about you and I choose another day to fight?", After secretly adjusting his breath for a moment, the hegemon said to the swordmaster.

One's own three-point return strength can be successful, after all, the two sword sages are older than themselves. After a few years, their strength will decline even if they are old and weak. After the first battle today, it can be determined that the next few years I must win!

"Yes, my husband can fight at any time!", Jian Sheng heard the words, nodded his head very simply.

Similarly, in his opinion, after his Wanjian returns to Dacheng, will this hegemony be his opponent? If you do it later, you will definitely win!

This battle is over here. The decisive battle between the sword sage and the male hegemony ended in a draw, which is unexpected.

However, everyone can accept this ending. After all, the strength just demonstrated by the tyrants and sword sages has indeed been recognized by everyone.

After the end of the decisive battle, Juggernaut didn't mean to stay in the world much more ~ ​​ ~ Even the people who didn't care about Wushuangcheng's retention on themselves turned around and left.

Many masters in the world meeting watched him leave, with awe in his eyes.

出 Shot today, Juggernaut proved himself again with his own strength.

As for the hegemony? Although he did not defeat Juggernaut, he glanced around and glanced at the martial art masters who would be invited by the world, but he was secretly satisfied that he was not defeated after all, wasn't he?

I was able to draw a tie with Juggernaut. For Xiongba, the purpose of this duel has been achieved.

Through this battle today, his reputation in the rivers and lakes will inevitably rise to the point where he is on par with Swordmaster.

"I didn't expect that Xiongba actually realized the true meaning of some three-point returning energy in advance. It seems that after they were abused once by Emperor Shaotian, have they bottomed out and bounced back?" Wu Yan, can say that he saw Jian Sheng with his own eyes There was some speculation in the battle with the hero.

He was the Emperor Shitian next to him. He smiled, and looked at Wu Yan with a finger, saying, "It seems that your guess is wrong, and the two of them ended up being tied."

In Emperor Shi Tian's eyes, there was some strange light.

Although Emperor Shi Tian thought that Wu Yan still had some interests in all aspects of martial arts, the most important thing was actually the ability of Wu Yan facies.

He was wrong about the battle of sword princes and hegemons, which made Di Shitian's heart have some doubts about his ability to fight against each other.

I did not hesitate to spend so much energy, even thinking of assigning Luo Xianxu to him, in order to help him to kill the dragon by virtue of his ability to phase.

However, if his ability to do so is only false, Emperor Shao Tian feels like he has been deceived.

Xi Emperor Shi Tian was angry, with serious consequences ...

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